Outlook: A Quarterly Newsletter of the Society of Behavorial Medicine
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Temple University's Center for Obesity Research and Education (CORE)

Temple University's Center for Obesity Research and Education (CORE) is aggressively recruiting a top researcher (tenure-track, open rank) with expertise in exercise physiology, applied physiology or related biomedical disciplines to further expand the Center's research on the metabolic-related aspects of obesity. CORE has the infrastructure to support multidisciplinary research, including a large feeding lab, dedicated DEXA, office space, as well as its collaboration with other departments on Temple's Main Campus, Health Sciences Center, and the College of Health Professions. CORE is interested in individuals who could be appointed to the University's Department of Kinesiology. Joint appointments in a biomedical department in the School of Medicine and the Cardiovascular Research Center, which all are parts of a large collaborative and vibrant health sciences center, may be available for a successful candidate.

Applicants must have a doctoral degree, a publication history appropriate to the rank of appointment and a successful program of research that includes a record of external research funding (senior candidates) or the potential for such a program of research (junior candidates with postdoctoral experience). Applicants must electronically submit a curriculum vitae, a statement of research interest, a statement of graduate or undergraduate teaching interests, three letters of recommendation, and copies of representative publications to Gary D. Foster, Ph.D., Professor of Medicine and Public Health and Director of the Center for Obesity Research and Education gary.foster@temple.edu. Temple University is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and diversity of its workforce. Application Deadline: November 1, 2008.

