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Spring/Summer 2014 | |
Congratulations to the following 2014 Society of Behavioral Medicine Achievement Award Winners!Alere Research to Practice Award Distinguished Research Mentor Award SBM Distinguished Scientist Award Early Career Investigator Award Outstanding Dissertation Award Distinguished Student Award for Excellence in Research Distinguished Student Award - Travel Scholarship New SBM Fellows C. Tracy Orleans Distinguished Service Awards SBM Special Interest Group Award WinnersAging: Cancer: Child & Family Health: Ethnic, Minority and Multicultural Health: Evidence-Based Behavioral Medicine: Health Decision Making: Military and Veterans’ Health: Multiple Health Behavior Change: Obesity & Eating Disorders: Physical Activity: Pain: Spirituality & Health: Women’s Health: 2014 Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions RecapElliot J. Coups, PhD, 2013–2014 Program Committee Chair As at least 1,707 of you know (the second highest attendance ever), this year’s Annual Meeting in Philadelphia was a great success! Philadelphia provided a wonderful setting for the meeting, the theme of which was, Behavior Matters: The Impact and Reach of Behavioral Medicine. A host of featured sessions illustrated the many ways that behavioral medicine impacts health and healthcare across diverse settings and populations. The attendees represented more than 20 disciplines and many sessions featured cross-disciplinary team science approaches. Just over a third of the Annual Meeting attendees were students and other trainees and a number of sessions focused on relevant training, funding, mentorship, and professional service opportunities. Allison Vizgatis, a first-time student attendee, noted: “I attended a talk about Dynamical Modeling where engineers teamed up with psychologists to create a new theory about how to better predict behavior. I was captivated by the knowledge and synergy of the speakers. Each of them had a very different background of expertise, but were able to come together and create a concept that is teeming with collaborative ingenuity. It was nice to see an example of ‘outside of the box thinking,’ and be exposed to an exciting, new idea in the field.” It was wonderful to see many informal discussions at the meeting among individuals at different career stages. Even brief interactions at the Annual Meeting can have long-lasting benefits and illustrate the collegiality of the society’s members and the behavioral medicine field more broadly. Michael Falconieri, an undergraduate student at Ithaca College and first-time attendee at the meeting, remarked: “After one talk, a professor of psychology … took me aside and had a five-minute conversation with me because she was impressed by a question I asked. I was so giddy afterwards I could not hold back my smile. Overall going to a professional conference was the highlight of my college career. I truly hope to be able to attend another one by the time I graduate.” Meeting attendees came from 18 different countries: Australia, Canada, Chile, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, People’s Republic of China, Portugal, Singapore, Sweden, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and the United States. And perhaps it is news to you that if you are a member of SBM, you are automatically a member of the International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM; www.isbm.info). If you aren’t already planning to do so, consider attending ISBM’s 13th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, which is being held in Groningen, The Netherlands, from August 20–24 (www.icbm2014.com). We were delighted to again have a mobile app for the meeting, which was well-utilized and generated a lot of positive feedback. We also appreciate the helpful suggestions that people provided, many of which we hope to include in next year’s meeting app. The meeting generated lively commentary on Twitter, with many attendees live tweeting during sessions and continuing discussions throughout each day. It is remarkable how much insight can be captured within the 140 character limit of a tweet: a writing lesson for us all, perhaps! The 35th anniversary of the Annual Meeting provided an opportunity to review the history of the field of behavioral medicine. Drs. Marc Gellman and Sherry Pagoto put together an extremely informative poster timeline of the field (see  www.sbm.org/UserFiles/file/Historyofbehavioralmedicinetimeline4-18-14.jpg), highlights of which include: the first use of the term “behavioral medicine” in 1973 in Lee Berk’s book, Biofeedback: Behavioral Medicine; the 1977 Yale Conference on Behavioral Medicine (which sought to define and outline the goals of the behavioral medicine field); the founding of