Sign-Ons and Endorsements

SBM Makes Commitment to Science

SBM signs on to letter coordinated by Dr. Arthur Evans at the American Psychological Association (APA), which will appear on the site as a banner ad starting this Friday (2/14). It will also be published in next print edition of The Chronicle of Higher Education on page 2. This letter is intended to serve as a powerful, collective statement from the signed-on organizations that emphasizes the importance of science and lets members of the research community, academics, educators, and practitioners know that we are willing to stand up for their work. Read full letter here

SBM Signs on to Letter Commenting on the Topic of Beverages to the U.S. Departments of Agriculture (USDA) and of Health and Human Services (HHS) as they Work to Develop the 2025-2030 Dietary Guidelines for Americans

SBM along with 72 nutrition and public health experts and organizations are pleased to provide comment on the topic of beverages to the U.S. Departments of Agriculture (USDA) and of Health and Human Services (HHS) as they work to develop the 2025-2030 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and associated consumer-facing information. In this letter, members of the National Drinking Water Alliance are joined by numerous individuals engaged in the fields of nutrition and public health as well as by organizations working in areas including water provision, public health and nutrition. Read full letter here

SBM Signs on to Letter Protecting and Preserving Public Access to Federal Data

SBM along with 230 organizations and 2,600 individuals has signed on to an official letter to U.S. Senate and House leadership, expressing strong opposition to federal data being selectively removed from agency websites. The letter calls out this unprecedented removal of public data and requests Congress take action to restore any data which has been removed and ensure a similar data purge does not occur again.

The letter was drafted by the Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics, and other signors include the American Psychological Association. Read full letter here   Press release

SBM Joins the The Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health in a Unified Statement on Protecting Health and Climate Amid New Threats

On January 20, 2025, President Trump took office and swiftly issued executive orders threatening progress on climate and health, including withdrawing from the Paris Agreement and World Health Organization, clearing a path to expedite oil and gas permitting, and freezing funds from the Inflation Reduction Act. Some of these changes will take effect immediately, while others may take time to unfold.

Despite these actions, the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health and the undersigned societies remain steadfast in our commitment to protecting the health of all communities and advancing just energy solutions to the climate crisis. Read full statement here

SBM Signs on to Letter Along with 70+ Groups: Trump Administration Should Expand Obesity Medication Access To make America healthier, obesity must be addressed, treated and managed effectively

Washington, DC—The Obesity Care Advocacy Network (OCAN), along with SBM and more than 70 other patient advocacy organizations across the spectrum of related obesity co-morbidities, issued a statement urging the Trump administration to finalize the proposed CMS rulemaking to align coverage policy for Medicare and Medicaid to reflect that obesity is a chronic disease. Read full letter Stakeholder Statement

SBM Signs on to Letter Opposing the Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act Within the House Farm Bill and Senate R Framework

SBM signs on along with 24 other organizations to oppose e S.1957, the Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act of 2023, which is also included within the House Farm Bill and Senate Republican Farm Bill framework. As either a standalone bill or as part of the 2024 Farm Bill, this legislation would allow school meals to offer full-fat (whole) and reduced-fat flavored and unflavored milk, and arbitrarily exempt full-fat and reduced-fat milk from current saturated fat limits in school meals, both of which are inconsistent with the recommendations of the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGAs). Read the full letter here

SBM Signs on to Letter from Research!America to Thank Senate Appropriations Leadership 

SBM signs on along with over 200 other organizations, institutions and individuals to Research!America’s letter to Senate Appropriations leadership thanking them for championing the proposed NIH increase of nearly $2 billion for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the Senate Appropriations Committee’s Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (LHHS) Appropriations bill. Read full letter here

SBM Signs on to FY25 Child Nutrition Riders

As work on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies spending bill continues, SBM along with 22 other organizations signed on to a letter in opposition to any policy riders or report language blocking implementation of stronger nutrition standards for the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). Read full letter here

SBM Endorses Resolution Highlighting Extreme Weather Risks to Children

Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan (VA-04) led 28 of her colleagues to introduce a resolution recognizing the threat of extreme weather to children’s health and well-being. The resolution expresses the sense of Congress that solutions must be rapidly and equity deployed to address the unique vulnerabilities and needs of children. The resolution also describes adaptive measures needed, such as language-accessible public alerts, education for health care professionals, educators, and childcare providers, improved air filtration systems, and expanded access to child-friendly green space and cooling centers. Read full release here

SBM Signs on to Letter Urging the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to Meet Food Service Guidelines (FSG) for Federal Facilities

SBM along with 49 other organizations signed on to a letter urging Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Becerra to issue a directive to require that all food service operations in HHS facilities – including all new and renegotiated contracts and permits – meet the standards outlined in the Food Service Guidelines (FSG) for Federal Facilities. Read full letter here.

