SBM 2013 - San Francisco in March!
For annual meeting information, including registration and housing information, please visit
It's only a month away and all the preparation that has gone into planning the 34th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine is nearly complete.
This year's meeting promises to be well-attended, in large part due to the timely and relevant theme "Technology: The Excitement and the Evidence." The rapid evolution and uptake of technology have reinforced the need to understand how such tools are being used by individuals and groups for health-related purposes.
Running from Tuesday March 19 (a pre-conference day) through Saturday March 23, the meeting will feature workshops, seminars, Special Interest Group courses and meetings, four educationally-rich poster sessions that showcase 1,200 abstracts submitted by SBM members and colleagues from other disciplines, as well as dynamic plenary session speakers that represent the breadth and depth of the field.
All sessions will take place in the Hilton Union Square, a centrally-located hotel in beautiful downtown San Francisco. Conference housing at discounted prices will be offered only until Tuesday February 26. Rooms might be available after that date but the discounted rate will not apply.
Early bird meeting registration is offered for only one more day - until Wednesday February 20.
Register now! We hope to see you there!
ETCD Update
SBM Consultation Program: Be a Part of it!
By Laura Porter, PhD, ETCD Council Chair
In 2012, the Education, Training and Career Development (ETCD) Council launched a web-based Consultation Program designed to facilitate the exchange of information and resources between SBM members. The Consultation Program can help overcome real or perceived barriers to approaching an SBM colleague with a question. Prospective consultees can identify expert consultants on the SBM website and contact them with specific questions pertaining to scientific topic areas as well as career development issues.
What are the benefits of a Consultation Program?
- First, while most SBM members are open and willing to consult with others, some are more willing and available than others! Those who have agreed to be consultants have explicitly indicated that they are receptive to inquiries from others about their work. This explicit permission is especially helpful for members who may be more tentative about contacting someone they don't know.
- Second, the consultation program is a valuable resource to new SBM members, and those who do not have institutional connections to other SBM members, who may otherwise have difficulty identifying who to contact with their questions.
- Third, this ongoing forum enables SBM members to connect with each other throughout the year rather than relying solely on the networking opportunities at the annual meeting.
Currently, we have consultants represented from five SIGs (Cancer, Integrated Primary Care, Obesity & Eating Disorders, Pain, and Child & Family Health) as well as Clinical Career Development Issues. However, the Consultation Program is open to all SBM members regardless of SIG membership. The program is still in the early phases of development, and we need your help to grow this into a valuable resource for the SBM membership. Please consider doing one or all of the following:
- Volunteer to serve as a consultant: Whether you are early in your career or more seasoned, you likely have valuable knowledge and experience that would benefit other members. The Consultation Program gives you the opportunity to connect with other members who share your interests with a minimal time commitment. We welcome consultants both within and outside of SIG content areas, as well as consultants focused on career issues in clinical, industry and military settings.
- Use the program yourself: Whether you are a postdoc looking for advice on negotiating your first job, or a full professor delving into a new area of research, your fellow SBM members may be able to provide the knowledge and guidance you need.
- Refer your trainees and colleagues to the program for their consultation needs.
The program, and guidelines for its use, can be accessed by logging into the Members Only section of the SBM website and clicking on the link to the Consultation Program.
Finally, I would like to thank the members of the Consultation Program development committee for their creative ideas and dedication to the project: Lori Pbert, Shawna Ehlers, Kristi Graves and Aimee James.
Development Committee Update
By Geoffrey C. Williams, MD, PhD, Development Committee Chair; and Eric Hekler, PhD
The Development Committee for the Society of Behavioral Medicine has been working to renew past sources of support for our Society, and to establish new relationships with organizations that share our interest in supporting and disseminating evidence-based behavioral interventions that maintain and improve physical and mental health and quality of life for patients.
Led by SBM Board member, Dr. Sherry Pagoto, SBM submitted an R13 proposal to the National Institutes of Health for support of the Annual Meeting. Sherry's extensive efforts entailed conferring with various NIH Institutes and Centers to ascertain funding interest and drafting the proposal itself. It is anticipated that we will hear of a decision in mid to late March 2013. Many thanks to Sherry and her team!
The American Cancer Society has pledged $4,000 of support for the Annual Meeting and, as in past years, American Legacy Foundation/The Schroeder Institute for Tobacco Research and Policy Studies have provided $3,000 of support. Alere Wellbeing has again provided $2,000 for the Research to Practice award and Springer publishing company is again supporting student travel awards. We are very grateful to all these organizations for their generous support; it allows SBM to offer a meeting rich with multi-disciplinary sessions that advance knowledge and the field of behavioral medicine.
Exhibitors and advertisers from previous meetings are also being contacted. In light of the meeting theme "Technology: The Excitement and the Evidence", several health technology companies will be demonstrating their products in the exhibit hall.
New this year, a meeting app will allow attendees to easily search the entire program on their electronic devices and we're hoping to find a sponsor for it.
SBM Members are encouraged to contact the Development Committee if you know of any organizations that may be interested in supporting the Annual Meeting at or
Health Policy Committee Update
By Marian L. Fitzgibbon, PhD, Health Policy Committee Chair
The Health Policy Committee (HPC) identifies, assesses and develops key opportunities to inform the policy debate at the federal level on issues related to the SBM mission. The Committee seeks to develop policy positions for the Society to be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee acting for the Board. These briefs are designed to highlight the contributions of behavioral medicine in advancing healthcare and public health.
