Key Dates
SBM's 2009 Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions
Behavioral Medicine: From Evidence to Practice and Policy
April 22-25, 2009
Palais des Congrès de Montréal - Montreal, Canada
November 14
Application Deadline for Achievement Awards
November 28, 2008 - January 5, 2009
Rapid Communication Abstracts Accepted
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE: Across Boundaries Some of you know that I am an inveterate traveler. Asia has been my favorite destination for more than 30 years. Never have I been happier than when trekking (usually literally) through Japan, India, China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, or Singapore. At least initially, my fascination with Asia reflected its exoticism, relative to my U.S. life experiences. Meeting others with vastly different values, priorities, beliefs and fears expanded my own horizons. Seeing how things really are different elsewhere helped me to envision how they could be different where I am. Read more >>

SBM Member Ellen R. Gritz, PhD Receives Award
The Foundation for the History of Women in Medicine (FHWIM) recognized SBM Member and Fellow, Ellen R. Gritz, PhD, on October 1, 2008, as the 2008 Alma Dea Mornai, MD, Renaissance Woman Award recipient. Dr. Gritz is professor and the founding chair of the Department of Behavioral Science at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Read more >>
Special Interest Groups
Ethnic Minority and Multicultural Health SIG
The following article from the Ethnic Minority and Multicultural Health SIG provides a brief overview about the opportunities and challenges in conducting research with ethnic and racial minority participants.
Complementary and Alternative Medicine SIG
The common perception of many healthcare providers is that the Department of Defense is more conservative in their approach to healthcare than most civilian organizations. Many would probably think that military hospitals would not be interested in exploring Complementary and Alternative medicine approaches to treatment. Submitted by Dr. Mona Bingham of the Complementary and Alternative Medicine SIG, this article provides two examples of current research efforts focused on addressing the efficacy of these holistic healing practices for military populations. Read more >>
Women's Health SIG: Reviving Attention on Women's Health at SBM
Women's health remains a national health priority with a critical need to increase public awareness through major research advancements and announcements. Read more >>
An Update From the Integrated Primary Care SIG
Members of the Integrated Primary Care (IPC) Special Interest Group (SIG) had a productive meeting in San Diego in March 2008. Read more >>
Focus on SBM Scientific and Professional Liaisons
In an effort to inform our members of ongoing and planned activities of the Scientific and Professional Liaison Council, Outlook will regularly shed a spotlight on SBM partnerships with other organizations and groups. Are you working with another organization on behalf of SBM? The Scientific & Professional Liaison Council would like to hear from you! Contact Susan Woods, MD at Read more >>
NIH OBSSR-Sponsored On-Line Training in Evidence-Based Behavioral Practice Now Available
The interdisciplinary Council for Training in Evidence-Based Behavioral Practice (EBBP), sponsored by National Institutes of Health's Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research (OBSSR), announces release of a newly redesigned website and training modules at A goal of the EBBP project is to develop online learning tools to help behavioral practitioners and students integrate research and practice in real-world conditions. Three training modules are currently available: The EBBP Process, Searching for Evidence, and Introduction to Systematic Reviews. Read more >>
2009 Society of Behavioral Medicine Achievement Awards
The Society of Behavioral Medicine is now accepting applications for its 2009 Achievement Awards. Recipients will be presented with their respective awards at the 2009 SBM Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions, April 22-25, in Montréal, Québec, Canada. This year the awards presentation will take place during the Business Meeting on Thursday, April 23 at 5:45 pm. A Presidential Reception, with hors d'oeuvres and cash bar will immediately follow. Read more >>
New Membership Directory Search Features Help Connect SBM Members
Until now, the online SBM Membership Directory allowed users to find other members only by name, company, or location. Now, (member) users can also search by Specialty, Occupation, or Primary Profession. Read more >>
Plan Now to Attend SBM's Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions, April 22-25, 2009
"Behavioral Medicine: From Evidence to Practice and Policy," is the theme of SBM's 30th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions in Montréal, Canada, April 22-25, 2009, a timely topic of keen interest to behavioral medicine researchers, practitioners, and educators alike. Read more >>
Classified Advertising
Deadline and Rates
To advertise in the Winter 2008 edition of Outlook (which will be available in January 2009), please supply ad copy to the SBM National Office. Artwork, including company logos, will not be accepted. Please contact the National Office for additional information.
The deadline for receipt of ad copy is November 3, 2008. Advertising is billed at a rate of $10 per line based on Outlook’s final layout.
Georgia Oldenstadt, Project Manager
Society of Behavioral Medicine
555 East Wells Street, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202-3823
Phone: (414) 918-3034
Fax: (414) 276-3349
Bonnie Spring, PhD, ABPP
Francis Keefe, PhD
Peter G. Kaufmann, PhD*
Susan M. Czajkowski, PhD*
Amanda L. Graham, PhD
Member Delegate
Felicia Hill-Briggs, PhD, ABPP
Member Delegate
Lisa Klesges, PhD
Member Delegate
Council Chairs
Katharine Stewart, PhD, MPH, Co-Chair
Phillip J. Brantley, PhD, Co-Chair
Education, Training & Career Development
Lora E. Burke, PhD, MPH, RN, Chair
Brent Van Dorsten, PhD, Co-Chair
Kenneth Freedland, PhD, Chair
Publications & Communications
Susan H. Woods, MD, MPH, Chair
Sara J. Knight, PhD, Co-Chair
Scientific & Professional Liaison
Jennifer L. Steel, PhD, Chair
Barbara Resnick, PhD, CRNP, Co-Chair
Special Interest Groups
Committee Chairs
Karen A. Matthews, PhD
Suzanne M. Miller, PhD
David Mohr, PhD
Evidence-Based Behavioral Medicine
Kenneth A. Wallston, PhD
Prabhu Ponkshe, MA, LLB
Health Policy
Peter G. Kaufmann, PhD*
Sherry L. Pagoto, PhD, Chair
Michael A. Diefenbach, PhD, Co-Chair
Kathleen Goggin, PhD
Program Support
NIH Liaison
Ronald Abeles, PhD
Alan J. Christensen, PhD, Editor
Cheryl L. Albright, PhD, MPH, Editor
Amanda L. Graham, PhD, Associate Editor
*Serving in a personal capacity