Food is Medicine Institute Sign-on Letter for Integrating Nutrition into Health Care

SBM along with 73 other organizations which represent a wide range of types and sectors, signed on to the Food is Medicine (FIMI) FY2024 letter in support of robust funding and report language to better integrate nutrition into the health care system. Read full letter here

SBM Endorses the Comprehensive Addiction Resources Emergency (CARE) Act

SBM, along with 111 other organizations endorsed the reintroduction of the Comprehensive Addiction Resources Emergency (CARE) Act to finally begin treating substance use disorder like the critical public health emergency it is. The CARE Act is modeled directly on the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act, supporting local decision-making and federal research and programs to prevent substance use disorder while expanding access to evidence-based treatments and recovery support services. The CARE Act would provide $125 billion over ten years to fight this crisis: One Pager, Endorsing Organizations, CARE Act, Care Act Section-by-Section

SBM Endorses the The Childhood Diabetes Reduction Act

Under the Childhood Diabetes Reduction Act, the U.S. would join nations such as Canada, Chile, Ireland, Sweden, South Korea, Taiwan, Spain, Portugal and others that have seriously restricted or banned junk foods ads targeted at children. In the 1980s, Quebec banned junk food advertising to children. Today, they have the lowest childhood obesity rate in Canada and the highest consumption of fruits and vegetable of any province in their nation. Read the bill text, here.

Final Substance Use Disorder Workforce Act Letter

On behalf of the Graduate Medical Education (GME) Advocacy Coalition, SBM along with 39 other undersigned organizations offer their support for the Substance Use Disorder Workforce Act of 2024 (H.R. 7050). This thoughtful, bipartisan legislation would provide Medicare support for an additional 1,000 new graduate medical education (GME) positions over five years in hospitals that have, or are in the process of establishing, accredited residency programs in addiction medicine, addiction psychiatry, or pain medicine and their prerequisite programs. Read full letter here

SBM Signs on to the Alternatives to PAIN Act (H.R. 7142/S. 3832)

SBM signed on with 50 other organizations expressing support for the Alternatives to PAIN Act (H.R. 7142/S. 3832) which Voices for Non-Opioid Choices sent to Congressional leadership this week. Because of  this endorsement, Voices was able to make a strong and compelling case for why this legislation to expand access to non-opioids is critically important. Voices will continue to advocate for passage of the Alternatives to PAIN Act with the goal of preventing addiction before it starts and ultimately saving lives. Read the full letter here.  

NCSCP Letter to FDA Urging Finalization of Proposed Sunlamp Rules

SBM is one of  24 organizations who endorsed the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention's (NCSCP) letter to FDA thanking them for including the proposed rules entitled General and Plastic Surgery Devices: Restricted Sale, Distribution, and Use of Sunlamp Products; and the Sunlamp Products Proposed; Amendment to Performance Standard in their Spring unified agenda and urging them to stay true to the stated timeline and finalize the rules in March 2024. Read the full letter here


Sign on for FY25 Appropriations Letter to the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies

SBM signed on to a letter with 170 other members of the Friends of The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), urging the Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies to appropriate no less than $500 million in funding for the AHRQ in fiscal year 2025. This request reflects an inflation adjustment from FY10 and the demonstrated need to expand and accelerate health services research (HSR) investments to inform decision-making on the health care system as it recovers from the pandemic. Read the full letter here.


The Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to a Letter Urging USDA to Reduce High-Emission Foods in Wake of COP 28.

SBM signed on to a letter urging the USDA to reduce high-emission foods in wake of COP28. We strongly urge the USDA to integrate sustainability into the Dietary Guidelines for Americans with an emphasis on plant-forward dietary patterns. Read the full statement here.