A major focus of HPC activity during the past several years has been to identify areas where SBM can position itself in matters that can impact policy. For example, in 2008, HPC members Drs. Marian Fitzgibbon, Laura Hayman, and Debra Haire-Joshu wrote a brief entitled, "Childhood Obesity: A Policy Statement of the Society of Behavioral Medicine" which is now posted on the SBM website. Following this, in an effort to understand the role of behavior in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, a review paper was initiated by Dr. Ed Fisher. The goal of the paper was to highlight the role of behavior as central to health and the role of behavioral interventions to prevent disease, improve disease management, increase quality of life, and reduce healthcare costs. A summary of evidence was presented for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer that included key risk factors such as tobacco use, poor diet, physical inactivity and excessive alcohol consumption. For each chronic disease, data were synthesized related to: (1) moderation of genetic and other fundamental biological influences by behaviors and social/environmental factors; (2) impacts of behaviors on health; (3) success of behavioral interventions in prevention; (4) disease management; (5) quality of life; and (6) improvements in the health of populations through behavioral health promotion programs. Evidence strongly supported the cost effectiveness and value of behavioral interventions. Other HPC members including, Drs. Marian Fitzgibbon, Russ Glasgow, Debra Haire-Joshu, Laura Hayman, Robert Kaplan, Marilyn " Susie" Nanney, and Judith Ockene each made major contributions to this piece which was published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine in 2011. (PMICID:3137947).
The HPC is now developing a model where we work closely with the Public Policy Leadership Group (PPLG), other SBM key stakeholders such as president-elect, Dr. Dawn Wilson, content experts that are not necessarily members of the HPC, and Special Interest Groups (SIG) chairs. We are also creating senior investigator/early career investigator partnerships to advance relevant health policy briefs in a timely manner, while also more formally structuring a mentor/mentee process to advance the careers of developing early career scholars. Through this process we will identify senior content experts on the HPC that can mentor more early career investigators in the writing of briefs. Our hope is that this model will provide SBM with convincing and persuasive briefs that are useful to policy makers, while also establishing a mentoring model that is advantageous to SBM members at different stages in their careers. Our first brief will focus on the role of community park revitalization and physical activity. Dr. Paul Estabrooks will serve as the senior content expert. Dr. Natalie Colabianchi, research assistant professor at the University of Michigan, and Dr. Sandy Slater, a research assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago will take the lead as the early career investigators. Dr. David Marquez, chair of the Physical Activity SIG, will also be involved, with additional consultation by Drs. James Sallis and Abby King, as needed.
Finally, HPC is delighted that Dr. Amy Yaroch has agreed to be a member of the HPC. A longstanding member of SBM, Amy was formerly a program director/behavioral scientist at the National Cancer Institute and is currently the Executive Director of the Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition in Omaha, Nebraska.
Child & Family Health SIG Update
By Bernard Fuemmeler, PhD, MPH, Child & Family Health SIG Chair-Elect; and Kenneth P. Tercyak, PhD, Child & Family Health SIG Chair
"At last the mighty task is done" is the first line of Joseph Strauss's poem that he wrote upon completion of the Golden Gate Bridge in 1937. Although the task of building it was complete, the bridge's usefulness in joining lands separated by the strait remains to this day. Bridges are our great connectors - allowing commerce and communication to more easily be established.
While not as monumental as construction of the Golden Gate Bridge, the formidable task of establishing the Child & Family Health (CFH) SIG is now well behind us. As an interdisciplinary forum for members of SBM concerned with the health and well-being of children, adolescents and families, we are involved in the conduct of research and provision of services to promote child health and development, prevent childhood illness and injury and foster family adjustment to chronic illnesses and other physical conditions of childhood.
We envision the future of the CFH SIG as a bridge of sorts - connecting those interested in pediatric and family health to the broader SBM agenda, as well as introducing and reminding those interested in adult chronic disease management about the importance of the developmental origins of health and healthy lifestyle adoption at early stages. Toward that end, we are strengthening relationships with organizations with similar missions, including Division 54 of the American Psychological Association (Society of Pediatric Psychology; SPP), and are pleased to announce that we have renewed our intersociety networking initiative with SPP. As part of this initiative, we have chosen to focus our initial efforts on three main actions. First, we will cross-post conference announcements on our respective listservs, along with other relevant announcements (such as calls for papers to special journal issues). Second, we are publishing this informational article in both SPP and SBM outlets to make our members aware of the initiative. Finally, we hope to increase member-initiated programming at our respective annual meetings that are of greater interest to both societies. Of note, SPP's National Conference in Pediatric Psychology takes place April 11th-13th, 2013 in New Orleans.
With the SBM 2013 annual meeting in San Francisco drawing near, we look forward to rekindling old connections and building new ones. Indeed, there is a lot to look forward to. There will be several presentations that have a CFH focus, and we hope you will visit each of them. We'd like to highlight four symposia in particular: 1) R and Resilience Factors During the Transition to Emerging Adulthood Among Youth with Type 1 Diabetes (3/22 8:45 am); 2) Supporting and Facilitating Chronic Disease Management: Lessons Learned from Diabetes (3/21 8:45 am); 3) Innovative Approaches to Oral Health in Children (3/22 2 pm); and 4) Mobile and Web-Based Serious Games for Behavior Change in Child and Adolescent Populations (3/21 2 pm). These promise to be informative opportunities to learn about cutting-edge research in our field.
