Celebrate Your Mentor!

Just as there is no one right way to mentor, there is no one right way to show gratitude. But it is so important to take the time to recognize those who have inspired and believed in us, and to thank them for their support. Add a tribute to our Mentor Appreciation Wall and give back to the mentor in your life with a gift in their honor to SBM’s Giving Campaign. Let’s keep mentorship thriving in behavioral medicine!

Mentor Appreciation Wall


Share your mentor story on our Mentor Appreciation Wall with a photo, video, recording, or a simple message expressing gratitude for the mentor in your life!


Pay it Forward with a Gift in Honor


When saying "thank you" doesn't feel like enough to celebrate the tremendous impact that your mentor has had in your life, we invite you to make a donation in honor or memory to one of SBM's Giving Campaign funds that supports crucial training and mentorship programs for professionals at all career stages.

SBM Mentor Stories

SBM President, Dr. Ellen Beckjord's Mentor Story


SBM Mentor Stories

"I fondly remember meeting Dr. Kristin Schneider during my first in-person SBM meeting in Baltimore in 2022. I was presenting my poster on the impact of greenspace interventions on cardiovascular disease and cancer-related outcomes, which was recognized with both the SBM Citation and Meritorious Awards. During my presentation, Dr. Schneider congratulated me and invited me to apply to the SBM Organizational Partnerships Committee (OPC) to help recruit partners focused on climate change and health. Her trust in my enthusiasm and abilities was a pivotal moment in my career. Since then, I have been actively involved in the SBM Climate and Health SIG leadership and look forward to continuing my service to SBM."

Jean Bikomeye, PhD, MPH, SBM Student Member, Medical College of Wisconsin

"Dr. Monica Baskin consistently encourages me; offers her wisdom; and serves as a resource. In 2018, Monica recommended me to lead the development and implementation of The Monica Baskin Diversity Institute for Emerging Leaders. I was hesitant, but she assured me, and I planned for the Institute to launch during the 2020 SBM Meeting. The COVID-19 pandemic led to the cancellation of the 2020 SBM Meeting. However, Monica led SBM- modelling calm under pressure - and I followed her lead, and we launched a virtual Institute during the 2021 SBM meeting. Monica’s guidance enabled me to lead this effort, develop new skills, and gain confidence in my strengths which has greatly served me."

Courtney Bonner, PhD, SBM Member Delegate, RTI International

"I have done the Early Career Researcher mentoring program through SBM twice now! Last year I was partnered with Dr. Rick Moser from NCI and having the opportunity to meet with him regularly definitely would not have happened outside of the program and really helped structure my pivot into cancer research. The first year I did it, Dr. Yue Liao was the mentor with 3 other students in my group and it was great to have peer-mentorship outside of my program/lab and hear about their experiences as PhD students and be able to provide my experience with ecological momentary assessment."

Shirlene Wang, PhD, SBM Student Member, Northwestern University

"Dr. Brian Oldenburg of Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, Australia has been a big support to me and my work in the area of chronic disease prevention, & health disparities. Dr. Oldenburg has graciously extended his support to create research collaborations for me at the international level. All this started early in 2024, when I wrote a proposal with the common interest to work in India. This was followed by our in-person meeting for the first time at the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) Annual Meeting in Philadelphia."

Biswadeep Dhar, PhD, MEd, SBM T1 Member, University of Maryland Eastern Shore