NANA FY24 Appropriations Cheese Sodium Rider Letter

SBM has officially endorsed a letter addressed to federal lawmakers. This letter pertains to the fiscal year (FY) 2024 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies spending bill. In this correspondence, the undersigned organizations are urging lawmakers to oppose the rider (Sec. 773 in the Senate; Sec. 766 in the House) that excludes cheese from the updated sodium reduction goals for school meals. (Sec. 773 in the Senate; Sec. 766 in the House). Read the full letter here


Transparency, Readability, Understandability, Truth, and Helpfulness (TRUTH) in Labeling Act (S.3512/H.R.6766)

The bill, introduced by Senator Richard Blumenthal and Representative Jan Schakowsky, along with Senator Cory Booker, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, and Senator Ed Markey, would establish new consumer-friendly nutrition labels on the front of food packages, making it easier for consumers to select healthy foods. Read the full statement here.


TROA Stakeholder Letter

The undersigned organizations write today to raise awareness and initiate a call for action to address an urgent health epidemic: the growing number of people living with obesity who lack access to comprehensive evidence-based care. Obesity is a treatable chronic disease that plays a major factor in many other conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, fatty liver disease, kidney disease, lipid disorders, certain cancers, sleep apnea, arthritis, and mental illness. The treatment of obesity requires a comprehensive approach, which is why we are calling on Congress to support passage of S 2407/HR 4818, the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA) of 2023. Read full letter to House WM and EC   Read full letter to the Senate Finance Committee


The Society of Behavioral Medicine joins FABBS in congratulating Dr. Bertagnolli's recent confirmation to serve as the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

SBM commends Dr. Monica Bertagnolli's recent confirmation to serve as the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). We write to commend you on your outstanding scientific qualifications, express our enthusiasm for your leadership, and offer ourselves as resources as you work to advance your ambitious goals and best serve the mission of NIH. Read the full statement here.


The Society of Behavioral Medicine's Statement on the Critical Importance of Diversity in the Health Care and Behavioral Medicine Workforce

Greater inclusion of individuals from diverse backgrounds within the behavioral and biomedical health and scientific workforce improves the impact of science (1) and may help accelerate closing racial/ethnic inequities we see in chronic disease, cancer, and mental health outcomes. Further, racial concordance between patients and providers has been shown to be significantly associated with patient satisfaction with care (2). With more than half (63.9%) of the active physician workforce identifying as White (3), educational and career pipeline efforts to increase the diversity of the health care workforce are enormously important. Read the full statement here.


The Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to a Letter Urging Congress Create a Farm Bill that Prioritizes Health, Promotes Equity, and Reduces Pollution

SBM signed onto a letter with 40 other health organizations coming together to unite to deliver farm policy recommendations to congress. Those recommendations include support healthy foods, healthy people, and healthy communities; support healthy farms and a healthy planet; support a fair and just farm system and, support expanded research. Read the full letter here. 


The Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to a Letter Requesting the FDA to Finalize the Sunlamp Rule and Amendment to Performance Standard in December 2023

SBM signed on to a letter written by The National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention (National Council) requesting that the FDA finalize the the Sunlamp Rule and Amendment to Performance Standard in December 2023. The proposed rules entitled General and Plastic Surgery Devices: Restricted Sale, Distribution, and Use of Sunlamp Products; and the Sunlamp Products; Proposed Amendment to Performance Standard were published by the FDA in the Federal Register on December 22, 2015. Read the full letter here. 


The Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to a letter urging President Biden to update and implement the Food Service Guidelines for Federal Facilities

SBM signed on to a letter letter urging President Biden to issue an Executive Order to update and implement the Food Service Guidelines for Federal Facilities and establish values-aligned food purchasing standards. The Executive Order should also establish a timeline and process for developing and implementing comprehensive, values-aligned food procurement standards for federal agencies. Read the full letter here. 


The Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to a Letter Urging Congress to Support the Food Labeling Modernization Act (FLMA) 

SBM signed on to a letter urging congress to co-sponsor the Food Labeling Modernization Act (FLMA). This bill would increase transparency, encourage healthier product formulations, counter misleading food claims, and promote informed choices. We urge you to cosponsor the FLMA to align food labeling policies with advancements in nutrition science and technology. Read the full letter here. 


The Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to a Letter Requesting Congress complete work on Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations and at least $121 million be allocated to the Office of Nutrition Research

SBM signed on to a letter requesting the administration’s FY2024 Budget Request proposes dedicating $121 million to fund the Office of Nutrition Research, which was relocated in January 2021 to the NIH Office of the Director (OD) to better coordinate and lead research functions across NIH institutes and centers. Funding at this level would enable the ONR to secure the leadership, organizational structure, and resources to effectively perform its important work. Read the full letter here. 


The Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to a Letter Urging Congress to Include Funding to Support Updating and Implementing the Food Service Guidelines for Federal Facilities (FSG) in the Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) Appropriations Legislation.

