
SBM is proud to partner with the following organizations, associations, and coalitions to improve health and healthcare. Together, we host webinars, hold educational sessions, promote events and new scientific findings, urge action by lawmakers, and collaborate on white papers, policy statements, commentaries, and more. Interested in partnering with SBM? Email


American Academy of Family Physicians

American College of Sports Medicine

American Heart Association

American Medical Informatics Association

American Psychological Association

Association of American Medical Colleges (Council of Faculty and Academic Societies)

Behavioral Medicine Research Council

Coalition for the Advancement and Application of Psychological Science

Coalition of Behavioral Science Organizations

Connect the Future

Council of Scientific Society Presidents


Gerontological Society of America

HER NOPREN COVID 19 School Nutrition Working Group

Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society

Lancet Countdown

MAT Act Campaign (part of End Substance Use Disorder)

Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health

National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity (part of the Center for Science in the Public Interest)

National Prevention Science Coalition

North American Primary Care Research Group

Prevent Cancer

Roundtable on Obesity Solutions

Science of Behavior Change

Society for Health Psychology (a Division of APA)

Society for Medical Decision Making

Voices for Non-Opioid Choices

Women's Health Innovation Coalition