Outlook: Newsletter of the Society of Behavorial Medicine
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Register for the 2014 SBM Annual Meeting - Early Bird Deadline is March 25

SBM AM Mobile AppThe 2014 Annual Meeting is rapidly approaching. Register before March 25 to receive the Early Bird discount.

Sign up for Pre-Conference Sessions

Workshops, Courses and Seminars offered at the 2014 Annual Meeting will no doubt enhance your meeting experience. Sign up early to reserve your spot - sign up for the pre-conference sessions on your registration form, or if you've already registered call the national office at 414-918-3156 to add pre-conference sessions to your registration. Here is a sneak peek of some of these sessions:


  • Apply the RE-AIM Framework to Intervention Planning and Evaluation
  • Multi-Morbidities, Health and Self Management: Challenges and Opportunities


  • Boot Camp for Building Integrated Primary Care Behavioral Health Training Programs
  • Integrated Care for Treatment of Obesity: Location, Logistics, & Reimbursement
  • Learner-Centered Tools and Techniques for Teaching Behavioral Medicine


  • Working with Acceptance, Mindfulness, and Values in Chronic Pain: An Introduction and Skills Building Seminar
  • NIH Grant Writing Seminar for Early Career Researchers
  • How to Create an Effective Professional Social Media Presence
Book your Housing and Travel

Rooms fill up at quickly so book your hotel room early at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown to ensure you can stay at the conference hotel for easy access to all SBM sessions. When making your travel reservations, be sure to stay through Saturday afternoon so you don't miss the Saturday sessions.

Join your colleagues and enjoy some breakfast sweets in honor of SBM's 35th anniversary during the Saturday morning Business Meeting and Awards Ceremony, 7:30 - 8:30 am. Then be sure to enjoy paper sessions from 8:40 - 10:10am and the poster hall from 10:10 am - 11:30 am as well as:

Master Lectures: 10:20 am - 11:05 am
Carl W. Lejuez, PhD - Vulnerabilities Underlying the Development and Maintenance of Substance Use Problems
Kevin S. Masters, PhD - Religious and Spiritual Culture: Implications from the Lab and the Clinic For Building Bridges When You Don't Speak The Language

Closing Keynote Address: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Colleen McBride, PhD - Prospects for Breakthroughs in Behavioral Science: The Role of Genomics

Preliminary Program Available Online

Browse the preliminary program and plan out the sessions you'd like to attend. Conference attendees will again be able to personalize their itineraries using the Annual Meeting mobile app, which will hit stores in late March.

Engage Now, During and After the Annual Meeting

Use social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to connect with colleagues before, during and after the conference.

  • When using Twitter make sure to include #SBM2014 in your tweets about the conference.
  • If you are presenting a poster at the meeting, consider entering the 2014 Video Contest for increasing exposure of your research.

