Outlook: A Quarterly Newsletter of the Society of Behavorial Medicine
Spring/Summer 2010 Return to Outlook Main page >>

Congratulations to the following 2010 Society of Behavioral Medicine Achievement Awards recipients!

Distinguished Research Mentor Award: William H. Redd, PhD

Distinguished Research Mentor Award
William H. Redd, PhD

Research to Practice Dissemination Award: Perry N. Halkitis, PhD

Research to Practice Dissemination Award
Perry N. Halkitis, PhD

Early Career Investigator Award: Brian A. Primack, MD, EdM

Early Career Investigator Award
Brian A. Primack, MD, EdM

Oustanding Dissertation Award: Dori E. Rosenberg, MPH, MS

Oustanding Dissertation Award
Dori E. Rosenberg, MPH, MS

2010 Fellows

Hayden B. Bosworth, PhD (not pictured)
Amanda L. Graham, PhD
Thomas K. Houston, MD, MPH
Seth Kalichman, PhD
Rodger S. Kessler, PhD, ABPP
Lisa M. Klesges, PhD
Claudio R. Nigg, PhD
Frank J. Penedo, PhD
Tracey A. Revenson, PhD

Distinguished Scientist Award
Leonard H. Epstein, PhD

Distinguished Student Awards: Travel Scholarships
Kevin N. Alschuler
Natasha A. Emmerson, MA
Heather L. Gainforth, BscKin

Distinguished Student Awards: Excellence in Research
Anca Gaston, MA
Lisa M. Nackers, MS
Shilpa N. Patel
Errol J. Philip, MA
Dori M. Steinberg, MS, RD

C. Tracy Orleans Distinguished Service Awards

C. Tracy Orleans Distinguished Service Awards
Cheryl Albright, PhD, MPH
Alan J. Christensen, PhD
Michael A. Diefenbach, PhD
Kathleen Goggin, PhD
Felicia Hill-Briggs, PhD, ABPP
Kenneth E. Freedland, PhD
Karen A. Matthews, PhD
David Mohr, PhD
Prabhu Ponkshe, MA, LLB
Bonnie Spring, PhD, ABPP

Special Interest Group (SIG) Awards

SBM congratulates the following recipients of these special awards given by the Special Interest Groups.

Aging SIG
SBM Aging SIG Award for Outstanding Student Research Abstract in Aging
Amanda N. Szabo, BA, BS

Child and Family Health SIG
The Student Award for Excellent Research in Child and Family Health
Ashley M. Hum, MS

Cancer SIG
Cancer Student Research Award
Catherine Benedict

Cancer SIGGIE Award
Karen M. Emmons, PhD
Robert T. Croyle, PhD

Complementary and Alternative Medicine SIG
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Investigator Research Award
Sean Phipps, PhD
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Student Research Award
Cynthia W. Karlson, MA

Ethnic, Minority, and Multicultural Health SIG
Outstanding Student Abstract Awarded by the Ethnic, Minority, and Multicultural Health SIG
Cerissa L. Blaney, MA
Amanda M. Brouwer, MS

Health Decision Making SIG
Award for Outstanding Trainee Abstract in Health Decision Making
Suzanne Kneuper Linder
Honorable mention: Annie-Laurie McRee, MPH

Multiple Health Behavior Change SIG
Multiple Health Behavior Change SIG Award
Cheryl L. Albright, PhD, MPH

Pain SIG
Student Investigator Award
Sheeva M. Mostoufi, BA

Physical Activity SIG
Physical Activity SIG Student Research Award
Dori E. Rosenberg, MPH, MS
Physical Activity SIG Local Innovator Award

Student SIG
Student SIG Research Award
Ann E. Caldwell Hooper, MS
Chad D. Jensen, MA

Women's Health SIG
Outstanding Student Researcher in Women's Health Award
Dellanira Valencia-Garcia, MA