SBM in 1978; the inaugural issue of the Annals of Behavioral Medicine journal in 1985; the first International Congress of Behavioral Medicine (in Uppsala, Sweden) and founding of ISBM in 1990; and the first publication of SBM’s journal Translational Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy, Research in 2011. The field has come a long way in its relatively short history and it is exciting to consider what the coming decades will bring for the society and the field as a whole. We thank those of you who completed an Annual Meeting evaluation. Your feedback will help to shape next year’s Annual Meeting, which is being held in San Antonio, Texas, from April 22–25. Also, be sure to share feedback about the Annual Meeting and ideas for future sessions within the society’s special interest groups or SIGs (see www.sbm.org/about/special-interest-groups). As many of you know, the SIGs are a vital component of the society and play an important role in developing content and activities at the Annual Meeting. Some highlights of the SIG activities at this year’s Annual Meeting included a poster session flash mob (not as scary as it might sound!) organized by the Diabetes SIG, the Technology (formerly Behavioral Informatics) SIG’s popular breakfast preview of each day’s technology-focused sessions, and a session on career development award opportunities led by the Ethnic, Minority, and Multicultural Health SIG and the Education, Training, and Career Development Council. The meeting would not be possible if it were not for the hard work of many individuals, including the members of the Annual Meeting Program Committee (Ellen Beckjord, PhD, MPH; Mary Cooley, PhD, RN; Brian Gonzalez, PhD; Camonia Long, PhD, CHES; Claudio Nigg, PhD; Jennifer Otten, PhD, RD, Margaret Schneider, PhD; Dawn Wilson, PhD, 2013–2014 SBM President; and Geoffrey Williams, MD, PhD), the SBM staff members (Alicia Sukup, Holland LaFave, Amy Stone, Ben Stumpf, Ryan Spannagle, and Tara Withington), as well as the many track chairs, abstract reviewers (all 381 of them), paper session chairs, and volunteers. We also extend sincere thanks to those of you who generously donated funds to cover the registration costs of an extra 13 student volunteers at this year’s meeting. As one of the volunteers noted, “[t]hank you again for selection into this year's volunteer program. Honestly, it was instrumental to me being able to attend for the first time and present a poster.” Another student volunteer, Melissa Rodriguez, remarked on additional benefits of volunteering: “I truly enjoyed being a volunteer this year at SBM. As I greeted people at the registration desk, I was able to meet presenters and other key investigators in the field. My experience as a volunteer allowed me to then network with ease at poster sessions and presentations.” We would also like to thank all of the attendees for their active participation in the meeting and we very much look forward to seeing you in San Antonio next April! Physical Activity SIG UpdatePhysical Activity SIG Update ![]() The Physical Activity Special Interest Group’s (PA SIG) mission is to keep SBM members abreast of the latest developments and initiatives related to the physical activity field, provide opportunities for networking, and to serve as a forum advocating for the promotion of physical activity through various scientific activities. A highlight of this year’s PA SIG meeting at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting held in Philadelphia, PA was the presentation of the local innovator award. We were delighted to present a check for $200 to ‘Back on My Feet’, a national organization born in the City of Brotherly Love-Philadelphia, that uses running to help the homeless change the way they see themselves and progress towards employment and independent living. With the help of its many volunteers, the Back on My Feet organization partners with six homeless shelters in Philadelphia to provide running programs. Runners (homeless residential members and community volunteers) begin running at 5:30 a.m. every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and experience all the physical and emotional benefits of running and being part of a supportive community. Currently, Back on My Feet has chapters in 11 cities, where it helps members go the distance, one step at a time. (http://philadelphia.backonmyfeet.org). Also at the SIG meeting, SIG co-chairs presented a summary report of the “physical activity science map,” which represents an effort to expand the number of professional connections within the PA SIG, leading to future collaboration and mentorship opportunities. The map was populated with information provided by a survey sent to SIG members following last year’s member meeting in San Francisco. Respondents were