Outlook: Newsletter of the Society of Behavorial Medicine
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Support Student-member Attendance at SBM 2014!
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Two years ago SBM student member and Chair of the Student Special Interest Group Julie Cessna submitted her poster abstract - with mixed feelings. "I really valued the chance to present my work and learn more about the field of behavioral medicine," she recalls, "but I worried about coming up with the money to cover all the meeting costs." Her institution provided some support, for which she was grateful, but still, even though the meeting is reasonably priced, travel and lodging expenses add up, she noted. "At home," Julie said, "I can live on ramen noodles when I have to, but on the road . . . not so easy!"

When she discovered that SBM offers a number of meeting-related student volunteer opportunities in exchange for a registration fee reimbursement, she jumped at the chance. Unfortunately she did not get a slot; the number of applicants exceeded the number of slots. Always one to persevere, Julie applied for a slot again last year. "I was lucky enough to receive one," she said, "and appreciated not only the financial help but the opportunity to serve and give back to SBM."

Sequestration has cut many federal research grants, and many students, like Julie, face the prospect that their funds won't quite cover meeting costs. So, this year, SBM would like to expand the number of student volunteer slots. But we need your help!

IF YOU DONATE: WE'LL CREATE MORE VOLUNTEER SLOTS FOR SBM STUDENTS! Every dollar donated will help us reach the $156 needed to award an additional student volunteer slot. More dollars = more slots = more student attendance at SBM 2014!

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