SBM Board of Directors 2025 Election
This year’s Leadership Identification and Inclusion Committee invites you to review the candidates listed below, then cast your vote for the people you believe will best serve you and the society. The voting form closes March 29 at 1 p.m. PT.
You may review candidates’ qualifications by reading their biographical information and personal statements, and by watching their short videos. Serving on the SBM Board requires a commitment of time, talent, energy, and creativity to advance the society’s goals and mission.
The Board of Directors also invites you to cast your vote on 2 proposed bylaws amendments.
Voter Eligibility
You are eligible to vote if you are a full, fellow, emeritus, fellow emeritus, or transitional SBM member, and you have paid 2025 membership dues.
Want to join SBM, renew, or change your membership type? Visit If you are unsure of your eligibility to vote, contact the national office at (414) 918-3156.
Open Board Positions
- Serves a one-year term beginning in March 2025, ascends to president for one year, and then serves as past-president the following year.
- Serves as chairperson at any meeting, other than the annual meeting, in the absence of the president.
- Performs the duties of the president in case of absence, disability, or resignation.
- Makes council and committee chair appointments, subject to Board confirmation.
- Works closely with the president on all executive matters
- As president, attends and schedules meetings of the Board, the annual meeting of the society, and any special meetings that may be called; prepares the agendas for the meetings; is responsible in all matters, stated or implied, that are related to welfare, stature, and proper operation of the society; and performs other duties as necessarily incident to the office of president or as may be prescribed by the Board.
- As president, ensures the Board stays focused on forward thinking, setting long-term goals, monitoring achievement of those goals, and adhering to SBM values.
- As immediate past-president, presides at the annual Board meeting in the absence of the president, and at all meetings in the absence of both the president and the president-elect.
Member Delegate
- Serves a three-year term beginning in March 2025
- Represents the broad-based interests of the membership
- Serves on the Executive Committee as a voting member
Amendment to the bylaws of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Inc.
Instructions: Please cast your vote for or against the following proposed amendments to the corporation’s bylaws. The amendments are proposed by the SBM Board of Directors and are summarized below via a side-by-side comparison.
- Amendment 1 would allow Affiliate Member representatives to hold SBM Board positions and vote in SBM elections. This would keep Full Members and others who moved to Affiliate Member status from losing the member benefits of Board service and voting. Amendment 1 would also expressly allow the SBM Executive Committee, rather than the full Board of Directors, to approve Affiliate Members. The Executive Committee is comprised of the elected members of the Board and meets more often than the full Board, so this change would maintain high-level approval while allowing for efficiency and expediency.
- Amendment 2 would expressly allow the SBM Executive Committee, rather than the full Board of Directors, to approve the following other routine items: Fellows, council members, and committee members. The Executive Committee is comprised of the elected members of the Board and meets more often than the full Board, so this change would maintain high-level approval while allowing for efficiency and expediency.
Eligible voting members are those who have paid 2025 dues in one of the following member categories: full member, fellow, fellow emeritus, emeritus, or transitional.
Current Bylaws |
Bylaws as Proposed to be Amended |
Amendment 1 |
Article IV: Section 1: Sub (f):
Affiliate Member status is conferred on non-individuals (e.g., organizations, corporations, educational institutions). Membership in this category is determined by majority vote of the Board of Directors. Representatives of entities within this category are not entitled to vote or to hold office. While Affiliate Members are considered valuable supporters of the society and its functions, membership does not imply endorsement by the society of any products or activities.
Article IV: Section 1: Sub (f):
Affiliate Member status is conferred on non-individuals (e.g., organizations, corporations, educational institutions). Membership in this category is subject to approval by the Executive Committee. Representatives of entities within this category retain all privileges and benefits of Full Membership. While Affiliate Members are considered valuable supporters of the society and its functions, membership does not imply endorsement by the society of any products or activities.
Amendment 2 |
Article IV: Section 1: Sub (e):
Fellow status is a distinction conferred by the Society on full members in recognition of outstanding contributions to the advancement of the science and practice of behavioral medicine. Among the considerations for this distinction are academic, professional, clinical, legislative, or other meritorious accomplishments. Consideration for the status of Fellow is at the initiative of the Awards Committee subject to approval by the Board of Directors. Fellows retain all privileges and benefits of Full Membership.
Article IV: Section 1: Sub (e):
Fellow status is a distinction conferred by the Society on full members in recognition of outstanding contributions to the advancement of the science and practice of behavioral medicine. Among the considerations for this distinction are academic, professional, clinical, legislative, or other meritorious accomplishments. Consideration for the status of Fellow is at the initiative of the Awards Committee subject to approval by the Executive Committee. Fellows retain all privileges and benefits of Full Membership.
