President's Message: 'Leading' the Way
New initiatives at the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) might be best summed up with one word: lead. With your needs in mind, SBM is developing a leadership training program that will help advance mid-career behavioral scientists into the next stage of their careers. We are also exploring options for partnerships that would allow members to lead the digital health industry in a direction that is more evidence-based.
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Board Notes: New Council/Committee Reports and a Website Upgrade
During the July meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) Board of Directors, board members took steps to better track council and committee activities. They also approved an SBM website upgrade that will make the site more user-friendly for mobile device users. Read more »
SBM's Journals Moving to Online Delivery
The Society of Behavioral Medicine's (SBM's) two journals are going green. Starting in 2016, Annals of Behavioral Medicine and Translational Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy, Research will switch to online delivery. Instead of getting hefty issues delivered in the mail, SBM members will receive electronic copies via email. Read more »
2016 SBM Call for Awards and Fellow Applications
The Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) will soon be accepting applications for its 2016 achievement awards and fellow nominations. The call for applications opens October 12 and closes November 18 at 11:59 p.m. EST. For more detailed information about the awards and fellow nominations-including how to apply or nominate someone-please visit SBM's official call for awards and call for fellows Web pages.
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It's That Time of Year! Watch Your Mailbox for SBM Membership Renewal Info
It's hard to believe, but 2016 is almost here. The Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) will open 2016 membership renewals and new member sign ups this month. Easy, one-page renewal forms are on their way to your mailbox right now. You'll also be able to renew online.
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New TBM Editor Suzanne Miller Hopes Partnerships with Nonprofits and Legislators Can Increase Articles' Real-World Impact
Incoming Translational Behavioral Medicine (TBM) Editor-in-Chief Suzanne Miller, PhD, has a dream that someday, someone like the New Jersey commissioner of health will visit the TBM website and comment on a TBM blog post about a newly published TBM paper. Read more »
Optimization of Behavioral Interventions SIG Talks with Bonnie Spring about her Study of Weight Loss Program Components
The Society of Behavioral Medicine's (SBM) new Optimization of Behavioral Interventions Special Interest Group (OBI SIG) recently interviewed Bonnie Spring, PhD, ABPP, director of the Center for Behavior and Health at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine.
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How You Can Advocate for Health Policy Change
Whether you are a clinician, researcher, or educator, you may have asked yourself at one point in time, "How can I use what I've learned from my work to have a greater impact on population-level health?" If you have had this thought but were unsure how to begin, the Society of Behavioral Medicine's (SBM's) Health Policy Committee (HPC) provides structured and guided opportunities for SBM members and SBM special interest groups (SIGs) to increase the impact of their work through the development and dissemination of health policy briefs.
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Promoting Shared Decision Making in Lung Cancer Screening
Lung cancer is the second most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer mortality in the United States, with an estimated 158,000 deaths predicted in 2015.1 Prevention (smoking cessation) is the most effective strategy for reducing the burden of lung cancer. Lung cancer screening also has the potential to reduce lung cancer mortality.
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Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Older Adults
Complementary and integrative medicine (CIM) is popular in the United States, especially-perhaps surprisingly-among older adults. Over a quarter of older adults (27%) utilize it in some form (Arcury, Suerken, Grzywacz, Bell, Lang, & Quandt, 2006). As life expectancy increases and older adults are faced with cumulative comorbidities and disabilities, their satisfaction with typical and customary medicine often wanes (Getz, 2011). Older adults often turn to alternative therapies to seek relief, either in conjunction with or instead of more traditional offerings (Cassileth, Gubili, & Yeung, 2009). Read more »

Research Recruitment Strategies for Women in the Reproductive Period
The Women's Health Special Interest Group had a panel discussion at the Society for Behavioral Medicine (SBM) 2015 Annual Meeting. Experts in the field of women's health shared experiences and ideas on recruiting women in the reproductive period into research studies (Panel discussants: Jennifer Huberty, PhD, Arizona State University; Jenn Leiferman, PhD, University of Colorado Denver; and Danielle Downs, PhD, The Pennsylvania State University). Read more »
Recent Advances in Multiple Health Behavior Change
Multiple health behavior change (MHBC) is increasingly recognized as critical to reducing modifiable risk behaviors that often occur in clusters and are associated with chronic diseases (Prochaska et al., 2008; Spring et al., 2012). Growing evidence demonstrates that interventions targeting multiple co-occurring health risk behaviors, rather than a single health risk behavior one at a time, may have a greater impact preventing chronic illness and ultimately improving public health (Prochaska, 2008).
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Ryan Rhodes Talks about Theory: Past, Present, and Future
In anticipation of the Theories and Techniques of Behavior Change Interventions Special Interest Group (TTBCI SIG) Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) 2016 Annual Meeting debate on the utility of social cognitive theories, we interviewed debate participant and theory expert Ryan Rhodes, PhD, to ask him about his views on the role of theory in behavioral medicine research. Read more »
New Articles from Annals of Behavioral Medicine and Translational Behavioral Medicine
SBM's two journals, Annals of Behavioral Medicine and Translational Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy, Research (TBM), continuously publish online articles, many of which become available before issues are printed. Three recently published Annals and TBM online articles are listed below. Read more »
Honors and Awards
Congratulations to the following Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) members who recently received awards or were otherwise honored. To have your honor or award featured in the next issue of Outlook, please email
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Members in the News
The following Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) members and their research were recently featured in news articles or videos. To have your news spot featured in the next issue of Outlook, please email
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