Honors, Awards and Publications
Daniel Bruns, PsyD, Health Psychology Associates, received the American Psychological Association: 2010 Timothy Jeffrey Memorial Award for Outstanding Contributions to Clinical Health Psychology.
Linda E. Carlson, PhD, RPsych, University of Calgary, received the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology Award for Research Excellence which was presented at the IPOS 12th World Congress/CAPO in May 2010.
Ellen R. Gritz, PhD, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, recently received the Distinguished Professional Woman Award, awarded by the Committee on the Status of Women at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. The Distinguished Professional Woman Award was established by the Committee on the Status of Women in 1984 to honor a woman who has been recognized as an outstanding achiever in the Houston community, the state of Texas, or the nation.
Bradford W. Hesse, PhD, National Cancer Institute, was elected to a six-year term for the American Psychological Association's Publication and Communication Board.
Linda Larkey, PhD, Arizona State University, received the 2009 "Forces of Change" Exemplary Mentorship Honoree, Global Healthcare Conference and Spirit of Nightingale Award for her unwavering commitment in making a positive difference to the preferred future of nursing.
Latrice C. Pichon, PhD, MPH, CHES, The University of Michigan, was selected for a citation as a University of Michigan National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID) Exemplary Diversity Scholar.
- Atienza AA, Hesse BW, Gustafson DH, Croyle RT. E-health research and patient-centered care examining theory, methods, and application. Am J Prev Med. Jan 2010;38(1):85-8. PMID: 20117562.
- Andersen BL, Thornton LM, Shapiro CL, Farrar WB, Mundy BL, Yang, H-C, Carson, WE, III. Biobehavioral, immune, and health benefits following recurrence for psychological intervention participants. Clin Cancer Res. 2010 Jun 15;16(12):3270-8. Epub 2010 Jun 8. PMID: 20530702.
- Birnie K, Garland SN, Carlson LE. Brief Report: Psychological benefits for cancer patients and their partners participating in mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR). Psycho-Oncology 2009 Nov 16. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 19918956.
- Birnie K, Speca M, Carlson LE. Exploring self-compassion and empathy in the context of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR). Stress & Health. In press.
- Brothers B, Thornton LM, Andersen BL. Cognitive and biobehavioral interventions. In J.C. Holland (Ed.), Psycho-oncology, 2nd ed. 415-421. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.
- Bruns D, Fishbain DA, Disorbio JM, Lewis JE. What Variables Are Associated With an Expressed Wish to Kill a Doctor in Community and Injured Patient Samples? J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2010 Jun;17(2):87-97. PMID: 20352477.
- Burton AM, Peterson SK, Marani SK, Vernon SW, Amos CI, Frazier ML, Lynch PM, Gritz ER. Health and lifestyle behaviors among persons at risk of Lynch syndrome. Cancer Causes Control. 2010 Apr;21(4):513-21. PMID: 20012181.
- Carlson LE, Groff S, Maciejewski O, Bultz BD. Screening for distress in lung and breast cancer outpatients: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology. In press.
- Carpenter KM, Fowler JM, Maxwell GL, Andersen BL. Direct and buffering effects of social support among gynecologic cancer survivors. Ann Behav Med. 2010 Feb;39(1):79-90. PMID: 20151235.
- Dishman R, Rooks C, Thom N, Motl R, Nigg C. Meeting U.S. Healthy People 2010 Levels of Physical Activity: Agreement of 2 Measures across 2 years. Ann Epidemiol. 2010 Jul;20(7):511-23. PMID: 20538194.
- Du P, Lemkin A, Kluhsman B, Chen J, Roth RE, MacEachren A, Meyers C, Zurlo JJ, Lengerich EJ. The roles of social domains, behavioral risk, health care resources, and chlamydia in spatial clusters of US cervical cancer mortality: not all the clusters are the same. Cancer Causes Control. 2010 Jun 8. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 20532608.
- Dunton GF, Cousineau M, Reynolds KD. The intersection of public policy and health behavior theory in the physical activity arena. J Phys Act Health. 2010 Mar;7 Suppl 1:S91-8. PMID: 20440019.
- Faseru B, Cox LS, Bronars CA, Opole I, Reed GA, Mayo MS, Ahluwalia JS, Okuyemi KS. Design, recruitment, and retention of African-American smokers in a pharmacokinetic study. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2010, 10 (1):6 PMCID: PMC2850393.
- Fingeret MC, Vidrine DJ, Reece GP, Gillenwater AM, Gritz ER. Multidimensional analysis of body image concerns among newly diagnosed patients with oral cavity cancer. Head Neck. 2010 Mar;32(3):301-9. PMCID: PMC2821979.
- Fishbain D, Bruns D, Disorbio JM, Lewis J. Predictors of homicide-suicide ideation in acute and chronic pain patients. Journal of Pain. 2010 Apr;11 Suppl 1:S12.