Also, please join us for our SIG's mid-day business meeting and social event on Thursday, March 21st from 11:45 am-12:45 pm in room Continental 7. The CFH SIG Student Award and the Award for Outstanding Research in Child and Family Health will be presented, highlighting examples of excellence in research conducted by those in our field. We thank Dr. Pam Behrman for spearheading the awards process again this year. At the meeting, our SIG will be hosting Dr. Marian Fitzgibbon from the University of Illinois at Chicago to deliver our annual invited address. The CFH midday meeting promises to be an exciting opportunity to network and catch up on the latest happenings of the SIG. We welcome all who are interested, so please join us!
The CFH SIG is growing fast and we welcome input from SBM members about ideas and opportunities that could advance our mission. If you are interested in becoming a member of the SIG, please contact Ben Stumpf, Program Manager for the Society of Behavioral Medicine at SIG members are also welcome to submit ideas and suggestions for SIG-related activities through our listserv: For more information, check us out online. Also, please feel free to contact our Chair-Elect, Dr. Bernard Fuemmeler ( for additional information and if you are interested in becoming more involved in the SIG.
Obesity and Eating Disorders SIG Update
By Jessica Gokee LaRose, PhD, Obesity & Eating Disorders SIG Liaison
The Obesity and Eating Disorders SIG is committed to fostering interdisciplinary research and training in the areas of obesity and eating disorders, and strives to provide an environment of mentorship and support to students and junior investigators in these areas. As such, we are excited to be recognizing outstanding research abstracts from our graduate student members at the upcoming 2013 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA through our Obesity and Eating Disorders SIG Graduate Student Research Award. Three recipients will receive a monetary award based on the scientific merit, methods and implications of their work. Awards will be presented during our midday SIG meeting. In addition, the 2013 meeting promises to offer many excellent symposia, lectures, and networking opportunities for those interested in weight related research.
At the 2013 meeting, the Obesity and Eating Disorders SIG is sponsoring a symposium and co-hosting a joint midday meeting with the Theories and Techniques of Behavior Change Interventions SIG and the Physical Activity SIG. The symposium, entitled "Integrated Care Team Approaches for Treatment of Obesity", will include a review of the evidence supporting an integrated care approach. In addition, leaders will discuss what constitutes an integrated care team, as well as the role of psychologists in this approach to obesity treatment. Outcome data will be presented and the challenges and implications of implementing this type of approach in clinical care settings will be discussed. The OED SIG will also be co-hosting a midday meeting titled "The Role of Behavior Change Theories in Behavioral Interventions for Obesity: Opportunities and Challenges," which will provide a forum for members of the Obesity and Eating Disorders SIG, the Theories SIG, and the Physical Activity SIG to come together to discuss challenges and strategies for assessing theoretical constructs hypothesized to influence behavior change within obesity interventions. In particular, we will discuss how new strategies and technological advances can be developed and/or employed to enhance research efforts in this important area. We welcome anyone interested to attend our cross-SIG midday meeting.
Of note, there are several other events scheduled for the 2013 meeting that may be of interest to members of the Obesity and Eating Disorders SIG. NIH and SBM are sponsoring a workshop entitled "Stress and Obesity: Basic, Translational & Clinical Perspectives." Additionally, a symposium entitled "Why Weigh Every Day? Interventions Promoting Daily Weighing Across the Weight Management Spectrum" will describe the design and delivery for four novel interventions that promote daily weighing within controlled trials for weight gain prevention, weight loss, and weight loss maintenance. And finally, C. Barr Taylor, MD is presenting a Master Lecture titled "Using Technology for Prevention in Defined Populations: Body Image, Obesity, and Eating Disorders."
We are excited about the upcoming annual meeting and look forward to seeing OED SIG members and those who are interested in becoming involved at our SIG meeting!
Behavioral Informatics SIG Update
2013 Annual Meeting Events: Excitement and Evidence
By Timothy Bickmore, PhD, Behavioral Informatics SIG Chair; Eric Hekler, PhD; and Abdul Shaikh, PhD
The rapid evolution and uptake of technologies such as smart phones and tablets, Twitter™, and electronic and personal health records has reinforced the need to understand how such tools are being used by individuals and groups for health-related purposes. With the passage of key federal legislation such as HITECH, America COMPETES, and the Affordable Care Act, the Behavioral Informatics SIG has been very interested in the meaningful use of technology for population health. The BI SIG and its members have been involved in planning many of the exciting technology-related events that will take place at the annual meeting in San Francisco, the heart of the nation's technology incubator. Here are some highlights to look forward to.
Two events-a symposium and a panel-are planned to expose the SBM community to research in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (CHI). Symposium 26 (3/22 8:45 am), "There's a Whole World Out There! Exemplars from Human Computer Interactions for Creating Health Behavior Change Technologies" will feature speakers from the CHI community who have been active in designing behavioral informatics interventions. A panel session (Panel 10, 3/22, 11:45 am) will also be held by researchers from SBM and the CHI professional community to discuss strategies for working across the disciplinary divide of behavioral medicine and human computer interaction for developing effective behavior change technologies.
Additional sessions will focus on particular technologies, including social media and wearable sensors. The conference closing Keynote Panel (3/23 11:45 am) will be on "Health Behavior Research and Practice via Social Media and Social Networks", and there will be a panel on the topic of "Quantified Self" (Panel 7, 3/21, 11:45 am), which is a growing community dedicated to better living through self-tracking aspects of our daily lives through technology.
Additional symposia will provide overviews of progress to date, including "eHealth Interventions: Where We've Been and Where We're Going" (3/21 2 pm), and will cover ethical issues related to the use of digital health data, such as the Featured Symposium on "Navigating the New Waters of Digital Health Research, Ethical Issues and Institutional Review Boards" (3/22 8:45 am). Another panel on "Translational Pipelines for Evidence-Based Digital Health" (3/22 11:45 am) will explore new avenues for behavioral scientists to partner with technology startups and funders for developing evidence-based technologies for clinical and public health.
