For the last 10 years, the Cancer SIG Education and Training Committee has developed offered a range of career development opportunities for members. From webinars to conference panels to preconference workshops, the Committee has offered tips on mentoring, career development, grant writing, and work-life balance.
Our newest initiative focuses on developing opportunities for peer mentoring. While professional mentors offer critical career and research advice, peer mentoring can offer a wealth of benefits including practical advice, support, and information.
The idea for a peer mentoring program came out of a discussion at an annual conference about the limited number of year-round mentoring opportunities. In an attempt to bridge that gap, we piloted a peer mentoring group with a very simple goal: monthly phone calls with a group of 8-10 people with a common interest. The initial test group was composed of 8 women who were mid-career (in addition to the authors, members were: Catherine Alfano, Kristi Graves, Aimee James, Shelby Langer, Elyse Park, and Melinda Stolley). To maximize the feasibility, the group was designed to take no more than an hour once month, and a moderator was nominated to coordinate the call. Each call has a set agenda: 5-min check-in, pre-selected topic generated by the group’s interests, and 5-min check out to set monthly intentions.
Topics have included directed readings (e.g., “Energy Management,” “Essentialism”) and guest speakers as well as focus on specific issues such as increasing productivity, negotiating promotions, balancing work and life, developing “reach” goals, redefining productivity, and setting research priorities.
At the end of each group, members set an intention for the next call. Designed to be provide a focus during the coming month, intentions can be either a specific goal or task (draft a manuscript, write program proposal, zero inbox) and a particular mindset (practice patience, be on time, find more joy at work).
Members of the initial group, now in its third year, have reported increases in productivity, work satisfaction, and career advancement along with benefiting from a lot of insight, advice, and practical strategies including the following:
Our committee is eager to share the peer mentoring model with others who are interested in starting a group of their own. The program is designed to be straightforward, easy to implement, and most importantly, helpful. SBM will even host the calls for you. Please contact Felicity Harper for more information.