- Fishbain D, Bruns D, Disorbio JM, Lewis J. Correlates of six forms of suicidality in patients with acute and chronic pain. Journal of Pain. 2010 Apr;11 Suppl 1: S11.
- Fishbain DA, Bruns D, Disorbio JM, Lewis JE, Gao J. Variables Associated with Self-Prediction of Psychopharmacological Treatment Adherence in Acute and Chronic Pain Patients. Pain Pract. Apr 19 2010. PMID: 20412500.
- Forman MR, Greene SM, Avis NE, Taplin SH, Courtney P, Schad PA, Hesse BW, Winn DM. Bioinformatics: Tools to accelerate population science and disease control research. Am J Prev Med. Jun 2010;38(6):646-51. PMID: 20494241.
- Garber C, Greaney ML, Riebe D, Nigg CR, Burbank PA, Clark PG. Physical and mental health-related correlates of physical function in community dwelling older adults: A cross sectional study. BMC Geriatr. 2010 Feb 3;10:6. PMID: 2012890.
- Greene SM, Braff JP, Nelson AF, Reid RJ. The process is the product: A new model for IRB review of data-only studies. IRB: Ethics and Human Research. May/Jun 2010;32(3):1-6.
- Griffith DM, Pichon LC, Campbell B, Allen JO. (2010). YOUR Blessed Health: A faith-based CBPR approach to addressing HIV/AIDS among African Americans. AIDS Educ Prev. 2010 Jun;22(3):203-17. PMID: 20528129.
- Heck JE, Stücker I, Allwright S, Gritz ER, Haglund M, Healton CG, Kralikova E, Sanchez Del Mazo S, Tamang E, Dresler CM, Hashibe M. Home and workplace smoking bans in Italy, Ireland, Sweden, France and the Czech Republic. Eur Respir J. 2010 May;35(5):969-79. PMID: 19926747.
- Hesse BW, Moser RP, Rutten LJ. Surveys of physicians and electronic health information. N Engl J Med. Mar 4 2010;362(9):859-60. PMID: 20200398.
- Hesse BW, Hanna C, Massett HA, Hesse NK. Outside the box: will information technology be a viable intervention to improve the quality of cancer care? J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr. 2010;2010(40):81-9. PMID: 20386056.
- Horwath CC, Nigg CR, Motl RW, Wong KT, Dishman RK. Investigating fruit and vegetable consumption using the Transtheoretical Model. Am J Health Promot. 2010 May-Jun;24(5):324-33. PMID: 20465146.
- Jahnke R, Larkey LK, Rogers CE. Dissemination and benefits of an accessible Tai-Chi-Qigong (TCQG) program for older adults. Geriatric Nursing. In press.
- Jahnke R, Larkey LK, Rogers CE, Etnier J, Lin F. Comprehensive review of health benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi. Am J Health Promot. 2010;24(6).
- Keller C, Larkey L, Distefano JK, Boehm-Smith E, Records K, Robillard A, Veres S, Al-Zadjali M, O'Brian AM. Perimenopausal obesity. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2010 May;19(5):987-96. PMID: 20380578.
- Labelle LE, Campbell TS, Carlson LE. Mindfulness-based stress reduction in oncology: Evaluating mindfulness and rumination as mediators of change in depressive symptoms. Mindfulness. 2010;1(1):28-40.
- Larkey LK, Hecht ML. A model of effects of narrative as culture-centric health promotion. J Health Commun. 2010 Mar;15(2):114-35. PMID: 20390982.
- Levin AO, Andersen BL. Sexual Self-Schema Scale--Women's Version. In C.M. Davis, W.L. Yarber, R. Bauserman, G. Schreer, & S.L. Davis (Eds.), Handbook of sexuality-related measures, 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2010.
- Levin AO, Carpenter KM, Andersen BL. Psychological issues. In J.S. Berek & N.F. Hacker (Eds.), Practical gynecologic oncology, 5th ed., 860-875. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2010.
- Levin AO, Carpenter KM, Fowler JM, Brothers BM, Andersen BL, Maxwell GL. Sexual morbidity associated with poorer psychological adjustment among gynecological cancer survivors. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2010 Apr;20(3):461-70. PMID: 20375814.
- Marquez DX, Neighbors CJ, Bustamante EE. Leisure time and occupational physical activity among racial or ethnic minorities. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2010 Jun;42(6):1086-93. PMID: 19997031.
- McMillan T, Cubbin C, Parmenter B, Medina A., Lee RE. Neighborhood sampling: How many streets must an auditor walk? International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2010 Mar 12;7:20. PMID: 20226052.
- Meenan RT, Vogt TM, Williams AE, Stevens VJ, Albright CL, Nigg CR. Economic Evaluation of a Worksite Obesity Prevention and Intervention Trial among Hotel Workers in Hawaii. J Occup Environ Med. 2010 Jan;52 Suppl 1:S8-13. PMID: 20061889.