asked to identify their primary areas of physical activity research, as well as areas of research in which they are interested in gaining more experience. The next step in the PA science map initiative will be to re-circulate an updated version to solicit additional information from respondents, and to determine the ideal forum for dissemination of the results. Congratulations to University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL student Elizabeth Awick, BS, for winning a Meritorious Award for her paper session presentation, “Does a home-based DVD-Delivered Physical Activity Program Increase Self-Esteem in Older Adults: An RCT.” This year we welcomed Beth Lewis who was elected to serve as the new PA SIG co-chair. We look forward to the direction Beth and Dave Williams (2nd year as PA SIG co-chair) will take the PA SIG in the next several years, and would like to thank former co-chair (Matt Buman) for his service and leadership as his PA SIG co-chair tenure comes to an end. Membership in the Physical Activity SIG remains high with 427 members, despite dropping 32 members from our peak membership (459) in 2013. We have an excellent balance of Student/Trainee (44%) and Full Members (43%), and a healthy share of Fellow (7%) and Transitional (4%) members. I invite all SBM members interested in physical activity or physical activity research to contact me to discuss ways that they can be more involved in the PA SIG, and challenge the PA SIG to increase its membership in an effort to surpass our 2013 numbers at next year’s 2015 meeting in San Antonio! We look forward to your attendance at next year’s PA SIG breakfast and business meeting! Be Active. Diabetes SIG Update
Caroline R. Richardson, MD, Diabetes SIG Chair The Society of Behavioral Medicine integrates research, patient care and policy efforts to improve health through behavioral science. As part of its mission, SBM periodically releases position and policy statements. These policy statements can be cited in grants and presentations and provide concrete targets for guidelines and insurance plans. The Diabetes SIG would like to take this opportunity to update the general membership regarding recent position and policy statements specific to diabetes. Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Diabetes self-management education improves disease severity, reduces complications, and lowers costs. However, only 30 to 40% of individuals diagnosed with diabetes receive self-management education. Surveying of health insurance plans indicates that approximately half cover diabetes self-management education. The most recent SBM position statement on diabetes “encourages legislation and other policies that require Medicare, Medicaid and Private Insurers to reimburse for DSM Education and Support 12 hours each year for everyone with diabetes”. Specifically SBM endorses these policy recommendations:
See the position statement on diabetes self-management for more details: https://www.sbm.org/UserFiles/file/diabetes-brief_statement_short.pdf Quality Care in Diabetes Current assessments of diabetes care quality focus on provider values and priorities such as testing glycosylated hemoglobin and foot exams. These aspects are crucial, yet insufficient, for disease control and quality care assurance. However, according to the SBM position statement, “…quality diabetes care must also recognize and reflect a patient centered approach, defined by the Institute of Medicine as "respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values, and ensure that patient values guide all clinical decisions" (Heisler et al., 2002; Institute of Medicine et al., 2001)”. Measures of patient behaviors and patient-reported outcomes need to be integrated into standard care. SBM recommends that standard care include measures of:
The SBM Diabetes Quality Care Statement is located here: https://www.sbm.org/about/public-policy/statements/diabetes-measures-of-quality-of-care Diabetes Education Materials If you are looking for high quality diabetes related materials for patient education and counseling with a particular emphasis on self-management check out the National Diabetes Education Program web site: http://ndep.nih.gov/. This web site includes a searchable database of print materials, videos, interactive web sites, and apps that relate to diabetes self-management. All of the materials have been screened by experts for quality and classified into a variety of categories for easy searching. Materials in a variety of languages are included in the database. The Diabetes SIG would like to acknowledge and thank SBM members who contributed to the development and publication of these position statements including: Ben Gerber, Lisa Sharp, Edwin Fisher, the SBM Health Policy Committee and SBM Leadership.