The BI SIG will host two breakfast roundtable meetings (3/21 and 3/22 at 7:30 am). In addition to our annual business meeting (held on 3/22) we will use these roundtables to preview the day's technology-related events, with speakers providing short previews of their talks and industry reps giving demos of their systems.
In addition, planning is still underway for activities designed to foster connections among SBM members and the health IT startup community including possible pre-conference "Google Hangouts" with leaders in the health technology and SBM communities and also pathways for technology companies to more actively participate in the conference.
There are several Panels and Symposia dedicated to reviewing empirical results from technology-based behavioral medicine interventions, in addition to many individual papers appearing in other sessions. Examples include the following.
In partnership with the Ethnic Minority and Multicultural Health and Multiple Behavior Change SIGs, the BI SIG is co-sponsoring a Symposium on "The Use of Emergent Technology to Assess and Intervene with Multiple Health Behaviors in Racial/Ethnic Minority Populations" (3/21 8:45 am).
Course 401 (3/20 12 noon) on "Interventions across Cancer Care Continuum: Development, Dissemination, and the Promise of New Technology" will feature a session on IT-based interventions.
Additional sessions with technology-based interventions include "Innovative Technology and Physical Activity Promotion" (3/22 3:45 pm), and "Skin Cancer Prevention and Screening" (3/22 3:45 pm).
The focus on technology at this year's annual meeting promises to make it an especially exciting event. Be sure to attend our breakfast roundtables to get a full preview. We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco.
Cancer SIG Update
The Need for International Collaborative Psycho-Oncology Research
By Gozde Ozakinci, PhD; and Michael Diefenbach, PhD, Cancer SIG Chair
Undoubtedly, high quality collaborative research is the future of cancer control efforts. Basic science, medical and technological advances in the detection and treatment of cancer promise success in cancer control. Yet, ubiquitous challenges remain when such advances are translated to individuals or populations. For example, whole genome sequencing allows individuals to obtain information about genomic abnormalities that might confer an elevated disease risk. However, protocols to communicate risks and benefits of testing - especially for vulnerable populations and in the absence of effective cures for some disease risks - still need to be developed. Similarly, issues such as smoking cessation, adherence to medications, treatment decision making, coping with adverse effects, and transition into survivorship after diagnosis and treatment present persistent problems that affect millions of people. It is time to address these challenges through high quality multi-national collaborative research.
Take the example of the UK and the US. Despite different health care systems, an increasing number of people live with and beyond a cancer diagnosis. This fortunate state of affairs brings a host of problems for individuals and their families ranging from the initial shock of the cancer diagnosis and the challenges of treatment decisions and future prevention efforts, to living with the uncertainty and the fear of cancer returning. To answer these challenges, we as psycho-oncology researchers need to address unmet needs that are part of the survivorship transition and design rigorous studies to address, evaluate, and disseminate evidence-based interventions to alleviate these needs.
In the UK, the National Cancer Survivorship Initiative has been recently formed through a partnership of governmental services and a leading cancer charity. The initiative aims to extend the focus of cancer from an acute illness to recovery and wellbeing. A similar approach has been taken by the American Cancer Society.
With the focus changing from the treatment period towards rehabilitation and wellbeing after cancer treatment, prevention efforts (cancer and other diseases) have also been an emphasis for cancer survivors and their family members. Researchers have found that a traumatic event like a cancer diagnosis can provide a window of opportunity to help cancer patients and their family members and friends change their unhealthy habits.
It should also be noted that while most of the interventions for cancer patients are delivered by clinical psychologists working in health settings in the US, in the UK, it is also health psychologists who work with cancer patients (visit: Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy techniques as well as evidence-based behavior change tools are commonplace in the UK and the US, providing a common language to collaborate on theory-guided, evidence-based and effective interventions.
Annette Stanton, PhD, and Jost Dekker, PhD, President Elect of the International Society of Behavioral Medicine, has embarked on a unique series of events, symposia and talks at three national and international meetings. The series will be kicked off with the Cancer SIG's pre-conference day at SBM 2013 Annual Meeting, entitled, "Interventions across Cancer Care Continuum: Development, Dissemination, and the Promise of New Technology" (3/20 12-6 pm). Within this topic area, we will hear talks in three broad areas: 1) Theoretical foundations of intervention development and dissemination; 2) Community Interventions and dissemination; 3) Health information technology and cancer interventions. Confirmed speakers are in alphabetical order: David Ahern, PhD; Michael Diefenbach, PhD; Susan Eggly, PhD; Martha Hare, PhD; Paul Jacobsen, PhD; Rita Kukafka, PhD; Amelie Ramirez, PhD; Bruce Rapkin, PhD; Julia Rowland, PhD; Abdul Shaikh, PhD; Annette Stanton, PhD; and Hayley Thompson, PhD.
The series will be continued at the 2013 annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (July 31 - August 4, 2013 in Honolulu, Hawaii). The focus will be to create an exchange of ideas between behavioral medicine researchers and clinicians working with cancer patients. The final event will take place at the 13th Annual International Congress of Behavioral Medicine (August 20-23, 2014 in Groningen, The Netherlands) with collaboration of our European and Asian colleagues.
We hope you are as excited about the upcoming opportunities and challenges as we are and take the opportunity to renew old friendships and form new connections. We are looking forward to seeing you in San Francisco at the annual meeting and at the Cancer SIG's pre-conference day.