SBM signed on to a letter urging congress include funding to support updating and implementing the Food Service Guidelines for Federal Facilities (FSG) in the Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) appropriations legislation. The FSG are evidence-based, currently voluntary best practices to align food service in federal facilities with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and advance food safety, facility efficiency, environmental support, and community development. Read the full letter here. 


The Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to a Letter Requesting Congress Allocate $130.42 million for FY 2024 to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO) and Active People, Healthy Nation.

SBM signed on to a letter requesting Congress provide $130.42 million in FY 2024 for CDC’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity. We urge the Committee to ensure a DNPAO increase is made in the context of an overall increase for CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP), which is critically needed to address chronic disease conditions that account for more than 90% of the nation’s $4.1 trillion in annual healthcare costs. Read the full letter here. 


The Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to a Letter Requesting Congress provide $40 million for Peer-Reviewed Melanoma Research in the Fiscal Year 2024 Defense Appropriations bill.

SBM signed on to a letter written by The National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention (National Council) respectfully requesting that the House and Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee provide $40 million for melanoma research in the Fiscal 2024 Defense Appropriations bill. Read the full letter to the Senate here. Read the full letter to the House here


The Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to a Letter Urging Congress to allocate $6.3 billion in WIC budget authority for fiscal year 2024

SBM signed on to a letter urging Congress to renew its ongoing bipartisan commitment to WIC’s role in strengthening nutrition security and improving health outcomes that lay the foundation for healthier futures for moms and young children. Read the full letter here


The Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to a Letter Urging Congress to Strengthen Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs

SBM signed on to a letter urging congress to oppose any policy riders blocking implementation of stronger nutrition standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. We strongly support the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s proposed rule to strengthen nutrition standards consistent with the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Read the full letter here. 


The Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications

SBM signs on to the C4DISC that values and seeks accessibility, diversity, and equitable and inclusive practices within the scholarly communications ecosystem. Their goal is to promote involvement, innovation, and expanded access to leadership opportunities that maximize engagement across identity groups and professional levels. See their Joint Statement of Principles here. 


The Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to Letter Urging the Departments of Health and Human Services to Publicly Disclose Financial Conflicts of Interest

SBM signs on to a letter urging the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services and Agriculture to publicly disclose financial conflicts of interest of the newly appointed 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee members. We request such disclosures to be made easily accessible to the public as soon as possible. Read the full letter here. 


The Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to Letter Encouraging Congressional leadership to include the NOPAIN Act in end-of-year legislation.

SBM signs on to letter encouraging Congressional leadership tp include the Non-Opioids Prevent Addiction in the Nation (NOPAIN) Act (S. 586/H.R. 3259) in any year-end legislative package. Read the full letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to Letter Requesting Congress allocate Funds to the Office of Nutrition Research (ONR) within the NIH.

SBM signs on to a letter requesting that as the House and Senate complete work on Fiscal Year 2023 appropriations, at least $97 million be allocated to the Office of Nutrition Research (ONR) within the NIH. Read the full letter here. 


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to Letter Urging Congress to Pass the MAT Act

SBM signs on to a letter to urge Congress to pass the MAT Act with the end-of-year omnibus to prevent overdoses, increase access to treatment, and reduce stigma. Read the full letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to Letter Urging the FDA to Finalize the Proposed Sunlamp Rules

SBM signs on to a letter urging the FDA to finalize the proposed rules entitled General and Plastic Surgery Devices: Restricted Sale, Distribution, and Use of Sunlamp Products and the Sunlamp Products; Proposed Amendment to Performance Standard published by the FDA in the Federal Register on December 22, 2015. Read the full letter here. 


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to a Letter Supporting Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Separate Payment for Non-opioid Pain Management Approaches

SBM signs on to a letter urging CMS to prevent opioid misuse among patients, they must increase access to the full suite of available pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic non-opioid modalities by providing separate payment for such approaches in both the hospital outpatient and ambulatory surgery center settings. Read the full letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Urges Biden Administration to Demand a Transformative Farm Bill

The Society of Behavioral Medicine signs on to a letter urging the Biden Administration to commit to a farm bill that build on the administration’s actions to date to reduce economic inequality, bridge the nation’s racial divides, end hunger, confront the climate crisis, improve nutrition and food safety, and protect and support farmers, workers, and communities. Read the full letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to a Letter Encouraging the Senate to Increase the Allocation for Ensuring the Scientific Integrity of the Dietary Guidelines

