Outlook: Newsletter of the Society of Behavorial Medicine

Fall 2021

SBM Award Winner Will Study the Complex Interplay Between Physical Activity and Sexual Violence

Rebecca Borzon; SBM Member and Media Communications Manager

Michelle M. Pebole, MA

The Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) is proud to announce its winner of the 2021 Health and Behavior International Collaborative Award! SBM member Michelle Pebole, MA,  is a  a PhD candidate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and her research is focused on the complex interplay between physical activity and sexual violence. Ms. Pebole plans to use the award to work with Associate Professor Simon Rosenbaum (also an SBM member) at the University of New South Wales—Sydney, Australia. She will assess experiences with and perceptions of Australian accredited exercise physiologists (AEPs) about the impact of sexual violence on individuals accessing their care.

Survivors of sexual violence have been historically silenced and marginalized. Survivors are often left with depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress. Survivors of sexual violence also experience cardiometabolic risk factors such as cardiovascular and inflammatory disease, chronic pain, functional impairment, and obesity. There is robust evidence that exercise can help improve these mental and physical health conditions, but survivors often feel unsafe in exercise environments. Ms. Pebole’s project will gather an evidence base that acknowledges the lived experiences and unique needs of this underserved population. This will help integrate survivors into health promotion. During the course of the study, researchers will gain a better understanding of how to make trauma-informed exercise environments while avoiding re-victimizing survivors. Results will highlight areas of improvement that can be incorporated into future trauma-informed trainings for AEPs.

The Health and Behavior International Collaborative Award is jointly sponsored by SBM, the International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM), the International Behavioural Trials Network, the Society for Health Psychology (SfHP), and the American Psychosomatic Society (APS).

Congratulations also to the other 2021 HBIC Award winners: Arwa Ben Salah (APS winner); Isabela Roque Marçal and Connor Gleadhill (IBTN winners); Delfin Lovelina (ISBM winner); and Brett Messman (SfHP winner).