Student SIG Update
By Mallory G. Cases, MPH; and Susan Sharp, MS, Student SIG Liaisons
In light of SBM's upcoming annual meeting topic of "Technology: the Excitement and the Evidence", I interviewed Heather S.L. Jim, PhD, assistant member at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL, who researches side effects and increasing quality of life in cancer patients undergoing treatment. We discussed the role of technology in her NCI-funded R01 in which she will be identifying the magnitude and features of changes in sickness behaviors (e.g., fatigue, depression, and disruptions in sleep and activity) in a large sample of gynecologic cancer patients receiving platinum- and taxane-based chemotherapy and a non-cancer sample. These sickness behaviors will be monitored via actigraph and Internet daily diary. If participants do not have access to the Internet, an iPad will be provided to them with 4G connectivity. Actigraph look like wristwatches and contain accelerometers capable of measuring and storing the degree and intensity of motion every second. Participants will wear these for eight one-week intervals allowing her to monitor sleep and activity disruption.
MC: How are you using technology to expand the reach of your research?
HJ: We use actigraphy to measure objective sleep and activity as well as web-based surveys to study side effects of chemotherapy. We are just starting to use tablet-based daily diary systems, which we are very excited about because they allow data to be uploaded to our computers in real time. Our actigraphs also have the capability for remote wireless data uploads. In addition, we are using advances in genotyping and bioinformatics to explore potential biological mechanisms of symptoms much less expensively than previously possible.
MC: What brought you to use technology - necessity, interest, both?
HJ: Interest, definitely. We are very enthusiastic about how emerging technologies can help us help cancer patients.
MC: What are some of the pros/cons of using technology in your research?
HJ: There are many advantages to using technology. For example, web-based data collection can be less burdensome for participants and study staff because it allows skip outs and eliminates the need for manual data entry. It also automatically checks for missing or out-of-range values. In addition, we can monitor compliance remotely and communicate with patients to remind them to complete study measures. Technology also allows us to collect large amounts of data that is date- and time-stamped. This opens up new ways of monitoring behavior and patient-reported outcomes, as well as new approaches for analyzing data. For example, we have recently started to use lead-lagged models of symptom change, which was prompted by the large amounts of time-stamped actigraphy data we had collected. Of course, it's also important to have backup systems in place in case the technology doesn't work correctly! This is another case where real-time data uploads are invaluable, because they can alert us to a malfunction right away.
MC: What opportunities do you foresee for technology to expand the impact of behavioral medicine?
HJ: There are lots of possibilities. In addition to the ones we currently use there are web-based and social media interventions, GPS-based technology, open-source software such as R or PLINK in statistical or genetic analyses, just to name a few. I think we, as researchers, are limited only by our imaginations.

The Mama Move Project: Increasing Physical Activity in new mothers by encouraging Moms to actively exercise with their infant
Becoming a mother is a significant transition in a woman's life accompanied by changes in social, cultural, economic, and family factors that can change a woman's priorities with respect to her health behaviors. Up to one-year postpartum, 57% of women are sedentary/underactive, reporting they rarely or never exercise and studies demonstrate women with children are more inactive than their same age/gender peers without children.1-4 Several studies have documented significant changes in health behaviors, including physical activity and sedentary habits, during the postpartum period.5-9 Ethnic disparities in physical activity reductions following childbirth, particularly moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), have also been found.10-12 Changes in health promoting behaviors place this vulnerable population at risk for weight gain/retaining weight gained during pregnancy, and developing or exacerbating chronic health conditions such as postpartum depression, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes.2,5,13-17 Recent studies have tested the effectiveness of theoretically-derived physical activity interventions to modify a range of health outcomes in postpartum women including: MVPA, caloric intake/healthy diet, weight loss, chronic disease risk factors (metabolic syndrome), general well-being, sleep, infant care, and postpartum depression.18-29
Two SBM fellows (Drs. Cheryl Albright and Andrea Dunn) are collaborating on a new, innovative research project designed to find out how new moms like using exercise videos (e.g., yoga, cardio, strengthening) to be active while also playing with their baby - in the comfort of their own home. The project is called Mama Move and it is recruiting almost 600 women nationwide to test out exercise videos for 3 months. All videos are designed so new moms actively exercise with their infant. There are no costs to the mom; Mama Move is an entirely free program. Eligible mothers must be: 18-45 years old, in good health, not currently exercising more than 30 minutes a week, interested in using a new form of technology to exercise; babies must be 2-8 months old and between 11 and 22 pounds and healthy. If you want to join the project or know someone who might be interested, please visit Mama Move. For additional information, please contact Dr. Cheryl Albright at
- Albright CL, Maddock JE, Nigg CR. Physical activity before pregnancy and following childbirth in a multiethnic sample of healthy women. Women and Health. 2005;42(3):95-110.
- Brown WJ, Trost SG. Life transitions and changing physical activity patterns in young women. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Aug 2003;25(2):140-143.
- Brown WJ, Heesch KC, Miller YD. Life events and changing physical activity patterns in women at different life stages. Ann Behav Med. Jun 2009;37(3):294-305.
- Engberg E, Alen M, Kukkonen-Harjula K, Peltonen JE, Tikkanen HO, Pekkarinen H. Life events and change in leisure time physical activity: a systematic review. Sports Med. May 1 2012;42(5):433-447.
- Olson CM, Strawderman MS, Hinton PS, Pearson TA. Gestational weight gain and postpartum behaviors associated with weight change from early pregnancy to 1 y postpartum. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders. Jan 2003;27(1):117-127.
