SBM 2013 - San Francisco in March! For annual meeting information, including registration and housing information, please visit www.sbm.org/meetings/2013. It's only a month away and all the preparation that has gone into planning the 34th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine is nearly complete.
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SBM Consultation Program: Be a Part of it!
In 2012, the Education, Training and Career Development (ETCD) Council launched a web-based Consultation Program designed to facilitate the exchange of information and resources between SBM members. The Consultation Program can help overcome real or perceived barriers to approaching an SBM colleague with a question. Read more »
Development Committee Update
The Development Committee for the Society of Behavioral Medicine has been working to renew past sources of support for our Society, and to establish new relationships with organizations that share our interest in supporting and disseminating evidence-based behavioral interventions that maintain and improve physical and mental health and quality of life for patients.
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Health Policy Committee Update The Health Policy Committee (HPC) identifies, assesses and develops key opportunities to inform the policy debate at the federal level on issues related to the SBM mission. The Committee seeks to develop policy positions for the Society to be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee acting for the Board. These briefs are designed to highlight the contributions of behavioral medicine in advancing healthcare and public health. Read more »
Child & Family Health SIG Update "At last the mighty task is done" is the first line of Joseph Strauss's poem that he wrote upon completion of the Golden Gate Bridge in 1937. Although the task of building it was complete, the bridge's usefulness in joining lands separated by the strait remains to this day. Bridges are our great connectors - allowing commerce and communication to more easily be established.
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Obesity and Eating Disorders SIG Update
The Obesity and Eating Disorders SIG is committed to fostering interdisciplinary research and training in the areas of obesity and eating disorders, and strives to provide an environment of mentorship and support to students and junior investigators in these areas. As such, we are excited to be recognizing outstanding research abstracts from our graduate student members at the upcoming 2013 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA through our Obesity and Eating Disorders SIG Graduate Student Research Award.
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Behavioral Informatics SIG: 2013 Annual Meeting Events: Excitement and Evidence The rapid evolution and uptake of technologies such as smart phones and tablets, Twitter™, and electronic and personal health records has reinforced the need to understand how such tools are being used by individuals and groups for health-related purposes. Read more »
Cancer SIG Update The Need for International Collaborative Psycho-Oncology Research Undoubtedly, high quality collaborative research is the future of cancer control efforts. Basic science, medical and technological advances in the detection and treatment of cancer promise success in cancer control. Yet, ubiquitous challenges remain when such advances are translated to individuals or populations.
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Student SIG Update
In light of SBM's upcoming annual meeting topic of "Technology: the Excitement and the Evidence", I interviewed Heather S.L. Jim, PhD, assistant member at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL, who researches side effects and increasing quality of life in cancer patients undergoing treatment. Read more »
The Mama Move Project: Increasing Physical Activity in new mothers by encouraging Moms to actively exercise with their infant
Becoming a mother is a significant transition in a woman's life accompanied by changes in social, cultural, economic, and family factors that can change a woman's priorities with respect to her health behaviors. Up to one-year postpartum, 57% of women are sedentary/underactive, reporting they rarely or never exercise and studies demonstrate women with children are more inactive than their same age/gender peers without children. Read more »
Newest Issues of Annals of Behavioral Medicine and Translational Behavioral Medicine
SBM's two journals, Annals of Behavioral Medicine and Translational Behavioral Medicine (TBM), continuously publish articles online, many of which become available before issues are printed. A few of the newest Annals and TBM articles currently accessible online are listed below. Read more »
Honors & Awards
This article showcases some of SBM members' recent honors and awards. If you would like to have your honor or award featured in the next issue, please forward the details of your achievement to Amanda Graham, PhD, Outlook Editor. Congratulations to all of the following members. Read more »
Classified Advertising
Deadline and Rates
To advertise in the Spring/Summer 2013 edition of Outlook, please supply ad copy to the SBM National Office. Please contact the National Office for additional information.
Benjamin Stumpf
Program Manager
Society of Behavioral Medicine
555 East Wells Street, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202-3823
Phone: (414) 918-3156
Fax: (414) 276-3349
E-mail: bstumpf@sbm.org
Alan J. Christensen, PhD
Dawn K. Wilson, PhD
Abby C. King, PhD
Michael A. Diefenbach, PhD
Gary G. Bennett, PhD
Member Delegate
Jennifer K. Carroll, MD, MPH
Member Delegate
Sherry L. Pagoto, PhD
Member Delegate
Council Chairs
Laura S. Porter, PhD
Education, Training & Career Development Chair
Brent Van Dorsten, PhD
Membership Chair
Timothy W. Smith, PhD
Publications & Communications Chair
Sara J. Knight, PhD
Scientific & Professional Liaison Chair
Claudio R. Nigg, PhD
Special Interest Groups Chair
Committee Chairs
Laura L. Hayman, RN, PhD, FAAN
Awards Chair
Geoffrey C. Williams, MD, PhD
Development Chair
Paul B. Jacobsen, PhD
Evidence-Based Behavioral Medicine Chair
Michael A. Diefenbach, PhD
Finance Chair
Marian L. Fitzgibbon, PhD
Health Policy Chair
Abby C. King, PhD
Nominating Chair
Margaret L. Schneider, PhD
Program Chair
Elliot J. Coups, PhD
Program Co-Chair
Melissa A. Clark, PhD
Program Support Chair
Christopher R. France, PhD
Annals Editor
Bonnie Spring, PhD, ABPP
Translational Behavioral Medicine Editor
Amanda L. Graham, PhD
Outlook Editor
Ellen Beckjord, PhD
Website Editor