Outlook: Newsletter of the Society of Behavorial Medicine
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Join the Student SIG at the Annual Meeting for Networking, Mentoring, and Professional Development

Brenna Renn, MA, Student SIG annual meeting coordinator

The Jefferson Memorial during the Cherry Blossom Festival
The Jefferson Memorial during the Cherry Blossom Festival

The Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) Student Special Interest Group (SIG) is proud to present multiple events at the 2016 Annual Meeting taking place in Washington, DC, including an array of professional development panels, two mentored breakfasts, student research awards, a psychology internship meet and greet, and a student social hour. Please note that some of the offerings listed below must be applied to ahead of time by students so plan accordingly!

Thursday, March 31, Events

Breakfast Roundtable: Achieving Work/Life Balance in an Age of Opportunities
This panel convenes faculty and clinical scientists from various backgrounds to discuss the interplay between career and personal life. Participants at various levels of training are welcome, including students and early career professionals. (Co-planned with the Obesity and Eating Disorders SIG.)

Midday Meeting: Psychology Internship Meet & Greet
Attend an informal and interactive meet-and-greet with representatives from several APA-accredited psychology internship sites that provide specialized training in behavioral medicine. Come prepared to network, learn about site-specific training opportunities, and get your questions answered.

Midday Meeting: Nontraditional Careers in Behavioral Medicine
In celebration of the diversity of disciplines within SBM and renewed focus on innovations in the field, the Student SIG will host a variety of panelists from "nontraditional" careers. This session will broaden the scope of possibilities for students, postdocs, and early career professionals to career paths outside of clinical practice and academia.

Evening: Student Social
Join fellow students for an informal gathering to meet friends, both new and old. SIG student research awards will be presented. Appetizers will be provided by the Student SIG; drinks will be available for purchase. Venue and time are to be determined, so stay tuned on the listserv and Facebook for details!

Friday, April 1, Events

Breakfast Roundtable: Student and Postdoc Matched Mentoring Session for Careers in Primary Care
Small groups of students and postdocs will be paired with experts in Integrated Primary Care for practical advice on career development. Applicants must have applied to and been accepted to this session prior to the meeting. Application details are forthcoming on the Student SIG listserv. (Co-planned with the Integrated Primary Care SIG.)

Breakfast Roundtable: Mentored Breakfast with the Cognitive, Affective, and Social Processes in Health Research (CASPHR) Workgroup
The CASPHR Workgroup is composed of a group of experts with a mission to advance the contributions of cognitive, affective, and social processes to enhance research and practice. This breakfast meeting will bring together early stage investigators (e.g., graduate students, postdocs) and CASPHR-affiliated senior scientists for networking and discussion about the challenges and benefits of this work. Applicants must have applied to and been accepted to this session prior to the meeting. Application details are forthcoming on the Student SIG listserv. (Co-planned with the CASPHR workgroup.)

Midday Meeting: Hear it from the Experts: A Professional Development Panel
This panel will convene three SBM Fellows, including past recipients of the SBM Distinguished Mentor Award and a past SBM president. These senior scientists will offer their advice on broad-sweeping professional development and career development themes, including mentorship related to academic careers, interdisciplinary collaboration, and professional leadership. Students, postdoctoral fellows, and early career professionals from all SIGs are welcome. (Co-planned with the Aging SIG.)

Other Meeting and SIG Updates

Sick of the winter weather? Start planning your trip to Washington, DC, for the SBM 2016 Annual Meeting, which happens to coincide with the National Cherry Blossom Festival! Our national capital is known for iconic monuments, world-class museums, and cultural experiences, many of which are free. Visit Destination DC's website for a full listing.

The Student SIG will be sponsoring student research awards and faculty mentor awards to be presented at the Annual Meeting. Check the student listserv and Student SIG webpage for details.

Ways to Stay in Touch

Stay in touch via our Student SIG Facebook page. Like the page and share it with friends so you can stay connected during and after the Annual Meeting. Finally, bookmark the Student SIG webpage to find contact information for the SIG Leadership Board and other SIG news.

See you in DC!