- Haas JS, Jackson RA, Fuentes-Afflick E, et al. Changes in the health status of women during and after pregnancy. J Gen Intern Med. Jan 2005;20(1):45-51.
- Borodulin K, Evenson KR, Herring AH. Physical activity patterns during pregnancy through postpartum. BMC Womens Health. 2009;9:32.
- Durham HA, Morey MC, Lovelady CA, Namenek Brouwer RJ, Krause KM, Ostbye T. Postpartum physical activity in overweight and obese women. J Phys Act Health. Sep 2011;8(7):988-993.
- Evenson KR, Herring AH, Wen F. Self-Reported and objectively measured physical activity among a cohort of postpartum women: the PIN Postpartum Study. J Phys Act Health. Jan 2012;9(1):5-20.
- Boardley DJ, Sargent RG, Coker AL, Hussey JR, Sharpe PA. The relationship between diet, activity, and other factors, and postpartum weight change by race. Obstet Gynecol. Nov 1995;86(5):834-838.
- Walker L, Freeland-Graves JH, Milani T, et al. Weight and behavioral and psychosocial factors among ethnically diverse, low-income women after childbirth: II. Trends and correlates. Women Health. 2004;40(2):19-34.
- Walker LO, Sterling BS, Latimer L, Kim SH, Garcia AA, Fowles ER. Ethnic-specific weight-loss interventions for low-income postpartum women: findings and lessons. West J Nurs Res. Aug 2012;34(5):654-676.
- Downs DS, DiNallo JM, Kirner TL. Determinants of pregnancy and postpartum depression: prospective influences of depressive symptoms, body image satisfaction, and exercise behavior. Ann Behav Med. Aug 2008;36(1):54-63.
- Fowles ER, Cheng HR, Mills S. Postpartum health promotion interventions: a systematic review. Nurs Res. Jul-Aug 2012;61(4):269-282.
- Gould Rothberg BE, Magriples U, Kershaw TS, Rising SS, Ickovics JR. Gestational weight gain and subsequent postpartum weight loss among young, low-income, ethnic minority women. Am J Obstet Gynecol. Jan 2011;204(1):52 e51-11.
- Walker LO, Fowles ER, Sterling BS. The distribution of weight-related risks among low-income women during the first postpartum year. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2011;40(2):198-205.
- Metzger BE. Long-term outcomes in mothers diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus and their offspring. Clin Obstet Gynecol. Dec 2007;50(4):972-979.
- Fahrenwald NL, Atwood JR, Walker SN, Johnson DR, Berg K. A randomized pilot test of "Moms on the Move": a physical activity intervention for WIC mothers. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Apr 2004;27(2):82-90.
- Ostbye T, Krause KM, Lovelady CA, et al. Active Mothers Postpartum: a randomized controlled weight-loss intervention trial. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Sep 2009;37(3):173-180.
- Chang MW, Nitzke S, Brown R. Design and outcomes of a Mothers In Motion behavioral intervention pilot study. J Nutr Educ Behav. May-Jun 2010;42(3 Suppl):S11-21.
- Fjeldsoe BS, Miller YD, Marshall AL. MobileMums: a randomized controlled trial of an SMS-based physical activity intervention. Ann Behav Med. May 2010;39(2):101-111.
- Lewis BA, Martinson BC, Sherwood NE, Avery MD. A pilot study evaluating a telephone-based exercise intervention for pregnant and postpartum women. J Midwifery Womens Health. Mar-Apr 2011;56(2):127-131.
- Davenport MH, Giroux I, Sopper MM, Mottola MF. Postpartum exercise regardless of intensity improves chronic disease risk factors. Med Sci Sports Exerc. Jun 2011;43(6):951-958.
- Taveras EM, Blackburn K, Gillman MW, et al. First steps for mommy and me: a pilot intervention to improve nutrition and physical activity behaviors of postpartum mothers and their infants. Matern Child Health J. Nov 2011;15(8):1217-1227.
- Surkan PJ, Gottlieb BR, McCormick MC, Hunt A, Peterson KE. Impact of a health promotion intervention on maternal depressive symptoms at 15 months postpartum. Matern Child Health J. Jan 2012;16(1):139-148.
- McIntyre HD, Peacock A, Miller YD, Koh D, Marshall AL. Pilot study of an individualised early postpartum intervention to increase physical activity in women with previous gestational diabetes. Int J Endocrinol. 2012;2012:892019.
- Da Costa D, Lowensteyn I, Abrahamowicz M, et al. A randomized clinical trial of exercise to alleviate postpartum depressed mood. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. Sep 2009;30(3):191-200.
- Dritsa M, Dupuis G, Lowensteyn I, Da Costa D. Effects of home-based exercise on fatigue in postpartum depressed women: who is more likely to benefit and why? J Psychosom Res. Aug 2009;67(2):159-163.
- Albright CL, Steffen AD, Novotny R, et al. Baseline results from Hawaii's Na Mikimiki Project: a physical activity intervention tailored to multiethnic postpartum women. Women Health. 2012;52(3):265-291.
Newest Issues of Annals of Behavioral Medicine and Translational Behavioral Medicine
SBM's two journals, Annals of Behavioral Medicine and Translational Behavioral Medicine (TBM), continuously publish articles online, many of which become available before issues are printed. A few of the newest Annals and TBM articles currently accessible online are listed below.
Annals of Behavioral Medicine
Introduction to the Second Special Section on Health Disparities
Authors: Keith E. Whitfield; Laura M. Bogart; Tracey A. Revenson; Christopher R. France
Without Abstract: Here we present the second special section on health disparities in Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Papers in the first section, published in February 2012, examined potential explanations and risk factors for disparities, resilience factors that might narrow health disparities, and interventions to improve health outcomes in populations affected by health disparities. The articles spanned a range of health conditions and risk factors across the lifespan, focusing primarily on disparities among ethnic groups.
