Outlook: Newsletter of the Society of Behavorial Medicine
Spring/Summer 2012
34th Annual Meeting, March 20-23, 2013, San Francisco, CA
Alan J. Christensen
Alan J. Christensen, PhD

President's Message

I am honored to begin my term as President of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. I attended my first SBM meeting as a student in 1988 and have missed only one meeting since, in 1997, when the date coincided with the week my son Aaron was born. SBM has played a central role in my own professional development, as I know it has for many of you, and I am pleased to be able to give back to our Society in this manner.  Read more »

Award Winners

Congratulations to the following 2012 Society of Behavioral Medicine Achievement Awards recipients!
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Mentor2012 Annual Meeting Recap

Congratulations to everyone involved in the 33rd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of SBM; our Society established a new attendance record with over 1700 registrants for the meeting. We hope that everyone had a rewarding and enjoyable experience in New Orleans, and we look forward to achieving new heights in 2013 and beyond. Read more »

SBM Abstract Submission Process Demystified

As SBM Conference Program Co-Chair last year, I participated in the complex process that goes into planning and executing the annual meeting. It was very illuminating, and I realized how little I had actually known before about the decision-making process for selecting the proposals that are accepted for presentation at the conference, how the papers are grouped into sessions, when in the program specific presentations are scheduled, and so on. Discussions with SBM members confirmed that additional information about the process might be helpful, so the Editors of Outlook invited the Program Committee to contribute an article to this issue to help demystify the process.  Read more »

Membership Council

The Society of Behavioral Medicine's Membership Council is one of the five permanent councils and is charged with recruitment and retention of members. In accordance with the SBM mission statement, this is a multi-dimensional goal focused on recruiting interdisciplinary members involved in a variety of clinical, research, administrative and educational pursuits.  Read more »

Diabetes SIGDiabetes SIG Update

The mission of the Diabetes SIG has been to create a forum for members of the Society of Behavioral Medicine with a shared interest in the advancement of behavioral and psychological research in diabetes. Our goals are to: 1) increase the presence of high-quality behavioral medicine research in diabetes at the SBM conference; 2) encourage interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers, clinicians, educators, and public health advocates that emphasizes the importance of the prevention and treatment of diabetes; and 3) support professional networking and the training of young investigators and students interested in diabetes research.  Read more »

Evidence-Based Behavioral Medicine SIG Update

The Evidence-Based Behavioral Medicine Special Interest Group (EBBM SIG) has grown over 30% during the past year, and now includes about one-quarter of SBM's members! Thank you for supporting the importance of creating, enriching, teaching, and disseminating evidence in behavioral medicine.  Read more »

Physical Activity SIGSBM Around the World - International Research Conducted by Physical Activity SIG Members

This Outlook article highlights some of the impressive international research activities being conducted by SBM Physical Activity Special Interest Group (PA SIG) around the world.  Read more »

SBM Members Come Together to Establish a New SIG: Military and Veterans' Health

At the 2012 Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions in New Orleans, the newly formed Military and Veterans' Health Special Interest Group (MVH SIG) had its first official meeting and is now fully established as one of SBM's newest SIGs. With the goal of promoting health within the unique health care systems of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Department of Defense (DoD), this interdisciplinary SIG elected co-chairs to represent both the VA and the DoD.  Read more »

Spirituality & Health SIGReligious and Spiritual Phenomena are Relevant to Virtually All Areas of Health

In recent years, research on the links between religion/spirituality (R/S) and physical health has increased dramatically in both sophistication and sheer volume (see Masters & Hooker, in press, for a review). The importance and applicability of R/S to physical health have yet to be recognized by the broader health research community, but the fact is that aspects of R/S cut across virtually every area of health research and are therefore highly germane to all members of SBM.  Read more »

Weighing in on the "War on Women"

A few years ago there was some discussion at the annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine as to whether the Women's Health Special Interest Group was still relevant. Fast forward a few years and an election cycle and women's health issues are again in the news in the form of debates over contraceptive coverage and funding of preventive health services. Granted, the larger popular discussion of the "War on Women" has been divisive and partisan, however, it has served to highlight the importance of women's health.  Read more »

Newest Articles from Annals of Behavioral Medicine and Translational Behavioral Medicine

SBM's two journals, Annals of Behavioral Medicine and Translational Behavioral Medicine (TBM), continuously publish articles online, many of which become available before issues are printed. A few of the newest Annals and TBM articles currently accessible online are listed below. Read more »

Honors, Awards and Publications

A new feature of Outlook this year showcases some of SBM members' recent honors, awards and publications. If you would like to have your honor, award or publication featured in the next issue please forward the details of your achievement to Amanda Graham, PhD, Outlook Editor. Congratulations to all of the following members.
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Classified Advertising
Deadline and Rates

To advertise in the Fall 2012 edition of Outlook, please supply ad copy to the SBM National Office. Please contact the National Office for additional information.

Benjamin Stumpf
Program Manager
Society of Behavioral Medicine
555 East Wells Street, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202-3823
Phone: (414) 918-3156
Fax: (414) 276-3349
E-mail: bstumpf@sbm.org


Alan J. Christensen, PhD

Dawn K. Wilson, PhD

Abby C. King, PhD

Michael A. Diefenbach, PhD

Gary G. Bennett, PhD
Member Delegate

Jennifer K. Carroll, MD, MPH
Member Delegate

Sherry L. Pagoto, PhD
Member Delegate

Council Chairs
Laura S. Porter, PhD
Education, Training & Career Development Chair

Brent Van Dorsten, PhD
Membership Chair

Timothy W. Smith, PhD
Publications & Communications Chair

Sara J. Knight, PhD
Scientific & Professional Liaison Chair

Claudio R. Nigg, PhD
Special Interest Groups Chair

Committee Chairs
Laura L. Hayman, RN, PhD, FAAN
Awards Chair

Geoffrey C. Williams, MD, PhD
Development Chair

Paul B. Jacobsen, PhD
Evidence-Based Behavioral Medicine Chair

Michael A. Diefenbach, PhD
Finance Chair

Paul A. Estabrooks, PhD
Health Policy Chair

Abby C. King, PhD
Nominating Chair

Margaret L. Schneider, PhD
Program Chair

Elliot J. Coups, PhD
Program Co-Chair

Melissa A. Clark, PhD
Program Support Chair

Christopher R. France, PhD
Annals Editor

Bonnie Spring, PhD, ABPP
Translational Behavioral Medicine Editor

Amanda L. Graham, PhD
Outlook Editor

Ellen Beckjord, PhD
Website Editor

Please send Outlook correspondence to:

Amanda L. Graham, PhD
Editor, SBM Outlook
E-mail: agraham@americanlegacy.org

Guidelines for Articles submitted to Outlook
  1. Articles should be no longer than 500 words, plus up to 10 references.
  2. Please submit only original articles, not articles that have been previously published in another organization's newsletter or bulletin.
  3. The Outlook editor may edit articles to fit the format of the newsletter, or defer articles to another issue based on space limitations. The submitting author(s) will be informed, prior to publication, and will be sent a copy of any edited article for approval or withdrawal.
  4. Submitted articles may be reviewed by the Publications and Communications Committee Chair and, potentially, additional SBM Board members to determine appropriateness for publication and/or length.

Outlook logo
SBM National Office
555 East Wells Street, Suite 1100, Milwaukee, WI 53202-3823
Phone: (414) 918-3156 • Fax: (414) 276-3349 • E-mail: info@sbm.orgwww.sbm.org

Editor: Amanda L. Graham, PhD
Managing Editor: Alicia Sukup

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