- Nigg CR, Albright CL, Williams R, Nichols C, Renda G, Stevens VJ, Vogt TM. Are Physical Activity and Nutrition Indicators of the Checklist of Health Promotion Environments at Worksites (CHEW) Associated with Employee Obesity among Hotel Workers? J Occup Environ Med. 2010 Jan;52 Suppl 1:S4-7. PMID: 20061886.
- Oh B, Butow P, Mullan B, Clarke S, Tattersall M, Boyer M, Beale P, Vardy J, Pavlakis N, Larke L. Patient-doctor communication: use of complementary and alternative medicine by adult patients with cancer. J Soc Integr Oncol. 2010 Spring;8(2):56-64. PMID: 20388446.
- Oh DL, Heck JE, Dresler C, Allwright S, Haglund M, Del Mazo SS, Kralikova E, Stucker I, Tamang E, Gritz ER, Hashibe M. Determinants of smoking initiation among women in five European countries: a cross-sectional survey. BMC Public Health. 2010 Feb 17;10:74. PMID: 20163736.
- Palmquist AE, Koehly LM, Peterson SK, Shegog M, Vernon SW, Gritz ER. "The Cancer Bond": Exploring the Formation of Cancer Risk Perception in Families with Lynch Syndrome. J Genet Couns. 2010 Apr 17.
- Pichon LC, Corral I, Landrine H, Mayer JA, Adams-Simms D. Perceived Skin Cancer Risk and Sunscreen use among Black Adults. J Health Psychol. 2010 Jun 3. PMID: 20522507.
- Pichon LC, Corral I, Landrine H, Mayer JA, Norman GJ. Sun-protection behaviors among African Americans. Am J Prev Med. 2010 Mar;38(3):288-95. PMID: 20171530.
- Pichon LC, Landrine H, Corral I, Hao Y, Mayer JA, Hoerster KD. Measuring Skin Cancer Risk in African Americans: Is the Fitzpatrick Scale Culturally-Sensitive? Ethn Dis. 2010 Spring;20(2):174-9. PMID: 20503899.
- Portenoy RK, Bruns D, Shoemaker B, Shoemaker SA. Breakthrough pain in community-dwelling patients with cancer pain and noncancer pain, part 1: prevalence and characteristics. J Opioid Manag. Mar-Apr 2010;6(2):97-108. PMID: 20481174.
- Portenoy RK, Bruns D, Shoemaker B, Shoemaker SA. Breakthrough pain in community-dwelling patients with cancer pain and noncancer pain, part 2: impact on function, mood, and quality of life. J Opioid Manag. Mar-Apr 2010;6(2):109-16. PMID: 20481175.
- Prochaska JJ, Nigg CR, Spring B, Velicer WF, Prochaska JO. The benefits and challenges of multiple health behavior change in research and in practice. Prev Med. 2010 Jan-Feb;50(1-2):26-9. Epub 2009 Dec 4. PMID: 19948184.
- Purnell JQ, Katz ML, Andersen BL, Palesh O, Figueroa-Moseley C, Jean-Pierre P, Bennett N. Social and cultural factors are related to perceived colorectal cancer screening benefits and intentions in African Americans. J Behav Med. 2010 Feb;33(1):24-34. Epub 2009 Oct 30. PMID: 19876727.
- Rogers C, Keller C, Larkey LK. Perceived Benefits of Meditative Movement in Older Adults. Geriatr Nurs. 2010 Jan-Feb;31(1):37-51. PMID: 20159352.
- Sangowawa AO, Alagh BT, Ekanem SE, Ebong IP, Faseru B, Adekunle BJ, Uchendu OC. An observational study of seatbelt use among vehicle occupants in Nigeria. Inj Prev. 2010 Apr;16(2):85-9. PMID: 20363813.
- Stefanek ME, Gritz ER, Vernon SW. Mammography and women under 50: déjà vu all over again? Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2010 Mar;19(3):635-9. PMID: 20200433.
- Sullivan H, Finney Rutten L, Hesse B, Moser R, Rothman A, McCaul K. Lay representations of cancer prevention and early detection: associations with prevention behaviors. Prev Chronic Dis. 2010;7(1). PMID: 20040229.
- Thornton LM, Andersen BL, & Blakely WP. The pain, depression, and fatigue symptom cluster: Covariation with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic nervous system. Health Psychol. 2010 May;29(3):333-7. PMID: 20496988.
- Tragesser SL, Bruns D, Disorbio JM. Borderline personality disorder features and pain: the mediating role of negative affect in a pain patient sample. Clin J Pain. May 2010;26(4):348-53. PMID: 20393271.
- Vidrine DJ, Hoekstra-Weebers JE, Hoekstra HJ, Tuinman MA, Marani S, Gritz ER. The effects of testicular cancer treatment on health-related quality of life. Urology. 2010 Mar;75(3):636-41. PMID: 19963242.
- Wu SM, Andersen BL. Stress generation over the course of breast cancer survivorship. J Behav Med. 2010 Jun;33(3):250-7. Epub 2010 Mar 4. PMID: 20204490.