Maternal Experiences with Everyday Discrimination and Infant Birth Weight: A Test of Mediators and Moderators Among Young, Urban Women of Color
Authors: Valerie A. Earnshaw PhD; Lisa Rosenthal PhD; Jessica B. Lewis, LMFT; Emily C. Stasko, MPH; Jonathan N. Tobin PhD; Tené T. Lewis PhD; Allecia E. Reid PhD; Jeannette R. Ickovics, PhD
Abstract: Racial/ethnic disparities in birth weight persist within the USA. The purpose of this study is to examine the association between maternal everyday discrimination and infant birth weight among young, urban women of color as well as mediators (depressive symptoms, pregnancy distress, and pregnancy symptoms) and moderators (age, race/ethnicity, and attributions of discrimination) of this association. A total of 420 women participated (14-21 years old; 62 % Latina, 38 % Black), completing measures of everyday discrimination and moderators during their second trimester of pregnancy and mediators during their third trimester. Birth weight was primarily recorded from medical record review. Path analysis demonstrated that everyday discrimination was associated with lower birth weight. Depressive symptoms mediated this relationship, and no tested factors moderated this relationship. Given the association between birth weight and health across the lifespan, it is critical to reduce discrimination directed at young, urban women of color so that all children can begin life with greater promise for health.
Affective Reactivity to Daily Stressors and Long-Term Risk of Reporting a Chronic Physical Health Condition
Authors: Jennifer R. Piazza, PhD; Susan T. Charles, PhD; Martin J. Sliwinski, PhD; Jacqueline Mogle, PhD; David M. Almeida, PhD
Abstract: Daily stressors, such as an argument with a spouse or an impending deadline, are associated with short-term changes in physical health symptoms. Whether these minor hassles have long-term physical health ramifications, however, is largely unknown. The current study examined whether exposure and reactivity to daily stressors is associated with long-term risk of reporting a chronic physical health condition. Participants (N = 435) from the National Study of Daily Experiences completed a series of daily diary interviews between 1995 and 1996 and again 10 years later. Greater affective (i.e., emotional) reactivity to daily stressors at time 1 was associated with an increased risk of reporting a chronic physical health condition at time 2. Results indicate that how people respond to the daily stressors in their lives is predictive of future chronic health conditions.
Physical Activity and Differential Methylation of Breast Cancer Genes Assayed from Saliva: A Preliminary Investigation
Authors: Angela D. Bryan, PhD; Renee E. Magnan, PhD; Ann E. Caldwell Hooper, MA; Nicole Harlaar, PhD; Kent E. Hutchison, PhD
Abstract: Individuals who exercise are at lower risk for breast cancer and have better post-diagnosis outcomes. The biological mechanisms behind this association are unclear, but DNA methylation has been suggested. We developed a composite measure of DNA methylation across 45 CpG sites on genes selected a priori. We examined the association of this measure to self-reported physical activity and objectively measured cardiovascular fitness in a sample of healthy nonsmoking adults (n = 64) in an exercise promotion intervention. Individuals who were more physically fit and who exercised more minutes per week had lower levels of DNA methylation. Those who increased their minutes of physical activity over 12 months experienced decreases in DNA methylation. DNA methylation may be a mechanism linking exercise and cancer incidence and could serve as a biomarker for behavioral intervention trials. Studies with larger samples, objectively measured exercise, and more cancer-related markers are needed.
Psychosocial Correlates of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide: A Marker of Vascular Health
Authors: Patrick Smith, PhD; Martti T. Tuomisto, PhD; James Blumenthal, PhD; Andrew Sherwood, PhD; Lauri Parkkinen, MS; Mika Kähönen, MD; Ilkka Pörsti, MD; Silja Majahalme, MD; Väinö Turjanmaa, MD
Abstract: Psychosocial factors have been associated with cardiovascular outcomes, but few studies have examined the association between psychosocial function and natriuretic peptides. The purpose of this study is to determine the predictive value of hostility, anger, and social support in relation to atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), a marker of vascular health, among middle-aged men. One hundred twenty-one men (mean age = 39.8 years, SD = 4.1) underwent assessments of ANP and completed the Cook-Medley Hostility Scale, the Spielberger State-Trait Anger Scale, and the Interview Schedule for Social Interaction. Higher levels of hostility (Β = 0.22 [95 % CI 0.04, 0.40], P =0.032) and trait anger (Β = 0.18 [95 % CI 0.01, 0.37], P = 0.044) were associated with greater ANP levels. In contrast, higher perceived social support was also associated with lower ANP levels, (Β = −0.19 [95 % CI −0.05, −0.41], P = 0.010). Psychosocial factors, including hostility, anger, and social support, are associated with varying ANP levels among middle-aged men, independent of cardiovascular and behavioral risk factors.
Translational Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy, Research
Treatment-enhanced paired action contributes substantially to change across multiple health behaviors: secondary analyses of five randomized trials
Authors: Hui-Qing Yin; James O. Prochaska; Joseph S. Rossi; Colleen A. Redding; Andrea L. Paiva; Bryan Blissmer; Wayne F. Velicer; Sara S. Johnson; Hisanori Kobayashi
Abstract: The dominant paradigm of changing multiple health behaviors (MHBs) is based on treating, assessing, and studying each behavior separately. This study focused on individuals with co-occurring baseline health-risk behavior pairs and described whether they changed over time on both or only one of the behaviors within each pair. Data from five randomized trials of computer-tailored interventions (CTIs) that simultaneously treated MHBs were analyzed. The differences between treatment and control proportions that achieved paired action and singular action at 24 months follow-up, and the proportional contribution of paired action to overall change on each behavior, were assessed across 12 behavior pairs (including energy balance, addictive, and appearance-related behaviors). CTIs consistently produced more paired action across behavior pairs. Paired action contributed substantially more to the treatment-related outcomes than singular action. Studying concurrent changes on MHBs as demonstrated allows the effect of simultaneously treating MHBs to be assessed.