SBM signs on to a letter urging the Senate to increase the allocation for ensuring the scientific integrity of the Dietary Guidelines from $7,300,000 to $10,200,000, which would match the House of Representative’s FY23 Agriculture appropriations bill. Read the full letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to a Letter Recommending the Senate Pass the Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment Act 

SBM signs onto a letter to Senate leadership to pass the Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment Act to remove the buprenorphine X-waiver. The bipartisan Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment Act is a common-sense solution that cuts through federal red tape to prevent overdoses, increase access to treatment, help eliminate stigma, and reduce healthcare and criminal justice costs. Read the full letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Urges Biden Administration to Require Implementation of Food Service Guidelines for Federal Facilities

SBM signs on to a letter urging the Biden Administration, as part of the upcoming White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, to issue an executive order to implement the Food Service Guidelines for Federal Facilities and values-aligned federal food procurement standards. Read the full letter here


Society of Behavioral Medicine Recommends the FCC Remove Barriers to Utility Pole Access to Increase Internet Service

The Society of Behavioral Medicine signs on to a letter by Connect the Future Coalition (CTF) in response to the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) proposed rules to accelerate broadband deployment by streamlining access to utility poles. CTF urges the Commissioners to take the key actions to effectively address current pole access barriers. Read the full letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Leads Effort Calling for a National Syndemic Control Strategy

SBM released a letter calling on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the White House to develop a Syndemic Control Strategy that incorporates expertise in health equity, chronic disease treatment and prevention, and behavioral and social sciences, in addition to infectious diseases. Integrating solutions to synergistically address COVID-19, chronic disease, and systemic racism is essential to the current syndemic control and future pandemic preparedness.  SBM was joined in this effort by 11 other organizations. Read the full letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Urges Congress to Pass the Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment Act

SBM has signed on to a letter urging congress to pass the Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment (MAT) Act. The MAT Act would remove federal barriers to medications for opioid use disorder, increase access to lifesaving treatment for thousands of people with addiction, and reduce stigma. Read the full call to action. 


Society of Behavioral Medicine signs on to The USDA Letter Urging Flexibilities to Increase Plant-based and Plant-forward Meals in K-12.

SBM signs on to a letter requesting the USDA provide more flexibilities to increase plant-based and plant-forward meals options. Read the letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Encourages FDA to Restrict Sunlamp Use to Reduce the Incidence of Melanoma and Other Skin Cancers

SBM has joined the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention in calling on the FDA to finalize the proposed rules entitled, "General and Plastic Surgery Devices: Restricted Sale, Distribution, and Use of Sunlamp Products; and the Sunlamp Products Proposed; Amendment to Performance Standard." View the letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Encourages U.S. Senate Finance Committee to Include NOPAIN Act in Mental Health Package 

SBM has joined fellow organizations in asking the U.S. Senate Finance Committee to include the Non-Opioids Prevent Addiction in the Nation (“NOPAIN”) Act (S. 586) in the mental health legislative package currently under development. View the letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs On to the Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences' Letter Urging the Outgoing NIH Director to Nominate New NIH Director Who Values Behavioral Medicine

SBM signs on to the Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences' letter urging the outgoing NIH Director to nominate a New NIH director who is well-versed in both behavioral medicine and the social sciences. Read the full letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Endorses National WIC Association Letter's on Extending Current WIC Benefit Bump

SBM signs on to the National WIC Association's letter urging Congress to extend the current WIC benefit bump in place. Read the full letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Urges Biden Administration to Nominate New NIH Director Who Values Behavioral Medicine

SBM sent a letter to the Biden Administration urging nomination of a new National Institutes of Health (NIH) director who understands the critical importance of behavioral medicine in our nation’s efforts to improve health and healthcare. This letter was prepared with input and wording from SBM Member Matthew M. Burg, PhD. Read the full letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs On to Women’s Health Innovation Coalition's Letter Commenting on the NIH ORWH Research Efforts Related to Women's Health

SBM signs on to Women’s Health Innovation Coalition's (WHIC) letter commenting on the National Institutes of Health Office of Research Women's Health (NIH ORWH) research efforts related to rising maternal morbidity and mortality rates, increasing rates of chronic debilitating conditions in women, and stagnant gynecological cancer survival rates, prior to the October 2021 Women's Health Consensus Conference (WHCC). Read the full letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs On to Voices for Non-Opioid Choices' Letter Commenting on the Center for Medicare and Medicare Services' New Proposed Rule