Evidence-Based Behavioral Medicine SIG UpdateAmy Janke, PhD, and Joanna Buscemi, PhD, EBBM SIG Co-Chairs ![]() The Evidence-Based Behavioral Medicine Special Interest Group (EBBM SIG) is excited to report on our activities at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine and plans for the upcoming year. We had a terrific turnout of SIG members contributing to our mission of advancing evidence-based medicine at our SIG-sponsored events. Here are some of the highlights:
As you may have noticed from our offerings at the Annual Meeting, the EBBM SIG has been partnering with the Scientific and Professional Liaison Council (SPLC) to develop partnerships with organizations that may bring new synergies to our SIG membership and SBM as a whole. For example, we co-sponsored a symposium with the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) to describe the Exercise as Medicine initiative and discuss evidence-based strategies for increasing physical activity. Also, the EBBM SIG sponsored two events bringing leadership from the US Cochrane Center to speak at our Annual Meeting. First, Dr. Roberta Scherer, Associate Director, US Cochrane Center, presented at our SIG Breakfast Meeting on Preparing a Cochrane Systematic Review. She provided an outstanding overview of the details involved in the systematic review process. This was followed by a presentation by Dr. Kay Dickersin, Director of the US Cochrane Center, who discussed the process of Cochrane reviews and ways EBBM SIG/SBM membership can potentially collaborate on such reviews. The SIG leadership has several projects planned for the upcoming year, but a primary effort will be to work with others in SBM to continue fostering our relationship with the Cochrane Collaboration. To achieve this aim, we hope to spend the year understanding and organizing our membership’s excellent efforts at evidence synthesis. As a first step towards this goal, we hope to have a survey out to our SIG membership soon to inquire about your interest and experience in systematic reviews and meta-analysis. This will help us more accurately identify our current membership expertise, lead to a more organized approach to connect with members conducting these reviews, and aid in connecting these members with other collaborators and organizations interested in evidence synthesis. So, keep an eye out for an email with a survey link soon! Thank you to our SIG members who made our presence at this meeting such a success. We are already planning for next year’s meeting, so please reach out to us with ideas and suggestions for programming. As always, we welcome your further involvement with the SIG and look forward to seeing you the next Annual Meeting! The Military and Veterans' Health SIG Focus on IntegrationKatherine S. Hall, PhD, MVH SIG Outlook Liaison
The 2014 SBM Annual Meeting was an exciting one for the Military and Veterans' Health Special Interest Group (MVH SIG). The MVH SIG’s primary goal is to promote behavioral health within the unique systems of the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). At the Philadelphia meeting, the SIG sponsored several noteworthy programming events of interest to the Society’s general members. Notably, two symposia highlighted VA’s efforts to address obesity treatment among Veterans with mental health disorders. In addition, the SIG partnered with the SBM Education, Training, and Career Development Council to host a dynamic mid-day panel presentation on behavioral medicine training and early career opportunities in VAs. Based on popular demand and high attendance, handouts from this panel were posted on the SIG’s webpage. The annual business meeting was designed to foster partnerships among the interdisciplinary SBM professionals who work in the VA/DoD healthcare systems. At this year’s business meeting, Emily Grieser, PhD, was elected to serve a two-year term as co-Chair representing the DoD and Katherine Hall, PhD was elected to serve a two-year term as the SIG’s Communications Officer. The SIG was also pleased to announce the presentation of a new award named in honor of SIG co-founder, Dr. “Patty” Rosenberger, for her instrumental role in forming a SIG to represent issues unique to serving military and Veteran populations. The first Annual Dr. Patricia R. Rosenberger student award was presented to Dr. Thomas Nassif of American University for his research evaluating a mindfulness meditation to help improve pain management for Veterans with traumatic brain injury. This award will be presented annually to students or post-doctorate trainees for exceptional research and/or service to the field of behavioral medicine that reflects Patty’s commitment to SBM and veterans’ health. The business meeting generated much discussion on how best to meet the goals of the MVH SIG. Among meeting attendees, there was a strong consensus to develop programming for the 2015 Annual Meeting that features VA and Uniform Services’ contributions to innovative and integrated behavioral medicine care. During Summer 2014, the SIG leadership will put out a call to its membership for proposals that highlight VA’s Health Promotion Disease Prevention (HPDP) and Health Behavior Coordinator positions as well as their role within VA’s version of the medical home model, Patient-Aligned Care Teams (PACT). The SIG also aims to promote programming that underscores the broad range of behavioral medicine issues addressed by VA’s Primary Care Mental Health Integration program (PC-MHI) in which mental health providers are co-located in primary care clinics. These topics also present the opportunity to develop a preconference workshop featuring VA expertise on the science of implementation and dissemination. Discussion from the