Multiple health behavior change: a synopsis and comment on "A review of multiple health behavior change interventions for primary prevention"
Authors: Winter Johnston, BA; Joanna Buscemi, PhD; Michael J. Coons, PhD
Abstract: The ninth column on Evidence-Based Behavioral Medicine is a synthesis of a recent systematic meta-review of multiple health behavior change (MHBC) interventions published by Prochaska and Prochaska in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine (Am J Life Med 5:208-221, 2011). Health risk behaviors are highly prevalent and increase the risk of developing and exacerbating chronic disease. The purpose of the meta-review was to examine the efficacy of MHBC interventions in a variety of populations and settings. The available literature was synthesized into three health behavior domains including energy-balance behaviors (physical activity and nutrition), addictive behaviors, and disease-related prevention. Twelve systematic reviews were identified that summarized more than 150 randomized clinical trials. Findings suggest that: (1) Physical activity and nutrition interventions are effective in producing weight loss among adults and female youth, (2) treating two addictive behaviors produces a higher long-term abstinence rate than treating a single behavior, and (3) although preventive interventions for cardiovascular disease and cancer significantly reduce health risk behaviors, reductions in disease incidence are yet to be demonstrated.
Comparing strategies to assess multiple behavior change in behavioral intervention studies
Authors: Bettina F. Drake, PhD; Lisa M. Quintiliani, PhD; Amy L. Sapp, ScD; Yi Li, PhD; Amy E. Harley, PhD; Karen M. Emmons, PhD; Glorian Sorensen, PhD
Abstract: Alternatives to individual behavior change methods have been proposed; however, little has been done to investigate how these methods compare. To explore the four methods that quantify change in multiple risk behaviors targeting four common behaviors, we utilized data from two cluster-randomized, multiple behavior change trials conducted in two settings: small businesses and health centers. Methods used were (1) summative, (2) z-score, (3) optimal linear combination, and (4) impact score. In the small business study, methods 2 and 3 revealed similar outcomes. However, physical activity did not contribute to method 3. In the health centers study, similar results were found with each of the methods. Multivitamin intake contributed significantly more to each of the summary measures than other behaviors. Selection of methods to assess multiple behavior change in intervention trials must consider study design and the targeted population when determining the appropriate method/s to use.
Preventing substance abuse and increasing energy balance in middle school students: What works?
Author: Amy A. Eyler
Policy Brief Without Abstract: Unhealthy behavior patterns such as smoking, alcohol use, physical inactivity, and poor diet often being in adolescence and worsen over time. A peak time for interventions to prevent these patterns is when students are in middle school; prior to increased reluctance to change that occurs in high school. While tobacco and alcohol abuse prevention programs in schools have had mixed success, evidence of effective interventions is growing. Similarly, diet and physical activity interventions are promising within the school-age population. Computer or technology-based interventions are being used as a means to implement prevention programs, particularly with this tech-savvy generation of students. The current study combines the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change (TTM) with a computer-based intervention for multiple risk behaviors in middle school students.
News from the CDC: collaborations to build capacity at the community level in cancer prevention and control
Authors: Linda Ekwenugo, MPH; Vicki B. Benard, PhD; Cynthia Vinson MPA
Abstract: The Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network (CPCRN) is a national network of ten academic centers funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Cancer Institute, whose mission is to accelerate the adoption of evidence-based cancer prevention and control practices in communities through increased understanding of program dissemination and implementation. CPCRN researchers collaborate to raise awareness, provide education, guidance, and technical assistance to reduce cancer incidence and mortality rates in their communities. The CPCRN capacity building at the community level involves implementing evidence-based programs, policies, and strategies recommended by the Community Preventive Services Task Force to decrease obesity, increase physical activity, promote healthier behaviors, decrease tobacco use, and improve the appropriate use of cancer screening tests. These accomplishments demonstrate how the collaboration of federal, academic, and community-based organizations can be mutually beneficial by developing partnerships, research infrastructure, and community capacity that can catalyze behavior change.
Honors & Awards
This article showcases some of SBM members' recent honors and awards. If you would like to have your honor or award featured in the next issue, please forward the details of your achievement to Amanda Graham, PhD,
Outlook Editor. Congratulations to all of the following members.
Kristi Graves, PhD
Kristi Graves, PhD, has been selected by the Virginia Tech Alumni Association for the Outstanding Recent Graduate Alumna from the College of Science for 2012-2013. Dr. Graves is a clinical health psychologist whose research spans the cancer control continuum, from cancer screening and translational genomics through efforts to improve cancer survivors' quality of life. She is a member of the Cancer Prevention and Control Program and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Oncology, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown University.
Michelle Segar, PhD, MPH
Michelle Segar, PhD, MPH, associate director of the University of Michigan's Sport, Health, and Activity Research and Policy Center (SHARP) for Women and Girls was selected to be a Health Policy Fellow for 2013 by the Center for Healthcare Research and Transformation (CHRT). CHRT illuminates best practices and opportunities for improving health policy and practice.