Outlook: Newsletter of the Society of Behavorial Medicine
Winter 2014 Return to Outlook Main page »

Integrated Primary Care SIG Update

Kristine M. Diaz, PsyD; Stacy Ogbeide, PsyD; Danielle Arigo, PhD - IPC SIG Outlook Liaisons

The Integrated Primary Care Special Interest Group is committed to the promotion and enhancement of the delivery of evidence-based behavioral health care in primary care settings. In this edition of the IPC SIG News, we will focus on the call for contributions in educational resources in health education that is likely to be of value to all SBM members. Please email Mark E. Vogel, PhD, IPC SIG Chair, at vogel1@msu.edu if you are interested in joining the IPC SIG.

Contributions in Educational Resources in Health Education

Healthcare Professionals (HPs) have many opportunities to demonstrate the importance of their area of specialty in various integrated healthcare settings. Through the provision of health education and clinical supervision to health professional students, HPs prepare future health care providers to thrive in a diverse healthcare workforce. HPs contributions in health education and training of health care professionals are becoming increasingly pertinent as our healthcare system moves towards a modern Interprofessional team-based approach. The expertise of HPs in medicine is being recognized by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) in a call for submissions to MedEdPORTAL. The creation of online repositories for educational resources through three services of MedEdPORTAL-Publications, iCollaborative, and the CE Directory-opens a pathway for healthcare professionals, particularly SBM members, to disseminate instructional materials in health education.

MedEdPORTAL has partnered with various organizations to offer an extensive online resource in health education. Most notably, the AAMC and the American Psychological Association (APA) have announced a partnership to provide medical students, faculty, and other health professionals with free access to a collection of psychological science resources designed to improve patient care. A partnership for MedEdPORTAL Publications with Georgia Regents University led to the release of the Directory and Repository of Educational Assessment Measures (DREAM), a source for health education assessments for health educators, educational researchers, and program/curriculum evaluation. In addition to psychological science and health education assessments, MedEdPORTAL is at the forefront in the contribution in Interprofessional Education (IPE) in healthcare. A portal for IPE resources is available for those HPs working in IPE in academic health centers. While only a few areas of health education have been highlighted, there are many other specialty areas interested in submissions seeking educational resources and research.

In conclusion, MedEdPORTAL serves as an opportunity for HPs to contribute their scholarly activity in health education and educational research. At a time when there is an increasing need for health education to prepare health care professionals for an ever-changing medical climate, MedEdPORTAL provides HPs the chance to add to the literature to impact medicine and, ultimately, healthcare, through the continued advancement of education and research in integrated healthcare. Therefore, IPC SIG encourages SBM members to consider adding to this growing body of online educational resources at https://www.mededportal.org.