business meeting also noted that San Antonio is home to the U.S. Air Force Clinical Health Psychology Fellowship program. DoD and Uniform Services members expressed interest in developing programming that highlights the training opportunities in this DoD program as well as professional and training opportunities available at the San Antonio VA. SIG officers stressed that they strive to provide programming that is relevant to SIG and general SBM members, and encouraged members to offer suggestions on programming topics of interest that can be sponsored solely by the MVH SIG or in collaboration with other SIGs or Councils by using the SIG listserv to initiate intra-SIG discussions. Leveraging the benefits of SBM membership, the MVH SIG will aim to foster professional networking and career development. To accomplish this aim, the SIG will explore opportunities to support early career researchers and professionals by connecting them with mentors and training opportunities. In light of the rapid transformation of DoD/VA healthcare services, efforts to elevate the importance of behavioral medicine in Requests for Applications (RFAs) for DoD/VA-sponsored research through ideas and collaborations developed through the SIG are needed. MVH SIG officers are aware of the difficult environment to obtain travel funding for conferences like SBM among its membership, and are working with VA and DoD leaders to identify ‘champions’ to help address this issue. Finally, the MVH SIG plans to make a social get-together an essential annual meeting event to build long-term relationships among SIG members. The MVH SIG invites all SBM members to join our commitment to promoting research, prevention, policy development, and education with the goal of translating evidence-based behavioral medicine interventions into clinical care for all Veterans, military members, and their families. We invite any interested members to join the MVH SIG by contacting any of the board members: David Goodrich (David.Goodrich2@va.gov), Emily Grieser, or Katherine Hall (katherine.hall@duke.edu). SBM Women’s Health SIGSara Kornfield, PhD, Women’s Health SIG Co-Chair Meet your new Women’s Health SIG co-chairs! ![]() Jennifer Huberty is an Associate Professor of Exercise and Wellness in the School of Nutrition and Health Promotion at Arizona State University. Her research focuses on the adoption and maintenance of physical activity in middle-aged women. She is currently working in partnership with Text4baby to determine the feasibility of using physical activity text messaging to improve physical activity levels in pregnant women. “I joined the Women’s Health SIG in order to branch out of my direct area of research and collaborate and partner with others interested in incorporating physical activity and wellness within their research related to women’s health.” Sara Kornfield, PhD is a Clinical Psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Women’s Behavioral Wellness. Her research focuses on trauma-related symptoms and mood disorders during pregnancy and she currently has an NIMH K23 award to investigate HPA axis dysregulation in pregnant women with PTSD. She lives in Philadelphia with her husband and two small children. “I joined the Women’s Health SIG in order to network with others interested in women’s health. I have great mentors at my university but its great to learn about what other researchers are doing in other parts of the country.” Are you interested in being a part of a small, yet dynamic group of women’s health researchers? In the Women’s Health SIG, the intimate nature of our membership allows each participant to foster professional relationships, gather new ideas, and collaborate on articles and grant applications. We have strong collaborations with other SIGS (i.e., technology, physical activity) that can help foster innovative research and contributions to the literature related to Women’s Health. This year we would like to institute a mentorship-pairing model to join young investigators with more established researchers in their field. Finally, participating in the Women’s Health SIG may help you make connections in order to become more recognized as an expert related to your own individual research focus and its connection to women’s health. The goals that the Women’s Health SIG has set for the upcoming year include (but are not limited to): 1) participating in grant applications from a group/expertise perspective (i.e., responding to a specific call as compared to a researchers idea being modified for a grant application) yielding innovative and ground breaking research, 2) improving membership (from 50 to 100) by implementing a mentorship model and partnering with other health related organizations (i.e., International Congress on Women’s Health), 3) offering a student research prize as well as a Young Investigator Award to be announced at the next Annual Meeting. Report on Annual Meeting Activities – This year at the 2014 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, we had a wonderful turnout at our networking dinner. In the group of ten women that attended, diverse interests were represented and interesting connections were made. We look forward to seeing you next year at the networking dinner. Newest Articles from Annals of Behavioral Medicine and Translational Behavioral MedicineSBM's two journals, Annals of Behavioral Medicine and Translational Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy, Research (TBM), continuously publish articles online, many of which become available before issues are printed. SBM members who have paid their 2014 membership dues are able to access the full text of all Annals and TBM articles via the SBM website by following the steps below.
