Outlook: A Quarterly Newsletter of the Society of Behavorial Medicine
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NIH OBSSR-Sponsored On-Line Training in
Evidence-Based Behavioral Practice Now Available

The interdisciplinary Council for Training in Evidence-Based Behavioral Practice (EBBP), sponsored by National Institutes of Health's Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research (OBSSR), announces release of a newly redesigned website and training modules at http://www.ebbp.org. A goal of the EBBP project is to develop online learning tools to help behavioral practitioners and students integrate research and practice in real-world conditions. Three training modules are currently available: The EBBP Process, Searching for Evidence, and Introduction to Systematic Reviews.

The EBBP Process module aims to enhance the skills of behavioral interventionists from a variety of health care disciplines to find, appraise, and apply evidence to improve the health of individuals, communities, and other populations. In Searching for Evidence, behavioral health professionals will learn about available on-line resources and develop skills to more effectively search for health care evidence. In Systematic Reviews, evidence-users will learn to appraise the quality of systematic reviews, and evidence-creators will learn the basic steps in conducting a systematic review. Instructors who use the modules or other EBBP materials in their courses are also invited to share syllabi, conference presentations, and other resources in the new EBBP Teaching Resource Library at http://ebbp.org/syllabus.php.

EBBP.org training materials are based on an analysis of the professional competencies required to engage in the EBBP process. The EBBP Council white paper describing these competencies, available at http://www.ebbp.org/competencies.html, is a singular accomplishment. Council members representing the disciplines of medicine, nursing, psychology, social work, public health, and information sciences came together to delineate a harmonized approach to the evidence-based practice process across the major professions that deliver behavioral interventions. The white paper, which received public comment in spring and fall of 2007, reflects revisions based on the input of numerous professional societies.

