Outlook: A Quarterly Newsletter of the Society of Behavorial Medicine
Spring/Summer 2008 Return to Outlook Main page >>

Why I am a Member of SBM

Two words - Contagious Collegiality!

Unlike many graduate school applicants I consider each year, I was not born with a yearning for my career field! Through my own graduate training program, I was infused with enthusiasm for Behavioral Medicine and began to appreciate the benefits of SBM membership. I also admired the energy in my department leading up to the SBM meeting. Students and faculty prepared presentations, seeking feedback from peers. Being part of this effort helped develop my professional identity.

Contagious collegiality is how I describe the multidisciplinary mix of friends and colleagues from diverse backgrounds who convene at the annual meeting. Trainees discover a wealth of cutting edge topics and perspectives. As a professional I have also come to value the many opportunities to contribute to SBM's growth that extend far beyond the Annual Meeting.

Submitted by Jeff Kibler, PhD