To check if you are a current member of SBM, or if you are having trouble accessing the journals online, please contact the national office at info@sbm.org or 414-918-3156. The three most recently published Annals and TBM articles online are listed below. Annals of Behavioral Medicine
A Dyadic and Longitudinal Investigation of Adjustment in Couples Coping with Multiple Sclerosis
Authors: Christina Samios PhD, Kenneth I. Pakenham PhD, Jill O’Brien MPsych (Clin) Abstract:
Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty? Treatment of Depression and HIV/AIDS Medication Adherence: a Comment on Sin and DiMatteo
Authors: Jeffrey S. Gonzalez Ph.D. Excerpt:
The Relation between Social Support and Smoking Cessation: Revisiting an Established Measure to Improve Prediction
Authors: Rachel J. Burns BAS, Alexander J. Rothman PhD, Steven S. Fu MD, Bruce Lindgren MS, Anne M. Joseph MD, MPH Abstract: Translational Behavioral MedicineSocial support for physical activity—role of Facebook with and without structured intervention Authors: David N. Cavallo Ph.D., Deborah F. Tate Ph.D., Dianne S. Ward Ed.D., Robert F. DeVellis Ph.D., Linden M. Thayer, Alice S. Ammerman Dr.PH. Abstract: Implementing a brief evidence-based HIV intervention: a mixed methods examination of compliance fidelity Authors: M. Margaret Dolcini PhD, Joseph A. Catania PhD, Alice Gandelman MPH, Elizabeth M. Ozer PhD Abstract: News from CDC: the Legacy for Children™ parenting model, partnering to translate research to practice for children in poverty Authors: Lara R Robinson PhD, MPH, Ruth Perou PhD, Rebecca T Leeb PhD Abstract: Honors & AwardsThis article showcases some of SBM members' recent honors and awards. If you would like to have your honor or award featured in the next issue, please forward the details of your achievement to William J. Sieber, PhD, Outlook Editor. Congratulations to all of the following members. Ellen Beckjord, PhD, MPH Chandra L. Ford, PhD, MPH, MLIS Katarina Friberg Felsted, MS Ann Blair Kennedy, MA, LMT, Dr.PH(c) |
Classified Advertising To advertise in the Fall 2014 edition of Outlook, please supply ad copy to the SBM National Office. Please contact the National Office for additional information. Contact: |
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Marian L. Fitzgibbon, PhD Dawn K. Wilson, PhD Michael A. Diefenbach, PhD Elliot J. Coups, PhD Sherry L. Pagoto, PhD Amy L. Yaroch, PhD Council Chairs
Paul A. Estabrooks, PhD
Monica L. Baskin, PhD Alan M. Delamater, PhD Sherri Sheinfeld Gorin, PhD Claudio R. Nigg, PhD Committee Chairs Sherry L. Pagoto, PhD Brent Van Dorsten, PhD Ken Resnicow, PhD Michael A. Diefenbach, PhD Marian L. Fitzgibbon, PhD Dawn K. Wilson, PhD Lila J. Rutten, PhD Kathleen Wolin, ScD Editors Bonnie Spring, PhD, ABPP William J. Sieber, PhD Rajani S. Sadasivam, PhD |
Please send Outlook correspondence to: William J. Sieber, PhD Guidelines for Articles submitted to Outlook
Editor: William J. Sieber, PhD You have received this message because you have had previous contact with the Society of Behavioral Medicine. If you do not wish to be included in our mailing list, please forward this message to info@sbm.org. |