Article VII: Section 5:
Section 5. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee may act in place and stead of the Board of Directors between Board meetings on all matters, except those specifically reserved to the Board by these Bylaws, pursuant to delegation of authority to such Executive Committee by the Board of Directors. Actions of the Executive Committee shall be reported to the Board. The Executive Committee shall consist of the following voting members of the Board of Directors: President, President-Elect, Immediate Past-President, Secretary-Treasurer and member delegates. The President shall call such meetings of the Executive Committee as the business of the Society may require, or a meeting shall be called by the President at the request of two (2) members of the Executive Committee.
Article VII: Section 5:
Section 5. Executive Committee: In addition to having such authority as given to it in these Bylaws and as may be delegated to it by the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee may act in place and stead of the Board of Directors between Board meetings on all matters, except those specifically reserved to the Board by these Bylaws, pursuant to delegation of authority to such Executive Committee by the Board of Directors. Actions of the Executive Committee shall be reported to the Board. The Executive Committee shall consist of the following voting members of the Board of Directors: President, President-Elect, Immediate Past-President, Secretary-Treasurer and the three elected Member Delegates serving on the Board. The President shall call such meetings of the Executive Committee as the business of the Society may require, or a meeting shall be called by the President at the request of two (2) members of the Executive Committee.
Article VIII: Introduction: Councils:
The Board of Directors will set policies for creating and dissolving councils, to function on behalf of the Board with respect to matters of interest to the Society. Councils constituted by any other means shall not be recognized as representing the Society. Each council will have no fewer than five members. One member will be appointed Chairperson by the President-Elect and approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The President-Elect shall maintain balanced professional representation of the Board by appointing council chairs representing diverse disciplines in the behavioral and biomedical fields. All Council chairs and council members must be members of the Society in good standing. The council chair will be responsible to appoint members to their council with final approval by the Board. The council chair and council members will serve a three-year term.
Article VIII: Introduction: Councils
The Board of Directors will set policies for creating and dissolving councils, to function on behalf of the Board with respect to matters of interest to the Society. Councils constituted by any other means shall not be recognized as representing the Society. Each council will have no fewer than five members. One member will be appointed Chairperson by the President-Elect and approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The President-Elect shall maintain balanced professional representation of the Board by appointing council chairs representing diverse disciplines in the behavioral and biomedical fields. All Council chairs and council members must be members of the Society in good standing. The council chair will be responsible to appoint members to their council with final approval by the Executive Committee. The council chair and council members will serve a three-year term.
Article IX: Introduction: Committees:
The Board of Directors may from time to time establish or dissolve committees, to function on behalf of the Board with respect to matters of interest to the Society. One member will be appointed Chairperson by the President-Elect and approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The President-Elect shall maintain balanced professional representation of the Board by appointing committee chairs representing diverse disciplines in the behavioral and biomedical fields. All committee chairs and committee members must be members of the Society in good standing. The committee chair will be responsible to appoint members to their committee with final approval by the Board. The committee chair and committee members will serve a three-year term.
Article IX: Introduction: Committees:
The Board of Directors may from time to time establish or dissolve committees, to function on behalf of the Board with respect to matters of interest to the Society. One member will be appointed Chairperson by the President-Elect and approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The President-Elect shall maintain balanced professional representation of the Board by appointing committee chairs representing diverse disciplines in the behavioral and biomedical fields. All committee chairs and committee members must be members of the Society in good standing. The committee chair will be responsible to appoint members to their committee with final approval by the Executive Committee. The committee chair and committee members will serve a three-year term.
Article IX: Section 1: (a)
Leadership Identification and Inclusion Committee: The Leadership Identification and Inclusion committee shall solicit and review candidate nominations for elections of Society Board of Directors’ officers, in accordance with SBM’s Bylaws and Policies. This committee shall ensure the Society has a full slate of candidates for elections, while considering the diversity of the Society’s membership. The Immediate Past-President with the approval of the Board shall appoint a Leadership Identification and Inclusion Committee which reflects the multidisciplinary composition of the voting membership. The committee shall consist of seven (7) voting Members. The chair for this committee should be the Immediate Past President. In the event the Immediate Past President is not available, the President shall appoint another officer to serve as chair.
Article IX: Section 1: (a)
Leadership Identification and Inclusion Committee: The Leadership Identification and Inclusion committee shall solicit and review candidate nominations for elections of Society Board of Directors’ officers, in accordance with SBM’s Bylaws and Policies. This committee shall ensure the Society has a full slate of candidates for elections, while considering the diversity of the Society’s membership. The Immediate Past-President with the approval of the Executive Committee shall appoint a Leadership Identification and Inclusion Committee which reflects the multidisciplinary composition of the voting membership. The committee shall consist of seven (7) voting Members. The chair for this committee should be the Immediate Past President. In the event the Immediate Past President is not available, the President shall appoint another officer to serve as chair.
Note: Per New York state statutes, online voting is a proxy vote option for SBM members who may be unable to attend the business meeting on the final day of the SBM Annual Meeting. The business meeting will take place Saturday, March 29, 2025, at 12 p.m. PT at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square. |
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