Resources on 2025 U.S. Federal Policy Changes
U.S. executive orders and other communications have important implications for SBM and the conduct of our science: Many of our members are employees of the federal government, rely on federal government datasets and websites, receive federal funding to support their training and/or programs of research, and focus their research and practice on reducing health disparities.
SBM is actively and continuously evaluating the rapidly changing policy landscape to identify the most strategic and impactful opportunities to engage alone or in partnership with other scientific societies in our network. We want to understand how SBM can support your professional missions during this time. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts here.
The resources below may be helpful if you want to take action as an individual living in the United States. If you don’t live in the U.S., consider reaching out to your U.S. colleagues to see how you can help.

Termination of NIH Grants
- March 6 to 11: Articles: NIH terminated existing research grants involving diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), LGBTQ+ issues, gender identity, climate change, vaccine hesitancy, and mRNA vaccines.
- Article: When could a government shutdown occur? Deadline to pass funding bill looms this month
- Lists of Terminated Grants: From Science
- March 18:SBM-Signed Letter on the Importance and Safety of Vaccines
- Report Your Terminated Grant to SBM Here
- And keep submitting your grants -- the agencies need to hear about your work!
NIH 15% Cap on Indirect Costs for All Grants
- March 5: Article: U.S. judge blocks NIH’s plan to slash overhead cost payments
- NIH Policy Notice
- Lawsuit from SBM-Partner, the Association of American Medical Colleges, Results in Nationwide Temporary Restraining Order on Proposed Drastic Cuts to NIH Funding
- "What is Happening at NIH?" Explainer on All Actions since January 20, from the Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences
- One-Pager, FAQ, Comparisons to Foundations, and Other Explainers of Indirect Costs, from the Council on Governmental Relations
- Explainer and Impact Article
- SBM-Signed Letter to Congress Calling for Robust FY25 NIH Funding, Including No Cuts to Indirects
- Research!America Form to Contact Your Members of Congress
- To Craft Your Own Outreach:
- Tool to Calculate the Economic and Employment Impact of NIH Funding In Your State
- Tool to Calculate the Impact of Federal Research Funding in Your State and Congressional District (also includes NSF and USDA)
- Chart Showing Estimated Single Year Financial Loss by Individual University/Institution if 15% Indirect Cost Rate is Imposed (quickly search for your institution)
- How to Communicate with Congress, from the Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences
- Statement from the American Diabetes Association
- Statement from the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities
- Statement from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
- Statement from the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Grant Disbursement Freeze
- Lawsuit from SBM-Partner, the American Public Health Association, Results in Restraining Order on Federal Grant Disbursement Freeze
- Updates on Federal Payment Freeze
- To Craft Your Own Outreach:
Executive Orders
- UPDATED: Research!America Timeline of Trump Administration Actions Impacting Medical and Public Health Research
- March 4: SBM-Signed American Institute of Biological Sciences Letter Urging Congress to Assert its Constitutional Authority
- Full Executive Order Tracker with List of Legal Challenges, courtesy of Sheppard Mullin law firm
- Summary of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Executive Orders
- UPDATED: Court Challenges Legality and Constitutionality of DEI Executive Orders
- Article: Here are the words putting science in the crosshairs of Trump’s orders
Availability of Public Data
- Explainer Article
- Updates on Limiting Access to Federal Databases and Datasets
- February 28: Article: Kennedy moves to eliminate notice and public comment requirements for certain HHS decisions
- March 3: Official Notice
- BMJ Article: Pulling resources and blocking access to key scientific data will cause untold long term harm
- FY26 FAQs on NIH Funding Increase Request (from the Association of American Medical Colleges)
Support for Science
- SBM-Signed American Psychological Association Letter Affirming Our Commitment to Science (Will also appear on AAAS and in The Chronicle of Higher Education)
- Research!America Survey Shows Americans Support Investments in U.S. Research (Jan 2025)
- March 13: National Postdoctoral Association Releases Report on Impact of Recent Executive Branch Policies on Postdoctoral Researchers
- March 7 Stand Up for Science Rallies Held Across US (Article) (Photos)
- Are you an SBM member who attended? Tell us about your experience or share your photos!
- Check the official Stand Up For Science website for future events and updates.
- How to Communicate with Congress, from the Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences
- Combat Misinformation Shared by Family and Friends (Article featuring SBM Past President Dr. Sherry Pagoto; strategies reference COVID-19 misinformation but can be adapted)
- Bridge the Scientist-Public Misinformation Divide (Article from SBM partner, the Association of American Medical Colleges. Features the Coalition for Trust in Health & Science, which SBM belongs to. See more of the coalition's resources for professionals here.)
- Get Your Research Out Into the World with SBM:
- Annals of Behavioral Medicine
- Translational Behavioral Medicine
- Healthy Living
- Sci Comm Toolkit for Reaching the Media and the Public
Support for Job Loss and Job Search
- Thank you to the professional career coaches offering free coaching to former federal employees, contractors, and implementing partners who have been recently furloughed, laid off, put on administrative leave, are otherwise unemployed as a result of executive action and federal workforce reductions, and individuals who are concerned that they may fall into these categories in the near future.
- Sign up here (Note: Some coaches come from the SBM Leadership Institute, but SBM cannot guarantee the quality of individual coaches, nor is SBM liable for an individual's coaching experience.)
- SBM Consultation Program
- SBM Job Board
- SBM On-Demand Webinar: Preparing for a Job Search
- SBM On-Demand Webinar: Career Paths Beyond the Academic Track
- SBM On-Demand Webinar: Navigating a Non-Academic Career Path
- SBM On-Demand Webinar: Alternatives to academic careers for behavioral scientists
- SBM On-Demand Webinar: Corporation Boot Camp for Behavior Scientists
Support for Yourself in Challenging Times
Researchers and scholars have long been targeted in connection with their professional work. Such attacks have taken on new dimensions, fueled in part by increased use of social media and other digital means of communication. Recognizing that targeting comes in many forms and from a variety of actors, the Committee on Human Rights of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and National Academy of Medicine has identified an array of resources meant to support researchers and scholars in preventing and responding to targeted attacks.
Thank you to the SBM members who authored these short articles and tips for staying healthy and managing stress!
- 5 Tips To Help You Sleep When You're Stressed
- The Effects of Blue Light on Sleep
- Using Yoga and other Meditative Movement Activities to Relieve Stress
- Stress Management for a Healthy Heart
- How to Start (or Restart) Exercising
- Tips for Staying Healthy in Graduate School
Thank you to the SBM members who presented this webinar on resiliency in research careers.