Contact SBM

Contact SBM

SBM staff is available to answer questions and help with any problems you encounter. Please contact the appropriate staff person below, or direct all general questions to or (414) 918-3156.

Lindsay Bullock, CAE
Executive Director

Andrew Schmidt
Senior Program Manager

Sam Wilson
Senior Meetings Manager 

Amy Myers
Senior Communications & Membership Manager

Eli Gonzalez-Rehorst, MS
Development Manager

Emily Takerian
Communications Manager

Fiona Cismesia
Meetings Manager

Olivia Flood
Administrative Coordinator

And, you can reach us on social media:

@BehavioralMed is the main Twitter feed for SBM. The feed promotes society-related activities, news, announcements, and deadlines, as well as exposes followers to relevant behavioral medicine news.

@SBMPresident is the Twitter feed of the SBM president. Tweets communicate timely behavioral medicine information at the discretion of the president.

SBM’s Facebook page promotes SBM announcements, deadlines, and other news. The page is also a platform for members and prospective members to obtain important information about SBM and to connect and network with each other.

SBM's LinkedIn group page is used to engage the behavioral medicine community through invigorating discussions. Join the LinkedIn group to participate!