Outlook: Newsletter of the Society of Behavorial Medicine

Spring 2023

Climate Change & Health in Phoenix: Opportunities for Engagement

Callie S. Kalny, PhD(c); & the Climate Change and Health SIG (In-Formation) 

Over the past several months, members of the Climate Change & Health Special Interest Group (in-formation) have worked diligently in planning a series of events– including a pre-conference workshop, a business meeting, a networking session, and a number of panel presentations– for the upcoming annual meeting in Phoenix. The overarching mission of the SIG-in-formation is to leverage the interdisciplinary nature of behavioral medicine in ways that advance climate change research, education, and advocacy. To that end, the below events scheduled during the 2023 Annual Meeting are intended to serve as catalysts for important conversations about moving climate-focused behavioral medicine research, as well as the new special interest group, forward. We hope to see you there!

Climate Change & Health Annual Meeting Events

Graduate Student and Early Career Scholar Pre-Conference: Translating Science into Impact

Date: Wednesday 4/26
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Location: Phoenix Ballroom A
Lead Contact: Callie Kalny; CCH SIG (in-formation); HDM SIG 

Note: The CCH SIG (in-formation) is co-hosting this preconference workshop with the Health Decision Making SIG. The pre-conference will facilitate discussions about key career and disciplinary opportunities while exemplifying the translation of science into impact through the context of climate change and health. 

Climate Change and Health Business Meeting 

Date: Thursday 4/27
Time: 8:00 a.m.
Location: Laveen A & B 
Lead Contact: Michael Diefenbach and team; CCH SIG (in-formation) 

How to Integrate Climate Change Into Your Existing Program of Research

Date: Thursday 4/27
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Location: Encanto B
Lead Contact: Brooke Bell; CCH SIG (in-formation)

Dual-Purpose Interventions for Health and Climate Change

Date: Friday 4/28
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Location: Paradise Valley
Lead Contact: Sydney O’Connor; CCH SIG (in-formation)

Climate Change and Health Networking Session 

Date: Friday 4/28
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Location: Estrella
Lead Contact: Michael Diefenbach and team; CCH SIG (in-formation) 


If you would like to be added to the Climate Change & Health SIG-in-formation listserv, please email the deputy co-chair Callie Kalny (CallieKalny@U.Northwestern.Edu)