Outlook: Newsletter of the Society of Behavorial Medicine
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Award Winners

Congratulations to the following 2013 Society of Behavioral Medicine Achievement Award Winners!

Alere Wellbeing Research to Practice Award
Saul Shiffman, PhD

Distinguished Research Mentor Award
Michael G. Perri, PhD

SBM Distinguished Scientist Award
Karina W. Davidson, PhD

Early Career Investigator Award
Janet Tomiyama, PhD

Early Career Investigator Award
Odette Wegwarth, PhD

Excellence in Behavioral Medicine Training Program Award
Training in Research for Behavioral Oncology and Cancer Control program housed at the Indiana University School of Nursing in Indianapolis

Outstanding Dissertation Award
Carmina Valle, PhD, MPH

Distinguished Student Award for Excellence in Research
Laramie R. Smith, MA
Rachel A. Millstein, MHS, MS

Distinguished Student Award for Excellence in Service Delivery
Katherine L. Taylor, MPH

Distinguished Student Award - Travel Scholarship
Afton M. Koball, MA
Angela M. Legg

Distinguished Student Awardees

New SBM Fellows
M. Margaret Dolcini, PhD
Jennifer B. McClure, PhD
Suzanne C. Segerstrom, PhD
Kathryn L. Taylor, PhD

C. Tracy Orleans Distinguished Service Awards

Jennifer K. Carroll, MD, MPH, Member Delegate
Amanda Graham, PhD, Outlook Editor
Paul B. Jacobsen, PhD, Evidence-Based Behavioral Medicine Chair
Abby C. King, PhD, Past-President
Sara J. Knight, PhD, Scientific & Professional Liaison Chair
Laura S. Porter, PhD, Education Training and Career Development Chair
Margaret L. Schneider, PhD, Program Chair
Timothy W. Smith, PhD, Publications & Communications Chair
Brent Van Dorsten, PhD, Membership Chair

SBM Special Interest Group Award Winners


Kathleen P. Conte, Outstanding Student Research Abstract in Aging Award
Neha P. Gothe, MA, Outstanding Student Research Abstract in Aging Award


Kelly M. Shaffer, Outstanding Student Award
Annette Stanton, PhD, Cancer SIGGIE
Julia Rowland, PhD, Cancer SIGGIE

Child & Family Health:

Marian L. Fitzgibbon, PhD, Outstanding Dedication and Special Service
Ellen R. Siceloff, PhD, Outstanding Research
Rhona Slaughter, MA, Student Award for Outstanding Research


Amanda M. Brouwer, PhD, Early Career Travel Award
Cynthia Fritschi, PhD, Early Career Travel Award Honorable Mention

Evidence-Based Behavioral Medicine:

Kristen Emory, Outstanding Student/Trainee Award
Sherri Sheinfeld Gorin, PhD, Outstanding Dedication and Service

Ethnic, Minority and Multicultural Health:

Kassandra A. Alia, Outstanding Student Abstract Award
Siu-kuen Azor Hui, PhD, MSPH, Outstanding Early Investigator Award
Jessica M. McNeely, Outstanding Student Abstract Award

Health Decision Making:

Sarah E. Lillie, MPH, Outstanding Trainee Abstract

Multiple Health Behavior Change:

Stefanie De Jesus, Student Research Award
Hui-Qing Yin, Student Research Award

Obesity & Eating Disorders:

Danielle M. Lespinasse, Graduate Student Research Award
Kristen Medina, MA, Graduate Student Research Award
Samantha A. Minski, MS, Graduate Student Research Award

Physical Activity:

David X. Marquez, PhD, Outstanding Dedication and Service
Neha P. Gothe, MA, Outstanding Student Abstract Award
San Mateo County Health System, Local Innovator Award


Sheeva Mostoufi, MS, Student Research Award Honorable Mention
Todd R. Seech, Student Research Award Honorable Mention
Karmel Wong, Student Research Award


Lauren C. Capozzi, Student SIG Research Award
Diane Ehlers, MA, Student SIG Research Award
Yue Liao, MPH, Student SIG Research Award

Spirituality & Health:

Carl E. Thoresen, PhD, Distinguished Senior Investigator Award

Women’s Health:

Elizabeth M. Sosa, Outstanding Student Researcher Award