SBM signs on to Voices for Non-Opioid Choices' letter commenting on the Center for Medicare and Medicare Services' (CMS) proposed rule CMS-1753-P, which shows CMS the broad support for increasing patient and provider access to non-opioid pain management approaches. Read the full letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs On to Climate Health Action's Recommendations for Congress in Response to the Climate Crisis with America's Health Organizations

SBM signs on to the Climate Health Action's Recommendations, which calls on Congress to protect and invest in health in response to the climate crisis with America's health professionals. Read the full call to action.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs On to American Heart Association's Letter in Support of the INVEST in America Act

SBM signs on to the American Heart Association's letter in support of the INVEST in America Act, which will make transportation safe and accessible for for people bicycling, walking, and taking transit. Read the full call to action.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Endorses USDA Comments on Values-driven Food Procurement in Creating Resilient Supply Chains

SBM endorses the USDA's comments on Values-driven Food Procurement in creating resilient supply chain. Read the full comments.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs On to National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity Letter on Child Nutrition Reauthorization Priorities

SBM signs on to the National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity (NANA) letter on Child Nutrition Reauthorization (CNR) priorities, which focuses on expanding access to free school meals and protecting and strengthening the nutrition standards. Read the full letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to Trust for America's Health Letter in Support of Public Health Infrastructure Saves Lives Act

SBM signs on to Trust for America’s Health letter to congressional leadership urging them to include Sen Murray’s Public Health Infrastructure Saves Lives Act (PHISLA, S. 674) in any infrastructure legislation being developed. Read the full letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Supports Sen Warren's Reintroduction of the Comprehensive CARE Act to Combat the Opioid and Substance Use Epidemic

SBM endorses Sen Warren's legislation to reintroduce the Comprehensive CARE Act to combat the opioid and substance use epidemic. Read the full call to action.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Endorses the Association of American Medical Colleges' Letter to Congress to Provide Funding for the Health Resources and Services Administration

SBM endorses the Association of American Medical College's letter urging Congress to provide $1.51 billion for the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Title VII health professions and Title VIII nursing workforce development programs for FY 2022. Read the letter here.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Calls for Change in Response to Acts of Hate against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

SBM is appalled by the escalating acts of hatred and violence toward Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. We condemn the highly publicized killings of six Asian American women in Georgia (Soon Chung Park, Hyun Jung Grant, Suncha Kim, Yong Ae Yue, Xiaojie Tan and Daoyou Feng) on March 16, the nearly 4,000 other hate-related incidents reported in the past year (an increase of 150% in major U.S. cities), and all the other actions and events that go unreported but are felt just as strongly in individual lives, families, and communities. Read the full call to action.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Comments on the National Institutes of Health's Request for Information on Biomedical Research Workforce Diversity

SBM comments on the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) Request for Information (RFI) on Biomedical Research Workforce Diversity. Read the full address.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention's Call to the FDA on Sunlamp Regulations

SBM signs on to National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention calling for the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) to finalize the proposed rules and regulations on indoor sunlamp standardsRead the full call to action.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs on to Trust for America's Health Thank You Letter

SBM signs on to Trust for America's Health Thank You Letter to U.S. Sen Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Rep Doris Matsui's (D-CA) introducing the Public Health Funding Prevents Pandemics Act. Read the full letter.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs Open Letter to President Biden Calling for Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccinations

SBM signs Open Letter to President Biden calling for equitable access to COVID-19 vaccinations. Read the full call to action.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs US Call to Action on Climate, Health, and Equity: A Policy Action Agenda

SBM signs US Call to Action on Climate, Health, and Equity: A Policy Action Agenda. Read the full call to action.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Calls for the Biden-Harris Administration to Include Experts in Behavioral Medicine to COVID-19 Advisory Board

SBM calls for the inclusion of experts in behavioral medicine to the Biden-Harris Administration's COVID-19 Advisory Board. Read the full call to action.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs Statement on Establishing a White House Office on Children and Youth and a White House Conference on Children and Youth

SBM signed on to Nemours Children's Health System's "White House Office on Children and Youth." Read the full call to action.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Endorses Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's Ensuring Nutrition for America's Students Act

SBM has endorsed U.S. Sen Kirsten Gillibrand's (D-NY) Ensuring Nutrition for America's Students Act. The legislation ensures that students who receive meals from school or childcare programs can continue receiving food assistance when those places are closed due to COVID-19.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Endorses Sen. Pat Toomey's IMPROVE Addiction Care Act

