Outlook: Newsletter of the Society of Behavorial Medicine

Winter 2021

Editor's Note: Refocused, Relevant and Resilient

Crystal Y. Lumpkins, PhD; Editor, Outlook

Crystal Y. Lumpkins, PhD

Serving as Outlook Editor has given me an incredible opportunity to serve alongside outstanding SBM leadership and staff. I have learned many lessons and attribute this to observing how this society has responded in uncertain and challenging times. As our President’s Message encourages us to rest, purpose and revitalize during this season, I think about how these holiday wishes for our society provide a moment to pause – we can refocus and remain resilient. This society continues to thrive because of the strategic responsiveness to complex issues in our nation and world, the culture it drives, and commitment to advancing present and future leaders in behavioral medicine. It is no surprise that our society continues to succeed.

In this issue of Outlook, one Past-President shares the work accomplished to address climate change; the Health Policy Council also shares interviews conducted with Health Policy Ambassadors and their work as policy advocates. SBMs Black Past-Presidents also share lessons learned during their presidency and we share a snapshot of SBMs current membership and how the Membership Council will use its report to shape upcoming Council activities. These are just some of the relevant and resourceful articles you will find in this issue.

Finally, I’d like to welcome Dr. Linda Trinh as the incoming Outlook Editor. We are excited that she is on board and is in position to take the reins in spring. I look forward to seeing you in Baltimore in April and wish all of you Happy Holidays.

With Gratitude,

Crystal Y. Lumpkins, PhD