Resources for Practitioners


Resources and Tools

Wellbeing for Healthcare Providers & Psychologists






Crushing coronavirus means ‘breaking the habits of a lifetime.’ Behavior scientists have some tips

Government and industry leaders are turning to behavioral scientists for advice on how to persuade their citizens and workers to abide by such dramatic changes

Predicting Social Distancing Intention and Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Integrated Social Cognition Model

The current study applied an integrated social cognition model to identify the determinants of social distancing behavior, and the processes involved, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

How do we get people to think beyond their own personal risk? Use psychology.

In this age of uncertainty, we don’t need to feel powerless: psychology has the tools to empower individuals and society to adhere to public health policy and healthy behaviors despite the clear challenges.

People are still engaging in risky behavior, despite rising COVID-19 cases. Psychologists explain why

People are fatigued after many months of not being able to socialize, leading them to more easily disregard the rising number of COVID-19 cases during their decision-making processes.

COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs, health behaviors, and policy support

Doctor(s) may play a role in addressing COVID-19 conspiracy theories before people are exposed to them to promote COVID-19 prevention efforts.

Empirical Support for Psychological Providers: Lancet Article on the psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it

In situations where quarantine is deemed necessary, officials should quarantine individuals for no longer than required, provide clear rationale for quarantine and information about protocols, and ensure sufficient supplies are provided.


Nutrition and Physical Activity


Staying physically active during the COVID-19 quarantine: exploring the feasibility of live, online, group training sessions among older adults

The purposes of this study were to (a) design an online PA protocol and (b) explore its feasibility among older adults during a quarantine.

Targeting sedentary behavior as a feasible health strategy during COVID-19

Targeting sedentary behavior is a simple strategy that may help counter physical and mental health concerns associated with COVID-19-related social restrictions.

Determinants of physical activity maintenance during the Covid-19 pandemic: a focus on fitness apps

This study aims to investigate changes in U.S. residents’ PA during (vs. before) the Covid-19 pandemic and predictors of changes, with a focus on PA smartphone applications (apps) and their features (i.e., motivational, educational, or gamification related).

Weight Stigma as a Predictor of Distress and Maladaptive Eating Behaviors During COVID-19: Longitudinal Findings From the EAT Study

We examined longitudinal associations between prepandemic experiences of weight stigma and eating behaviors, psychological distress, and physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic in a diverse sample of emerging adults.




Opioid guidelines during COVID19 outbreak

Learn how medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is used to treat substance use disorders as well as sustain recovery and prevent overdose.

Handbook for behavioral health during disasters

This handbook offers guidance in creating a disaster preparedness and recovery plan for programs that provide treatment for mental illness and substance use disorders.

COVID-19 Pandemic-Related Practices and Policies Affecting the Continuity of Behavioral Health Care Among Children With Diabetes

The purpose of this paper is to describe COVID-19 pandemic-related practices and policies affecting the continuity of behavioral health care among children with diabetes.


Healthcare Workers


When You Feel Under Threat for Speaking Out or Protecting Yourself During the COVID-19 Pandemic: What U.S.Health Care Workers Need to Know

While legal and regulatory conditions vary by state and country, the following document outlines procedures U.S. health workers seeking to express safety concerns might follow.

Risk and resilience of well-being in caregivers of young children in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Our primary outcome was caregivers’ self-reported changes in mental health symptoms since the outbreak.


Military and Veterans Health


Coping with Social Isolation & Loneliness During COVID-19: Strategies from Two Military & Veteran Health Researchers

Drs. Sara Kinztle and Alan Teo provide insight into their research on social connection and social isolation, as well as coping strategies used in practice among Veterans, active military and their families.


Telehealth for Psychologists & Behavioral Health Providers


Guidelines for the Practice of Telepsychology

These guidelines are designed to address the developing area of psychological service provision commonly known as telepsychology.

Medicare Telemedicine Health Care Provider Fact Sheet

Facts and information about Medicare Telemedicine Services.

Unintended Consequences of Tele Health and their Possible Solutions

An outline was created collecting all possible ill effects classified into Clinical considerations, Administrative concerns including interpersonal relations, Technical issues, Legal / Ethical concerns and Miscellaneous.

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): telemedicine and remote care delivery in a time of medical crisis, implementation, and challenges

Telemedicine can connect patients and providers during this time of crisis and hopefully will serve as a model for continued use after the pandemic has abated.

What the COVID-19 telehealth waiver means for psychology practitioners

Emergency legislation and guidelines are temporarily expanding psychologists’ ability to provide telehealth services to Medicare patients so they can receive treatment at home during the public health emergency.




COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake Behavioral Science Task Force: Final Report

This report, which was developed by a high-level team of behavioral medicine experts, lays out actionable steps on how we can increase vaccine uptake in long-term care facilities.

Meeting the Challenge of Vaccination Hesitancy

This report lays out actionable steps that leaders across healthcare, research, philanthropy and technology can take to build confidence in vaccines and vaccinations.

Increasing Vaccination: Putting Psychological Science Into Action

Psychology offers three general propositions for understanding and intervening to increase uptake where vaccines are available and affordable.

Op-Ed: A COVID-19 vaccine is one thing. Getting Americans to take it is another

If getting Americans to wear a mask is hard, getting them to take a COVID-19 vaccine is likely to be even harder.

To Convince Vaccine Skeptics, Use Empathy, Information and a Re-Start, Experts Say

With multiple COVID-19 vaccines on the way in the United States, public health officials now face the daunting challenge of convincing skeptics to actually get the vaccine.

COVID-19 Vaccination Communication: Applying Behavioral and Social Science to Address Vaccine Hesitancy and Foster Vaccine Confidence

This report, which was developed in consultation with leading experts in social and behavioral sciences and public health, outlines evidence-informed communication strategies in support of national COVID-19 vaccine distribution efforts across federal agencies and their state and local partners.

Communicating about the COVID-19 vaccines: Guidance and sample messages for public health practitioners

Quick tips for communicating effectively about the COVID-19 vaccines, or vaccines in general, and bringing equity forward in your communication.

Who will be the vaccine influencers for COVID-19?

A vaccine will be an essential component to fully reopening schools and businesses and getting back to the activities that we love, so we must develop ways to improve uptake now, before the vaccine is available.



Resources and Tools

Helpful Resources For Primary Care Teams

SBM's Integrated Primary Care Special Interest Group (SIG) established a guide for Primary Care Teams to combat vaccine misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. These tools include patient handouts, explanations of evidence, and other helpful resources to improve vaccine uptake.

The Coronavirus Response campaign

In response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the Ad Council - in partnership with the federal government, public health partners, board member companies, major media networks and digital platforms – has launched a series of national PSAs and multi-channel content to provide critical and urgent messages to the American public about Coronavirus.

APA COVID-19 Information and Resources

Articles and resources continually updated by APA for psychologists, health-care workers and the public.

Covid-19 Testing Communications Toolkit

The COVID-19 Testing Communications Toolkit is a free, public resource for anyone looking to communicate the importance of COVID-19 testing to communities across America.

Psychological First Aid Resources

Information on psychological first aid from governmental and private sources.

Telepsychology Best Practice 101 Series

The Telepsychology Best Practices 101 training series is an introduction to the ins and outs of real-world telepsychology.



Wellbeing for Healthcare Providers & Psychologists


A stress, meditation, relaxation & sleep app is free with NPI provider number

10 Percent Happier

is a stress/meditation/sleep app that is free to all healthcare providers with code HEALTHCARE (*APA does not endorse this application; this is intended to provide information about one of many evidence-based tools for provider wellbeing).