SBM has endorsed U.S. Sen Pat Toomey's (R-PA) IMPROVE Addiction Care Act. The legislation recommends treatment and tracking for Medicaid recipients who have non-fatal opioid overdoses and are therefore more likely to have fatal overdoses.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs Statement on Reversing the Changes to the CDC's COVID-19 Testing Guidelines

SBM signed on to the Trust for America's Health's "Reversing the Changes to the CDC's COVID-19 Testing Guidelines." Read the full call to action.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs Statement on Police Brutality and Racism in America

SBM signed on to the Association of American Medical College's "Statement on Police Brutality and Racism in America and Their Impact on Health." Read the full call to action.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs Telehealth Expansion Call to Action

SBM signed on to the APA Society for Health Psychology's "Support Telehealth Expansion into the Home or Workplace for Medicare and Private Pay Beneficiaries." Read the full call to action.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Calls for Social Justice and Health Equity in Response to Black Deaths and Civil Unrest

The Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) is appalled by the recently publicized deaths of Mr. George Floyd (Minneapolis, MN), Ms. Breonna Taylor (Louisville, KY) and Mr. Ahmaud Arbery (Brunswick, GA). SBM urges its membership of behavioral medicine researchers, clinicians, nurses, public health practitioners, educators, and others, along with partnering organizations and societies, to collectively lift our voices and create platforms to ensure that stories of human rights violations and social injustices are heard throughout the nation and beyond. Read the full call to action.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs Weight Bias Call to Action

SBM signed on to the Roundtable on Obesity Solutions' "Weight-Bias and Stigma of Obesity: Prevalence, Causes, Consequences and a Call to Action." SBM is a proud rountable member.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Endorses Sen. Elizabeth Warren's Research Funding Act

SBM has endorsed U.S. Sen Elizabeth Warren's (D-MA) Medical Innovation Act. The legislation would increase research funding at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by requiring large pharmaceutical companies that enter into settlements with the federal government to reinvest a small percentage of their profits in research.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Urges U.S. House to Fund Melanoma Research

SBM joined other organizations in urging the U.S. House to increase fiscal 2020 Department of Defense appropriations bill spending on the Peer Reviewed Melanoma Research Program to $20 million. Studies show melanoma is the most significant cancer risk for the active duty military population.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Endorses Sen. Elizabeth Warren's NIH Funding Act

SBM has re-endorsed U.S. Sen Elizabeth Warren's (D-MA) National Biomedical Research Act. The legislation would increase funding for targeted biomedical research initiatives through a new, reliable funding stream supporting the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The legislation stands to dramatically help NIH grant applicants and researchers.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Releases Call to Action: HEAL Initiative Support of Non-pharmacological Approaches to Pain Management

SBM joined several professional organizations and individuals in signing a letter to NIH Director Francis Collins, MD, PhD, requesting federal HEAL funding go toward nonpharmacological and lifestyle approaches to pain management. Director Collins sent a letter back responding to our request.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Urges U.S. Senate to Fund Melanoma Research

SBM joined other organizations in urging the United States Senate to accept the melanoma line item in the 2019 Defense Appropriations bill, which earmarks $10 million for melanoma research and $80 million for continued funding of the Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Releases Call to Action: Quickly and Responsibly Reunite Migrant Families

SBM urges the Trump Administration to quickly and responsibly reunite the more than 2,300 migrant children who were separated from their families as part of a U.S. immigration policy of removing children from parents among migrant, refugee, and asylum-seeking families. [Read more>>]


Society of Behavioral Medicine Releases Behavioral Science Values Statement as part of Special Coalition

SBM has been actively engaged with colleagues from like-minded behavioral science organizations these past few months in establishing a Coalition of Behavioral Science Organizations (CBSO) that aligns with our society’s mission. SBM has joined five other behavioral science organizations to advance society’s use of behavioral science knowledge and methods. In addition to SBM, the coalition includes the Association for Behavioral Analysis International, the Association for Contextual Behavior Science, the Association for Positive Behavior Support, the Evolution Institute, and the National Prevention Science Coalition. Consistent with SBM’s philosophy, the CBSO believes many of the problems our society is confronted with are seeded in human behavior. Thus, by coming together with like-minded organizations, we propose to increase the knowledge that behavioral scientists have accumulated about human behavior and the scientific methods can likely lead to advances in human well-being at a societal level. The coalition has developed a joint value statement that is directly relevant to SBM’s mission to foster nurturance and well-being in families, individuals, communities, and populations.  SBM members are encouraged to review this shared value statement and direct questions or comments to SBM’s coalition representative and Past-President Dawn K. Wilson, PhD.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Releases Statement Opposing Separation of Children and Parents at U.S. Border

SBM strongly opposes the U.S. immigration policy that involves the inhumane practice of forcibly separating children from parents among migrant, refugee, and asylum-seeking families.

