Outlook: Newsletter of the Society of Behavorial Medicine
Spring/Summer 2012 Return to Outlook Main page »

SBM Outlook Spotlight - Membership Council - Spring/Summer 2012

Brent Van Dorsten, PhD, Membership Council Chair

The Society of Behavioral Medicine's Membership Council is one of the five permanent councils and is charged with recruitment and retention of members. In accordance with the SBM mission statement, this is a multi-dimensional goal focused on recruiting interdisciplinary members involved in a variety of clinical, research, administrative and educational pursuits.

The Membership Council attempts to represent multiple professional specialties and a variety of Special Interest Groups (SIGs). The current Membership Council is composed of the following members (listed with their SIG affiliations):

Brent Van Dorsten, PhD - Membership Council Chair; Pain; Diabetes; Integrated Primary Care
Marcella H. Boynton, PhD - Health Decision Making; Multiple Health Behavior Change (Co-Chair); Student
Jennifer K. Carroll, MD, MPH - Evidence Based Behavioral Medicine
Dean G. Cruess, PhD - Cancer; Evidence Based Behavioral Medicine; Multiple Health Behavior Change; Women's Health
Kirsten K. Davison, PhD - Child and Family Health; Physical Activity
Sasha A. Fleary, MS - Child & Family Health; Ethnic Minority & Multicultural Health; Health Decision Making; Multiple Health Behavior Change; Obesity & Eating Disorders; Physical Activity; Student
Jeffrey L. Goodie, PhD, ABPP - Aging; Integrated Primary Care; Obesity & Eating Disorders; Pain
Robert Motl, PhD - Physical Activity
Christina Psaros, MS - Multiple Health Behavior Change; Obesity & Eating Disorders; Evidence Based Behavioral Medicine; Women's Health (Co-Chair)
Barbara Resnick, PhD, CRNP, FAAN, FAANP - Past SIG Council Chair
Sherri Sheinfeld Gorin, PhD - Evidence Based Behavioral Medicine (Co-Chair); Cancer

Membership Council Goals
  1. In conjunction with the Scientific and Professional Liaison Council, the Membership Council participates in efforts to recruit new members via collaborative interactions with other professional organizations who share SBM's vision and initiatives.
  2. The Membership Council is devising ways to recruit more non-member meeting attendees to join SBM.
  3. The Membership Council aims to increase the number of members from a variety of professional settings including but not limited to basic behavioral scientists, clinical care providers, physicians, nurses, educators, administrators, and policy makers.
  4. The Membership Council continues to investigate effective strategies to retain student members and post-doctoral fellow members as they transition from trainee to autonomous professional.
Opportunities for New and Prospective Members

At the SBM Annual Meeting, the Membership Council sponsors a New Member Meet and Greet to provide orientation to new members regarding the myriad opportunities available within the organization and to familiarize them with the array of SIG activities. The New Member Meet and Greet at the 2012 Annual Meeting in New Orleans was overwhelmingly successful, so the Council is exploring ways for increasing opportunities for newer members to spend time with the SIG Chairs at the 2013 Annual Meeting in San Francisco.

The Membership Council also staffs a membership information booth to facilitate membership application for non-member meeting attendees. The Membership Council looks forward to collaborating with the Program Committee to develop creative strategies to increase local professional attendance at SBM's 2013 Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions in San Francisco, CA and to retain attendees as members.

Call to Action - Introduce a Colleague to Behavioral Medicine

Whether you enjoy running into your peers and mentors at the perfectly-sized Annual Meetings or sharing your research with members in your favorite SIG, you have found a home in the Society of Behavioral Medicine so why not share it with your friends and colleagues who haven't yet discovered this gem? The Membership Council encourages our colleagues to remain members of SBM and to help attract new members to serve our collective mission.

Call to Action

The Membership Council launches a "grass roots" recruitment effort aiming to increase membership by asking you, current SBM members, to contact 2-5 colleagues who are not current SBM members to encourage them to renew membership or join anew. We hope every SBM member will recruit a colleague who can benefit from involvement in order to sustain our membership numbers and national visibility.

The perfect catalyst for this initiative is to encourage your colleagues and research partners to submit an abstract to present at the next Annual Meeting in San Francisco! The abstract submission site for the upcoming 2013 Annual Meeting will open at the end of June so keep on the lookout for the official Call for Abstracts and be sure to forward the information to your colleagues who may not already know about SBM but whose research could contribute to the growing field of behavioral medicine.

