Evidence-Based Behavioral Medicine SIG Update
Quinn Neugebauer, MA, EBBM SIG Outlook Student Liaison
The Evidence-Based Behavioral Medicine Special Interest Group (EBBM_SIG) is excited to report on our activities at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. We had a terrific turnout of SIG members contributing to our mission of advancing evidence-based medicine at our SIG-sponsored events. Though it is hard to summarize everything, here are some of the highlights:
- Sherri Sheinfeld Gorin, PhD, ended her term as EBBM SIG Co-chair. We are so extremely grateful for Dr. Gorin’s deep commitment to and hard work for our SIG. Thank you for all of your contributions and we look forward to continued collaborations with you!
- Amy Janke, PhD, was elected as the new incoming Co-chair. Alongside Co-chair Karen Oliver, PhD, Dr. Janke will be working in conjunction with our committee leaders on a number of the SIG’s initiatives and programming for next year’s Annual Meeting.
- Kristen Emory, MA, won the EBBM SIG student award for her work on receptivity to tobacco-related messages and youth smoking. Ms. Emory is a doctoral candidate in health behavior at the joint doctoral program between the University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University. (Pictured: Sherri Sheinfeld Gorin, PhD, Kristen Emory, MA, and Amy Janke, PhD)
- At our SIG Business Meeting, Russell Glasgow, PhD, gave a presentation on implementation science at NCI. He suggested the need for different types of health research, models and methods, and encouraged an approach to implementation science that is more relevant, and translates more rapidly, to stakeholders.
- We sponsored a pre-session on "Translating the Evidence into Practice: Challenges and Implementation" led by Joanna Buscemi, PhD, Bonnie Spring, PhD, and Michael Coons, PhD. The pre-session provided interactive learning about the five-steps of the evidence-based practice process, how systematic reviews and treatment guidelines inform evidence-based practice, training in the extraction of research findings using the “3 circles” approach, and the resolution of implementation challenges in applying systematic reviews to policy and practice.
- We co-sponsored a symposium with the Scientific and Professional Liaison Council and the Health Policy Committee titled “Coordinating Cancer Care: What Have We Learned from Twenty Years of Empirical Studies?" The symposium entailed a description of the state-of-the-science in cancer care coordination based on relevant empirical studies published between 1990 and 2012. Presenters included Sherri Sheinfeld-Gorin, PhD, Kathryn McDonald, PhD, David Haggstrom, MD, and Steven Clauser, PhD.
Thank you to our SIG members who made our presence at this meeting such a success. We welcome your further involvement with the SIG and look forward to seeing you the next Annual Meeting!