In addition to releasing its own statement, SBM signed on to this opposition letter from the Children's Defense Fund.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Endorses Sen. Elizabeth Warren's NIH Funding Act

SBM has endorsed U.S. Sen Elizabeth Warren's (D-MA) National Biomedical Research Act, introduced December 7, 2017. The legislation would increase funding for targeted biomedical research initiatives through a new, reliable funding stream supporting the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This funding boost would help restore the NIH budget roughly to its 2006 levels, adjusted for biomedical inflation. The legislation stands to dramatically help NIH grant applicants and researchers.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Comments on Skin Cancer Counseling Recommendations

SBM submitted comments on the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force draft recommendations on behavioral counseling to prevent skin cancer. The task force found that clinicians should provide counseling to anyone with fair skin ages 6 months to 24 years. SBM agrees but suggests more information on types of behavioral counseling approaches would be helpful.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Comments on APA Pediatric Obesity Treatment Guidelines

SBM submitted comments on the American Psychological Association Pediatric Obesity Treatment Guidelines. The comments suggest changes to intervention tailoring and dose, among other recommendations.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Asks U.S. Congress to Support CDC Funding for Chronic Disease Prevention

SBM signed on to a letter from the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors, encouraging Congress to fund Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) evidence-based efforts to prevent and chronic diseases.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Urges U.S. Congress to Support Federal Research and Development

 SBM joined more than 200 organizations in asking Congress to support federal research and development in fiscal year budgets.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Signs Up as March for Science Partner Organization

SBM joined the March for Science as a partner organization and encouraged members to take part in this important day of advocacy.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Supports Humane Approaches to U.S. Health Care and Immigration

SBM signed on to an American Psychosomatic Society statement expressing support for sensible and humane approaches to health care, immigration, and science-based policy development in the United States. The statement further opposes President Donald Trump's executive order travel ban against specific Middle Eastern countries, saying the ban "will have a negative impact on the ability of scientists and engineers in industry and academia to enter, or leave from and return to, the United States."


Society of Behavioral Medicine Urges U.S. Congress to make NIH Funding a Priority

SBM joined other organizations in urging Congress to enact a fiscal year 2017 spending package that includes the Senate Appropriations Committee-approved $34.1 billion for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and to ensure the NIH remains a priority in fiscal year 2018 and beyond.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Advocates for the Prevention Fund

SBM signed on to a Trust for America's Health letter opposing repeal of the Prevention and Public Health Fund, which will likely be proposed in January as a part of a larger effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Repealing the fund would leave a funding gap for essential public health programs.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Calls on U.S. Congress to Fund Cures Legislation without Robbing the Prevention Fund

SBM sent letters to Congressional leaders opposing the use of Prevention and Public Health Fund dollars to pay for new 21st Century Cures legislation. While SBM supports many goals of the 21st Century Cures legislation, including providing funding for the precision medicine initiative, cancer moonshot, and Alzheimer's research, we cannot support using Prevention Fund dollars to pay for those items. The Prevention Fund plays too critical a role in preventing chronic disease for millions of Americans.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Calls on U.S. Congress, Presidential Administration to Improve Health

SBM joined more than 160 organizations in urging Congress and the incoming presidential administration to focus on improving health. SBM and the other organizations made this recommendation by signing on to the "Vision for a Healthy America" released by Trust for America's Health. As the vision states, "All Americans should have the opportunity to be as healthy as they can be. Every community should be safe from threats to its health. All individuals and families should have a high level of services that protect, promote, and preserve their health, regardless of who they are or where they live. To realize these goals, the incoming Administration and Congress should make improving health a top priority."


Society of Behavioral Medicine Comments on Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program Proposal

SBM and the Society for Health Psychology submitted official comments on the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program proposal. The comments draw attention to weight loss standards and weight loss maintenance.


Society of Behavioral Medicine Urges Federal Funding of Firearms Research

SBM signed on to the Doctors for America petition to end the ban on federal funding for firearms research. Gun violence is a serious public health epidemic.