Outlook: Newsletter of the Society of Behavorial Medicine
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Members in the News

The following Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) members and their research were recently featured in news articles or videos. To have your news spot featured in the next issue of Outlook, please email lbullock@sbm.org.

Kate Wolin, ScD
Dr. Wolin appeared on The Dr. Oz Show on October 6 for a segment about slashing cancer risk. She and Oz discussed the effects of a new test that gives patients an evidence-based way to assess their own individual cancer risk. Watch the video.

Felix A. Okah, MD, MS, FAAP
A study by Dr. Okah found that living in a zip code with more violence increases the chances of having a premature or low birth weight baby. Dr. Okah’s work was featured in a Kansas City Fox 4 news segment on September 26 and in a UMKC Today article on September 23.

Robin M. Lally, PhD, MS, BA, RN, AOCN
Dr. Lally’s work involves American Cancer Society-funded development and testing of an Internet-based, self-guided psychoeducational intervention called CaringGuidance: After Breast Cancer Diagnosis. It is aimed at reducing distress and facilitating coping and psychological adjustment among women newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Her work was featured September 25 in the UB Reporter. Read the article.

Edward McAuley, PhD, and Neha Gothe, PhD
Drs. McAuley and Gothe studied how yoga impacts brain functioning. Their results, which show yoga practitioners improve working memory capacity, were featured on TIME magazine's website on August 20. Read the article.

Bonnie Spring, PhD, ABPP
Dr. Spring's study showing adults who make healthier choices can reduce heart disease risk was published in Circulation and was profiled by The Nation's Health in August. The study dismissed the idea that once health damage is done it's too late to reverse it. Read the article.

